I promised Markku an update on Neuromonics several months back so here it is.
My experience with Neuromonics
My hearing loss and tinnitus were a result of noise exposure due to my former employment. I was able to get the Neuromonics treatment because of a workers comp award. I was just about at the end of my rope at the time so I paid out of pocket (about $5000) and hoped that I would get reimbursed for the costs of the treatment. I was eventually reimbursed so the treatment cost me nothing. I am often asked "did it work?, was it worth it?, would you do it again"? Here is my reply.
Jan 2010
I started with the Neuromonics treatment. Used it daily, sometimes several times a day for many hours. Wore it everywhere, driving, sitting reading, doctors office, watching tv, exercising, etc. etc. etc. Went in for monthly evaluations and counseling.
Aug. 2010
I have been using the Neuromonics device for about 6 months now. I recently went to my audiologist for a recheck. My T levels were significantly down across the spectrum. I was retested for frequency, volume and perception. The volume was down by about 30%. The frequency has changed a little to a more comfortable "hiss". The big change was in my "perceived" level of impairment. I went from about 90% to about 20-30%. This is measured by a questionnaire filled out by the patient. It is a measure of the patients "perceived" level of discomfort in response to about 20 questions. I have had many ups and downs in the level of discomfort but there is a general downward trend over time. So...does Neuromonics work? I'm not sure. Maybe my T would have decreased had I done nothing. I have tried everything that seemed reasonable to me in search of relief so it's hard to say what worked and didn't work. In my opinion, yes (see my update below) it has helped me significantly and it is a reasonable tool in the arsenal against T. I am wearing it as I type this entry.
Jan. 2012
I quit using the Neuromonics device around January 2011. I used it for about a year. I was quite desperate for some relief when I started using it. I think I now have a little distance and more objectivity regarding it's effectiveness. A year ago I would have said that I thought it worked for me. Now I think I could have achieved the same results without it. Although it did provide some hope and temporary relief via masking and counseling, I could have gotten the same effect from a couple of simple masking tracks on my iPod and some counseling from a knowledgeable person and time. The audiologist who administered the treatment was helpful with his reassurance and coaching. The whole neuromonics tracking system gives the appearance of some real sciency stuff going on. Lots of graphs and charts and comparisons with other patients. For most of us tinnitus goes up and down and the Neuromnics system has a way of convincing you that those fluctuations are a result of the treatment and they should have a downward trend over time. I did have improvement over time and have had continued improvement after I quit using it. I attribute those improvements to several other things. Bottom line is I don't think it worked for me in the way their marketing would suggest.