There Is Hope in God

Joe P. Tamborra

Nov 20, 2014
Tinnitus Since
April 2012
Cause of Tinnitus
Acoustic neuroma tumor
Hello all, Just spent a little time in prayer, and lifted up an intercessory prayer for all afflicted with tinnitus.
Since my surgery to remove an acoustic neuroma tumor, tinnitus is still an ongoing challenge. I find work, hot showers, walks by a busy road,good conversation, and entertainment to be helps in coping with ongoing tinnitus. I still pray often for the Lord to cure me of this affliction. I have found that through the challenge tinnitus presents, one positive effect is it has helped to make me a better man. I can now empathize in a greater capacity than before with those who are afflicted with various disorders. I have found that I am more steadfast in living a life that pleases God. I sure hope that I soon learn what God is trying to teach me through this, so I can experience His miraculous deliverance. I know God created my ears, and in spite of the damage done by the tumor and the surgical intervention, He is still able to fix my broken ear to the glory of God. He that endures until the end will be saved (Matt. 24:13)
God bless you
But my god seems a vengeful god the same God who destroyed Egypt first born the God who let 6 million of his own be destroyed in nazi war camps . I'm sorry but my faith is as weak as idts ever been I feel no love from him only fury and anger for my sins of the past
Hello all, Just spent a little time in prayer, and lifted up an intercessory prayer for all afflicted with tinnitus.
Since my surgery to remove an acoustic neuroma tumor, tinnitus is still an ongoing challenge. I find work, hot showers, walks by a busy road,good conversation, and entertainment to be helps in coping with ongoing tinnitus. I still pray often for the Lord to cure me of this affliction. I have found that through the challenge tinnitus presents, one positive effect is it has helped to make me a better man. I can now empathize in a greater capacity than before with those who are afflicted with various disorders. I have found that I am more steadfast in living a life that pleases God. I sure hope that I soon learn what God is trying to teach me through this, so I can experience His miraculous deliverance. I know God created my ears, and in spite of the damage done by the tumor and the surgical intervention, He is still able to fix my broken ear to the glory of God. He that endures until the end will be saved (Matt. 24:13)

Joe, you're better off asking this question to a trusted church member or someone on the site that you know is a believer.

Remember that this is a site where not everyone is a believer and many will give you an answer that doesn't line up with your personal beliefs and in fact, will be hostile to your beliefs.
I sure hope that I soon learn what God is trying to teach me through this,

Why, as human beings, do we blame God for this and all other atrocities in the world?

I will say one thing, if a God exists, he or it, does not care too much of what we do here on earth.

: Be headings
: Mass Genocide
: Innocents Raped and Murdered
: Children Raped, Murdered and enslaved
: etc, etc, etc.... For the last 5,000 years!

If this is some kind of a test then I don't approve of his or it's sense of humor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'll say this, I'm no atheist, but if your God exists, I will be asking some serious questions of him when I die!
John I understand that faith is challenging to keep at times, however persistant faith can move mountains.
Please don't quit on a God who loves you so much, He was willing to die on an old rugged cross. For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, works for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory. (2 Cor.4:17)
Rich,these things you speak of are all a result of man living with a sinful nature. Because
aside from an ongoing relationship with God we are all prone to live a life of great error
and depravity. Sometimes God allows people to go through great hardships, however, He does promise His followers a bright future. So whether in this life or in eternity, one day tinnitus will be a distant memory to the people of God.
John I understand that faith is challenging to keep at times, however persistant faith can move mountains.
Please don't quit on a God who loves you so much, He was willing to die on an old rugged cross. For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, works for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory. (2 Cor.4:17)

Didn't Jesus die on a cross and not God o_O
Matt, I am just trying to console suffering people with the same consolation I receive from a great Savior.
Tinnitus in many cases is medically incurable, but nothing is impossible with God, all things are possible to
him that believes.
Rico, Jesus is God in the flesh. (John 1 : 1,14) In the beginning was the word, and the word was with God,
and the word was God. And the word became flesh and dwelt among us.
Let's not turn this into God bashing thread. Faith is a highly personal thing. Some think sufferings on this life mean there is no God or that God has no mercy, that He has to intervene in every situation where sufferings exist. It didn't happen during Bible's time. Why should it happen now? Even Job, the apostles and Christ's believers suffered persecution, some got beheaded, stoned or burned.

If there is one way to look at it, I guess God gives people free agency to act. As such some bad people will act in ways to hurt others. So this this life will be filled with what seems to be injustice and a God not willing to intervene. That sense of frustration is understandable. What if that free agency is taken out from humans? That every one is obliged to act as instructed by God or else a lightning will hit... I don't know if this will ever come to that. Do we like it that way? What if we have a father who monitors our every act to be absolutely in line with his instructions or else... Not a good analogy but in some way it is similar. With our free agency to act out our free will, sometimes, bad things do happen. If you take this earthy existence as the only thing we've got, then ya, there seem injustice & tragedy everywhere. Not a pretty sight.

Every one is entitled to their personal belief or disbelief of God. I personally don't believe God has promised us everything going to be a smooth sailing in this life, nor I believe this life is the final answer. There may be a lot more beyond and that this is only a very brief stop in our eternal destiny. I feel a glimpse of such reality when I watch those youtube videos of people telling their stories about near-death experiences. Incidentally I personally have talked to a few individuals I know who have returned from ND experience. One common theme they report is that the realm beyond is one of perfect love, warmth, acceptance and light. Even rugged men, atheists, doctors & children coming back telling others they felt overwhelming love on the other side that they really didn't want to return to this life, and that they no longer fear death. Watch this lady doctor who has been on CNN & Opra about her experience. Her description of the deep love she felt on the other side is consistent with what other others with NDE. What is incredible about her case is that while she was told her time is not up, her eldest son would die later (and he did). Life is full of mystery, even the realm beyond if you believe in one. The other video is from a atheist doctor with NDE from communist Russia. He woke up at the autosy table, LOL. So this experience of NDE is reported from people with different religious background. Not saying what they say is real truth, but it is people's real life story.

Billie. thanks for the post. I guess some have trouble believing in the unseen God. But one day we will
all see him. On that day I personally want to be His friend, not another enemy.
Let's not turn this into God bashing thread.

Why even bring God into it?

Some think sufferings on this life mean there is no God or that God has no mercy, that He has to intervene in every situation where sufferings exist. It didn't happen during Bible's time. Why should it happen now? Even Job, the apostles and Christ's believers suffered persecution, some got beheaded, stoned or burned.

Hence my quote from above!

Why, as human beings, do we blame God for this and all other atrocities in the world?

I will say one thing, if a God exists, he or it, does not care too much of what we do here on earth.

Every one is entitled to their personal belief or disbelief of God.

Agree, but preaching on this thread should be abstained from!

Every one is entitled to their personal belief or disbelief of God. I personally don't believe God has promised us everything going to be a smooth sailing in this life, nor I believe this life is the final answer. There may be a lot more beyond and that this is only a very brief stop in our eternal destiny. I feel a glimpse of such reality when I watch those youtube videos of people telling their stories about near-death experiences. Incidentally I personally have talked to a few individuals I know who have returned from ND experience. One common theme they report is that the realm beyond is one of perfect love, warmth, acceptance and light. Even rugged men, atheists, doctors & children coming back telling others they felt overwhelming love on the other side that they really didn't want to return to this life, and that they no longer fear death.

This and many other unanswered mysteries on this earth is part of the very reason I'm not an atheist but I get annoyed when people blame a God for their affliction or call bad things happening God's will.
I'll say it again I really don't think a God cares too much about what happens on this earth!

Imagine if you will, getting your head removed,(hacked) from your neck with a small knife or imagine watching a line of flame come ever closer to you after you have been dosed in petrol and your locked in a cage where you can't even run away to save your life, then tell me with a straight face that there's a loving God up there who loves us so much that he sacrificed his son for us!

And this happens every minute of everyday somewhere in the world and more..........
Honestly how one can put their faith in a book that has been rewritten and re interpreted countless times, the church even thought it was it's position and God given right to pick and choose what books and scrolls would be included in it, so really all you have is a man written and interpreted part of a book that's missing probably half it's contents again.
How can people put their faith into that without question?

Theirs nothing wrong with faith, but blind faith?
Rich, faith produces results. If we believe with all our hearts and obey God, He in turn blesses our lives.
As a fellow tinnitus sufferer faith is the only thing I know of that can cure tinnitus. So I choose to believe
that God is bigger than impossible situations. Rich God cares about what His people go through. He will not allow you to be tested beyond that which you are able to bear, but with the trial will also make a way of escape, that you may be able to bear it. (1 Cor. 10:13) This is a promise to the people of God.
Thanks billy 48 that was a post from a sad lonely soul who's had a terrible year lost my dad to cancer 55 year old . Had a friend blown up in Afghanistan and I'm complaining about bloody tinnitus . But as you know it's hard to deal with at first cant sleep can't function and gods getting the blame . Reading success stories like the one you've posted gives me hope but God am I struggling xxxxx
Tinnitus in many cases is medically incurable, but nothing is impossible with God, all things are possible to him that believes.
If you really mean what you have written, I cannot help but wonder why you decided to have a medical intervention. If you truly believe that "God" has the power to make all things possible, then why go down the medical route in the first place? The fact that you did implies that either:

1) God is not all powerful, or
2) you do not really believe (as you - apparently - say you do).

(Or so it seems to me...).

Granted, "logic" and "God" is probably best described as "oil and water"...
Didn't Jesus die on a cross and not God o_O
There is no shortage of religious people on this board. While their faith in God may be strong and their ability to recite verses from the Bible may be equally strong, their knowledge of basic religion is generally... ahem... less convincing.

I believe the you "answer" you received...
Rico, Jesus is God in the flesh. (John 1 : 1,14) In the beginning was the word, and the word was with God, and the word was God. And the word became flesh and dwelt among us.
...could have been answered by referring to the Trinity, for instance. But of course, it was - objectively speaking - Jesus, the son of Virgin Mary, who was specifically crucified.

Preaching religion without knowing the history and substance of religion is like a car salesman preaching car statistics without ever having opened the bonnet.
The reason I sought medical intervention was because that was the path that the Lord led me
down. I prayed for months before my surgery for miraculous intervention. I believe that God has the power to do anything, however, He has a plan for each of our lives. If this plan is followed properly our lives can really make an impact upon others. If I never sought medical intervention, it never would have been documented I had a tumor to begin with. Also if God restores my deaf ear someday, none will be able to refute it as happenstance seeing the surgeon cut my auditory nerve to fully extract all of the tumor. Also most will have to go through their trial, not be miraculously delivered. If we all got miraculously delivered from every problem, God's children would all be spoiled brats. Furthermore I believe that God gives wisdom to the medical community to help the sick. Jesus Himself said the sick need a doctor.
I have my share of doubt about NDE too. Could that be a result of chemical process of a dying brain? Hallucinations? Gosh! I was a student of science and had enrolled in pre-medicine courses but not going through to be a MD. So I like to see some concrete evidence to prove something is for real. Even as a Christian, I have my own moments of doubt at times because we are relying on testimonies of people who wrote the books of the Bible over a thousand year ago. Faith is for things unseen, of course. But some will call this blind faith, as you also see what happen to the suicide bombers who also believe in something they think is important enough to die for.

These NDEs are kind of bridging the gap somewhat. It is almost a way of God sending these people back to tell the world, a gradually disbelieving world, that He is for real. Some of these people with NDEs are even questioning why they are picked to tell their stories. Most are not from religious leaders or fanatics. Some risk ridicule or professional standing to make public their stories. Some risk persecution or even personal safety to do so (as you see some Muslims in the mix too saying they saw a Christ figure in their NDEs). Some talk about their stories with so much emotions and tears, and a commitment to change course in their lives, that you simply know they can't fabricate their stories. True or not, these are their heart-felt experiences that they can't deny.

Some of these stories defy logics. If you watch enough of them, you can tell no single chemical agent can create the kind of factual story details. For example, kids who have no concept of Jesus yet seeing a Godly figure they say Jesus. Some children came back telling their parents they met relatives who have long died before the child was even born and the parents know for sure the child would have no way of knowing such relative even existed unless he/she really has met the relative on the other side. Another very common phenomenon is that the 'dead' persons coming back reporting what they saw or heard in the room where the body is or things that happen in other areas, that is later proven true. No way a dying person's brain can fabricate hallucinations via a chemical process in such great detail and which coincide with what happen actually. For example, the lady doctor was told while on the other side that her time wasn't up, but her oldest son out of her children would be called home as a teenager. She came back to tell her husband about what was going to happen to the son. They choose not to tell the son to cause him to panic. Surely in a short time, he died of a traffic accident while on a camping trip with friends. This kind of things can't be explained by a simple assumption of a chemical agent. So there is much mystery to be explained with NDE. I am not trying to convince any one to believe in NDE. I am watching this phenomenon as a student of science as well as a believer too.

Watch this video of this little girl and make your conclusion. She is only one among many children who report NDE. And the other video is from Elizabeth Taylor, a well known movie celebrity of Hollywood and she confirms of the love, warmth and light on the other side.

So whether in this life or in eternity, one day tinnitus will be a distant memory to the people of God.
Not even a memory you mean!!! We wont remember this awful T in heaven. Praise God that we have this hope! We are here only for a short time but eternity is forever...
°NDE is your brain being flooded with Dimethyltryptamine or DMT.
No God needed.
I've done my fair share of DMT, and if anything it's made me more open to the possibility of an unseen order to the universe than I was before...

I don't think you can really apply reductionist arguments to DMT; the hyperverse sings always with machinery eternal, and we just have our own small slice to try to gauge perspective from...
The presence or otherwise of an apparent unseen order to the universe (nice line actually, Linearb, I see it too sometimes) does not validate the existence of any one god or other, or any particular religious creed. It only reminds us how little we really know.

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