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  • Hey! Have you ever noticed that your kids screaming has made things worse?
    Yes my baby's loud cry/scream might have caused my recent new sound distortion. But it might have also been a recent injection to my jaw joint or else recent exposure to my partner having covid (some sort of immune response that caused hearing damage???)
    I'm planning to work more on my jaw and neck problems over the next couple of months to see if helps my ear.
    Also have a feeling of pressure in my right ear and when I burp/hiccup there is an uncomfortable pushing sensation of air trapped inside it.
    Parts of speech and digital audio still sound like static buzz to me... literally feel like a robot head now.
    Over last 3 days I experience a new sound distortion. A static hiss over parts of speech and digital audio. Is this sudden hearing loss?
    Sounds like reactive t to me.
    It's actually not *over* the external sounds. The external sounds are perceived as a static. I think it's a sound distortion. I did a hearing test and I have lost about 10-20db hearing in my right ear in higher frequencies... but doctors will not prescribe steroids because apparently the loss is not significant enough to be sudden hearing loss or deafness.
    I agree that it's a sound distortion, as an external sound being perceived inaccurately is considered distortion.
    Hey, I see that you had burning pain last year - do you know what helped to ease that? Thank you
    Thanks :) glad you are feeling better!
    @Zigs Still having problems with my ears though as soon as I try to go to louder places baby playgroups or cafes/restaurants without earplugs :( I cannot expose myself unprotected to cars on street either etc.
    I'm sorry but I would take the pain improving as a sign of healing. Ears heal so slowly
    No major change to my symptoms. Although they have fluctuated in the past couple of months. Will update with longer post soon.
    Going on a break from Tinnitus talk to see if it helps my mental health. Will come back if I have improvement of symptoms. Take care all.
    CBT today with an audiologist/therapist. Possible acoustic shock caused hyperacusis and TTTS (underlying ETD/TMD meant ears more vulnerable)
    I am running out of words. Hopefully one day we will all be better. This is hard.
    @4Grace I know it's just unbelievable. I'm still in shock and struggling to adapt to my new reality.
    Did this happen to you today @GG_Ear ? I am so sorry :-(
    @GG_Ear Hello, I also have Eustachian tube blockage. It opens for a few days and then gets clogged again. It turns on when I take magnesium citrate. I hear muscle humming, I think it is a rhythmic spasm, but I still can't figure it out.
    @4alien2 Also do you have an sinus problems?
    Eustachian function tests showed eustachian dysfunction. Sounds muscle related because I take magnesium to relax it and put a warm washcloth on it, those are the things that work, I don't have any fluids or allergies. @GG_Ear
    @4alien2 OK, I am taking magnesium supplement. I will try the warm washcloth. Sounds relaxing and soothing to muscles. I also recomend doing body scans where you purposely let go of tension in the head, face and neck. I'm also trying acupuncture to relax.
    (4) He said that I need to get my ETD fixed first. Then if my hyperacusis doesn't resolve, to go back to him for TRT to slowly desensitise.
    (2) He said that my outer, middle and inner ear health is very good. However, he said that my eustachian tubes are dysfunctional...
    (1) OK so some potentially good and bad news. I went to an audiological scientist and he performed multiple tests on me...
    Should I wear earplugs doing the dishes if the noises cause uncomfortable fluttering in my ears? Or is this 'overprotection'?
    At the same time, like others have highlighted, I'd suggest to still expose your ears to levels/types of sound that do not cause aggravation (or at least too much aggravation). It's a balancing process that us quite individual & can unfortunately be tough to get right!
    @MadeleineHope Thank you, I appreciate the advice. It's such a tough new reality to comprehend.
    One cup falling into a sink no protection ended my chances.
    Missing out on a travel opportunity today. Haven't left house all week. Really hope I will have my freedom back in a few months...
    Normally if you have a high frequency hearing test done it can tell if you have hearing damage because the test goes a lot higher. Like mine was 10,000 out which is awful and I think the test goes up to 20,000. The regular frequency test only goes from 2,000-8,000.
    No burning in right ear today, just a slight ache.
    Ginger and tumeric tea helped me tons. I no longer have ear aches. Very rarely now.
    @SarahMLFlemmer Thank you, as a coincidence I actually recently started drinking freshly brewed ginger tea. It's very soothing and the tingling of it distracts from the ear aches. I'll try adding turmeric, do you use a powdered spice version? Thanks.
    I buy fresh tumeric and ginger from the grocery store and then peel it and cut it into little pieces and boil for 20 min. It can stain stuff so be careful!
    Right ear burning again since making dinner in the kitchen last night without earplugs...
    Slight improvement in right ear reactivity, I no longer hear a whistle driving on rough roads. However, earache still persists in silence.
    Are there any earplugs that don't cause the occlusion effect? My own voice causes a whistle in my right ear that's louder with earplugs in.
    @Charburchar Thank you. I'll give them a go. I only have loop earplugs at the moment. Is it possible to have a conversation with someone with foam plugs in?
    Yes it's possible but might require asking others to speak a little louder when they talk to you
    @Charburchar OK thank you, I'm hoping that I will only have to wear earplugs in situations that don't involve conversations anyway. It's just very impractical... hoping I will only need earplugs for loud commuting, using loud tools etc. I'm avoiding loud restaurants, cafes, bars etc. for time-being until I know more about what's going on with my ear.
    Hi all, I'm new. Permanent tinnitus since 2019 (although I had fleeting encounters since 2017),but since June 2023 I have hyperacusis!
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