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  • I wake up every morning with suicidal thoughts. I need to muster up the courage to do this.
    @4alien2 on the one hand it's good that tinnitus is not what's most bothering for you.I'm sure the ETD can get better too! I have bouts when my ears feel pressure and they click when I swallow! Is that what you feel?
    Either way, it sounds like your worsening of ETD is (fairly?) recent? Please give your body and mind time. Please don't think that because you feel like this now it will be like this forever. Even in people with horrific conditions, our bodies and minds can find amazing ways to adapt if not heal. Please give yourself time ❤️
    And find small things that give your body and mind comfort, even if the other discomfort is still there.
    The tones are constantly changing. Added fly buzz today. Can ETD do this? Can it go away even if your tones change?
    @4alien, I'm getting a CT scan of my jaw Thursday and then seeing a jaw surgeon. I've read that TMD can affect your Eustachian tube, possibly causing tinnitus.
    I met with a jaw surgeon who is an expert in his field, and it turned out that I did not have any jaw problems. @just1morething
    @4alien2, I managed to change my noise from my left ear to my right somehow, so it could be related to bad posture and neck muscles possibly? Also you could try decongestants like Sudafed. I guess I'm not the best person at giving advice when I have tinnitus myself.
    My sister screamed at me, she doesn't know anything, I want to kill myself, she doesn't realize it, it hurts so much.
    It's difficult to see someone you care about suffer and to feel powerless in helping them. Those emotions can erupt in consequential ways.
    Sometimes they still fight with me like I'm the old me. I don't have the strength because I'm not that girl anymore @kingsfan
    "I'm not that guy anymore" this has changed me too. Night and day.
    I think I found the cause of the chronic eustachian dysfunction I experience, I'll use this place to explain
    My father used it for years. Never etd. I used it for a while 15 years ago and got hooked due to the rebound effect, took a few weeks to get back to normal.
    I may have used the spray wrong. I was tilting my head back and squeezing it so that it flowed down my throat. I didn't know about eustachian tubes. After 8 months of use, I suddenly woke up with ear congestion. @Tryn2BHopeful
    Interesting, my worsening of tinnitus happened after stopping a decongestant that I was using for 6 months+ straight. First few days a stuffy ear sensation then one morning full on crazy tinnitus
    My eustachian tube gets blocked while I sleep. Congestion develops during sleep. Does anyone know why this is happening?
    Probably. The strange thing is that I sleep and during sleep my eustachian tube is blocked and I wake up with ear pressure @Tryn2BHopeful
    Have you had an allergy test? Could it be a dust mite allergy?
    Yes, I tested, I'm not allergic to dust. I also tried sleeping with my head elevated. What's interesting for me is that it clogs up during sleep. Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night and swallow repeatedly. It opens a little. Then I fall asleep again and it gets blocked again because I sleep, so sometimes I don't sleep at all. @kingsfan
    My doctor said there was no allergy or fluid in the eustachian tube. He tells me to see a maxillofacial surgeon and that this could be TMJ
    you are right. I live in Turkey. It is quite difficult to find a doctor here when it comes to tinnitus. I hope I have TMJ. I'm so tired of trying to find the cause of eustachian dysfunction. @just1morething
    Last night I was checking my jaw joint for pain or tenderness by pressing with my hands. After pressing the left chin, I felt auditory fullness and my tinnitus tone changed. I think it might be TMJ after this symptom @just1morething
    I will see the ENT tomorrow, maybe I can have Eustachian surgery, please pray for me. :(
    go to medipol mega university hospital, find oğuz yılmaz, talk to him. he might be of help. maybe. he specifically is interested in tinnitus.
    What a Christmas, huh? :(
    Always loved the holidays. I may be all alone this year. Always believed in true love and caring. With chronic illness friends and family don't want to be a part of it. They rather you not be around. Feel so alone. Fact of life. Hardest lesson I learned. Had so many friends. So so sad for me. I'm super emotional. Another problem.
    You know that girl on Americas got talent. Goes by the stage name black bird. Sings it's ok. I cried to that when I was without T. Listened to it the other day … eyouch. What an emotional rollercoaster. That's no me.
    Hey - How are you doing? Praying for us.
    Hello my dear friend. I'm not well, ear congestion/fullness is putting me in the grave. @4Grace
    I feel the same my friend. So sorry we are all suffering. Just insane.
    I don't want to, but I have to die. Because of the ear blockage :(( :(( :((
    Thank you for your support, friends. I lost my faith because I have been suffering from ear blockage for 2 and a half years. The worst part is that it is muscle related. I wish an antihistamine would solve this, but I'm not even allergic anyway. I can't live like this
    @4alien2 I hope you can find SOMETHING that helps!!
    I didn't realize you had it for that long. I'm sorry, that sounds awful. I hope you figure this out soon.
    Oh no My ear is blocked again please help me :((
    :( ❤️ Feel so much for everyone on this forum. I really do. Just a little space for hope. Keep a little space.
    I feel so much for everyone on this forum. I really do. Just keep a little space for some hope. Always a little room for hope.
    Last night I was poisoned by too much magnesium (supplement). I have to take it. I don't want my ear to be blocked. I'd rather die.
    Can I maybe ask how you find out that your had problems with Eustachian, One of the first docs who I saw for T said that maybe it can be Eustachian by me
    Unfortunately, I constantly experience ear fullness and congestion. The only thing that helps is taking magnesium. It's causing me a problem worse than tinnitus. @xLuchiaaa
    I went to the ENT today and had tests done for Eustachian, but unfortunately he said he couldn't do any treatment other than a balloon of ;(
    Hi, @4alien2 Hi, I hope you're doing well. I read your post, and I can relate to your situation. I also suffer from Eustachian tube dysfunction (ETD) and GERD. When my ETD gets backed up with mucus, it causes my tinnitus to spike, and I hear a loud hissing sound all day and into the evening. Do you also have to pop your ears using the Valsalva maneuver, which involves pinching your nose and blowing out?
    I did notice the Sudafed decreased my hissing; however, I had to back off due to my anxiety and insomnia. I cant take them. As of now, I have been on them for only three days when I took them. I wanted to share this to help you or someone else out there. I am seeing a new ENT specialist and have had one visit with him.
    @4alien2 "I didn't mean to hijack your page.(^,^)
    Thank you so much Please let me know when you see your ENT. @Supersix
    Hi there. Has your T improved any? ❤️
    Hello dear Juliane, I am actually working on my left eustachian tube right now. I will see the ENT on Monday. I have chronic left eustachian dysfunction. How arş you? @Juliane
    @4alien2 Have you talked to your ETD about baloon dilation for eustachian tube dysfunction? I'm going to ask mine about this procedure.
    Hello, no, I have not had any procedure done yet.
    @GG_EarGood morning! I hope you are doing well. I have been contemplating balloon dilation as a solution to relieve the hissing sound I experience five days a week. However, I am aware of the risks associated with the procedure, as it could lead to a patulous Eustachian tube dysfunction due to excessive widening. During the procedure, they typically inflate the balloon to a diameter of 12-15mm,
    I shot some OTC spray and then a WHOLE bottle nasal steroid up there. It sounded like the toilet bowl flushed and then I could hear again.
    My left ear has been blocked for 3 weeks and never opens. How can we solve ETD? I'm actually suicidal because of this.
    Geraldine Watts
    Mine was blocked for a long time, tried everything… nasal sprays even the balloon procedure, must have contacted the docs every week for weeks, but It did eventually pop which was heaven. So hang in there
    I think there is a problem with the muscles that operate the eustachian, it is a rarer disorder, I don't know the cause, I feel very helpless. @Geraldine Watts
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