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Feb 21, 2022
Feb 14, 2021
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Dec 28, 1995 (Age: 28)

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Member, Female, 28, from Netherlands

Ylva was last seen:
Feb 21, 2022
    1. Ylva
      My one year anniversary. I celebrate with covid, which made my T get even worse. I found some short periods of 'habituation' though!
      1. Steph1710, NYCGuy, kingsfan and 2 others like this.
      2. kingsfan
        Welcome to 1-year-covid-fucking-with-your-tinnitus club! May I take your coat?
        Feb 3, 2022
        DocTors_94, Ylva, Steph1710 and 2 others like this.
      3. Ylva
        Has anyone's 'spike' from covid settled down? Or is this a new baseline I'd just have to get used to.
        Feb 21, 2022
      4. kingsfan
        I'm giving mine 6 months, as that's how long it took for my vaccine spike to settle. It did never go completely back to baseline though, but I take what I can get.
        Feb 21, 2022
    2. stepe1519
      Hey I did the exact same thing of snorting 3mmc and my tinnitus is 8 out of 10, I'm being suicidal atm. Did you get better?
      1. Ylva
        Hey, unfortunately for me it only got worse. I have my new base level for a year now. I hope yours did get better!
        Feb 2, 2022
    3. Ylva
      Today, I am officially 2 months into my 'spike/new baseline'. No improvement, just more different sounds. Mentally I'm coping better tho.
    4. Ylva
      Thinking of that one time I went indoor skydiving back when I had my T under control. Zero fear, no effect on it. What a life that was lol!
      1. BrOKeN_1
        That sounds fun. I've always wanted to try it.
        Mar 16, 2021
        Steph1710 and Ylva like this.
      2. Guywithapug
        You will get there again!!
        Mar 18, 2021
        Strawberryblonde, LilSass and Ylva like this.
    5. Ylva
      Migraines, sinistus, visual snow, my jaw hurts. My spike is spiking. I'm giving myself a year, if it does not get better I'm ending it.
      1. Matchbox, Bill Bauer and aot like this.
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      3. Matchbox
        Give betahistine a go. Super safe. Best thing for cochlear bloodflow. You sound like you've got either something autoimmune or vascular going on.
        Mar 16, 2021
        Ylva likes this.
      4. Ylva
        @Matchbox yes thank you! I definitely feel like there's something off there and doctors keep ignoring it. A psychiatrist said it could be trigeminal neuralgia and prescribed tegretol. Looking into that now..
        Mar 16, 2021
      5. Ylva
        It's just hard to feel like there is something medically wrong (in the end we know our bodies the best) and not being taken seriously. For me, I'm not giving up the search yet. And in the meantime I'm trying to accept the sounds.
        Mar 16, 2021
    6. Ylva
      Just had 3 episodes in my left ear where I couldn't hear for some time and ear feels full. Can't tell if it's back to normal, is this SSHL?
    7. Ylva
      So theoretically, if your tinnitus cannot be masked in any way and you're forced to listen to it all day. Will that 'speed up' habituation?
      1. Guywithapug likes this.
      2. Steph1710
        I don't know. But my T is pretty unmaskable because I have so many different tones and pitches. I have habituated 90% within 10 months. I very rarely try to mask.
        Mar 2, 2021
        starrynights, Ylva and Julien87 like this.
      3. arcanesystem
        From past experience, my T can become aggravated and pretty much gets 'louder' with anything that I try to mask it with. I do end up habituating despite this but my concentration is always hell until my brain decides to fade the sound into the background.
        Mar 2, 2021
        Steph1710 and Ylva like this.
    8. Ylva
      Went to the beach today, for a nice walk. Even though the sounds are not masked by the waves, it was nice to feel the sun on my face
    9. Ylva
      Why does it become worse? I have no idea. Please stop it, I'm doing my absolute best :(
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      2. Ylva
        I'm in a 'spike' that is getting constistanly worse. When I say this it's not about what I experience in a short time such as a day/couple days. I've had it 20+ years.
        Feb 25, 2021
      3. Tatsopa
        Yeah, same here. I had tinnitus for more than 15 years. It has worsened almost a year ago for unknown reason. It was really, really bad at first. I've been off work for five months Since then I had numerous ups and downs, speaking of volume and mood. Most recent spike, the worst I had, settled down two days ago, has lasted for more than a week and almost knocked me out.
        Feb 25, 2021
        Ylva likes this.
      4. Guywithapug
        So sorry to hear this, hopefully it will settle down after a while.
        Feb 26, 2021
        Ylva likes this.
    10. Ylva
      Spoke with the audiologist today. She told me my ENT referred to them before, in 2017, bc of a long spike. I personally forgot about that?
    11. Ylva
      Pulsatile T on top of everything. Whooshing heartbeat in my right ear. Can hear it 'thump' with every step I take. Just keeping track here.
      1. Steph1710 likes this.
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      3. Ylva
        Yes, it changes pitch and times with my heartbeat. I can feel it as well. Gets worse when I exercise, which is the worst because that's one of the few things that distract me :( Where should I press my neck? Also everything keeps getting worse. It's really hard to try and stay positive here. The fact that it's unexplainable makes me go crazy sometimes, because I'm a person who likes to get to the bottom of things.
        Feb 25, 2021
      4. Steph1710
        Do you hear it in both ears or just one? I have left sided PT, and If I gently pressed on the left side of my neck, where the jugular is, then the sound stops, because I'm stopping the blood flow.
        Feb 25, 2021
      5. Steph1710
        Oh I understand the frustration! I lived for exercise and being outdoors - PT completely destroyed that for me. If I even go for a walk, the beating is through the roof!
        Feb 25, 2021
    12. Ylva
      Having my bottom left wisdom tooth removed in 2 days, it's impacted. Read contradictory stories: go or cancel?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. kingsfan
        Is it causing you problems? I don't think it would need to be removed unless it's causing pain, pushing other teeth out of alignment, or is at risk of causing any sort of tooth/gum decay. Your dentist would know best.
        Feb 20, 2021
        Steph1710 and Ylva like this.
      3. Lurius
        Interestingly enough, I'm also going to the dentist in 2 days. It's just to complete the crown I'm halfway done with. I also saw my dentist loads last year. I was really worried about the drilling noise, but that turned out to be fine. My T doesn't react to other sounds at all for some reason.
        Feb 22, 2021
        Ylva likes this.
      4. Ylva
        I was wrong, my appointment is the day after tomorrow lol (ADD brain). I will call and see if they can first examine if it is truly necessary. Thank you all!
        Feb 22, 2021
    13. Ylva
      This new year's eve I had to run outside for a bit and really loud fireworks went off near me. I just read damage is cumulative. :/
      1. Ilias T
        Ilias T
        It's true that hearing is getting damaged over time, from noise and aging, but that one time event is not supposed to cause cumulative damage.
        Feb 19, 2021
        Steph1710 and Ylva like this.
      2. Steph1710
        You should be fine. Remember, try not to stress. X
        Feb 20, 2021
        Ylva likes this.
    14. Ylva
      Intense ear pain. Gut feeling T is gonna be permanent, but I am not losing hope. Had a good night's sleep and started taking magnesium.
      1. Steph1710
        I don't reckon it will stay the same. My spike lasted five months! But it's now back to the original volume. Just try to relax (super hard, I know!) and tell yourself it will be fine. Honestly, the only way to conquer this, is with determination and positive thinking.... God, that sounds lame haha.
        Feb 19, 2021
        unknownpleasures and Ylva like this.
    15. Ylva
      I don't feel like I get any response here. Reading other posts is helpful, though.
      1. Charburchar, Lilah and MBH like this.
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      3. Steph1710
        Hey @Ylva sorry no one is responding. I usually try and speak to people - but I've been super busy with work lately. I can't see what ajc has said to you, because I blocked him. Don't ever listen to him. He can be a right pain. Is there anything you particularly wish to talk about? Or questions that you need answered? Steph x
        Feb 18, 2021
        Lurius and Ylva like this.
      4. Ylva
        Hello @Steph1710! Thank you so much but no need to apologize :)
        Feb 18, 2021
      5. kingsfan
        Sometimes you'll get responses right away. Sometimes it takes a little time, but my experience is someone usually chimes in and helps.
        Feb 20, 2021
        Ylva likes this.
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  • About

    Dec 28, 1995 (Age: 28)
    Tinnitus Since:
    Cause of Tinnitus:
    Ear infections + stress + drugs