From 0 to Debilitating Tinnitus in 2 Months


Sep 16, 2020
BC Canada
Tinnitus Since
Cause of Tinnitus
Noise Induced, Prednisone (drones), Barotrauma (distortions)
Hello Everyone,

I'm new here, and could use some advise with dealing with public healthcare and doctors who won't take risks (and follow the ENTs' guideline of "do nothing" as they are the "experts")

I initially developed tinnitus after a noise exposure 2 months ago. Went from a hiss to a whine and dine within a week. Was given steroids which seemed to make the problem worse (50mg for 2 days). After persuading a GP to give me a true trial of steroids and doing HBO, my hearing and tinnitus had greatly stabilized (was left with a hiss in my left and a low rumble wavering seashell tone in my right (which occured with the steroids), only audible in 25 dB rooms and no longer reactive as they had been previously).

Fast forward to now, I took a plane (was rather coerced under duress by a support network I've since ditched) to see another ENT and the hearing protection I had (doubled) was not enough. It was a floatplane and registered 95 dB in the cabin.
I had a tremendous spike and intermittent "chimes which were amplified when they occurred with real sound, even chewing" which randomly appeared along with new tones.

Then I decided to do HBO to help the situation a day later. Apparently that was a big mistake, because I could hear the new tones fading, but they were replaced with what's best known as non-sense. RANDOM blips, bleeps, laser blasts, chimes all throughout my skull. Texting and banging on the chamber to leave apparently didn't make it fast enough for them to do anything about it quickly.
Many of those subsided, but I've been left with severe sound distortion (water sounds like chimes, fans sound like they are beeping).

As time has passed (about 5 days) things are progressively getting worse. 3 days ago I began to get a unilateral "bell toll" tone which was completely random and rhythmic. It had me rushing for Xanax and Clonazepam as they have been the only ways I've been coping since this onset. I've developed low unilateral tones which react to sound (very fun around fridges) in a big way, it sounds like they react up to 60 dB to me and sound like a wine glass being made to play low resonating music (just very intermittent and momentary).
They also are reactive and will match the volume of other sounds (even though they are NOT the same tone).

White noise and fans sound... at best demonic. Full of beeps, moans, screeches.
My GP is not on board with prescribing another round of steroids, nor looking into safer viable alternatives that might be safer because they aren't "used for tinnitus" (Pentoxifylline).

I'm definitely desperate to turn down the tones, HBO had previously worked, but now I'm scared shitless of it. I feel steroids would be beneficial (even if they leave new tones behind as they're always so far been quiet and slowly fade).

Is there any way I can get him to play ball? Shopping for a new GP right now would prove really difficult in my location, public healthcare and all... and I feel like I've been on the clock since whatever happened in that plane. Sounds keep appearing and any kind of low volume masking seems to make things worse (onset of new sounds, aggravated tinnitus).

When this whole mess started, I found the combination of benzodiazepines and steroids worked extremely well for making this quiet and although not always "quiet" when I tapered, it was waaaaaaay better than baseline. My doctor isn't onboard this time with doing it again so soon and prefers to defer to the ENT and what they would think, which is do nothing (and getting in touch with specialists in Canada is a nightmare).

Since this new onset I've been off work yet again, because this time it is too much. The tones are too loud, too busy, too random to concentrate or habituate. They can't be masked, sounds are wrecked. Was just getting my life back together and now getting hit this hard again feels like my world is demolished. I'm hating myself for putting my trust in people whom really didn't understand or have my best interests at heart.

I'm afraid to even "try" to mask at night since it could be worsening it (I've only used spurts of masking using large 40 dB volume fans which sound distorted but "trap the demons" out of my head) and benzos I had JUST finished tapering before all this began again and I'm afraid could also be making things worse (dependence and upregulated GABA receptors).

Any advice from experts would be appreciated. I know habituation is key, but I've been thrown into the deep end of a pool, and when I was barely... BARELY... swimming someone turned on the waves to maximum.

Michael from BC
Thanks for reading this, huge mess. I appreciate any support or advice.


You are new to Noise induced tinnitus and the best thing to do is leave it alone and give yourself time to recover. There are a few suggestions I recommend to help you cope better in these early stages and they are mentioned in my post:
New to tinnitus what to do and Tinnitus, A Personal View. I advise taking your time and read all my posts thoroughly in the links below.

I advise not to use any type of headphones, earbuds or headset and if possible stop monitoring sound levels with your decibel meter. This often makes matters worse by instilling panic, fear and negative thinking. Try not to overuse hearing protection, which is covered in my post: Hyperacusis, As I see it. Use low level sound enrichment during the day and particularly at night. More about this is mentioned in my posts.

I am not really an expert, but I have been reading the posts on this forum almost every day for over 3 years, and I have a good memory.

There have been very few posts describing what you are describing. So it is possible that your situation is completely different from that of a typical sufferer. It sounds like you are (understandably!) assuming that unless you do something, whatever you are hearing now is what you will be stuck with for the rest of your life. For most people that's not the case. You have already experienced your tinnitus fading. What you have now is a tinnitus spike. Most tinnitus spikes are temporary spikes. A temporary spike can last over three months, but normally begins fading during the first 4-6 weeks. If your tinnitus doesn't improve over the next five weeks, it would make sense to start worrying that what you have might be permanent. For now I think it is reasonable to assume that in less than three months you will feel much better.
Thank you all for your support and comments.
I'm taking the time to read.

I don't know if this is a spike per say... as the situation was worsened by HBO directly after the plane flight.

That and I'm finally coming off of benzo medications.

HBO really changed everything to make things super reactive, and distorted.
I'm really hoping to convince my doc to try steroids as this as it is, is insane.
The tinnitus making things sound "not like they should" is disturbing enough and being HIGHLY reactive causing aural fullness too.

The hissing in my left ear is almost a joke compared to the rest of the low/mid tones in my left. At least I can mask that.

Is there a dB level that someone with my ears would be considered "safe" for masking?

That's been a huge concern of mine that I'm actually doing damage. After masking last night my ears were ringing very high pitched (like I had been to a concert) and it was pink noise/piano music measured at the source at 40 dB. I don't allow myself exposure above 50 dB... but I can't tell what's causing further damage at this point.
I don't know if this is a spike per say... as the situation was worsened by HBO directly after the plane flight.
Most spikes have a trigger. My worst spike happened after I pressed an old land line phone (its volume stuck at Max) to my bad ear and the person calling me raised her voice to greet me.
Is there a dB level that someone with my ears would be considered "safe" for masking?
You should experiment with the various dB levels. Start at low dB for 5 minutes and see whether your tinnitus gets worse. If it doesn't get worse, increase the time. Keep doing that, and then try a louder dB for 5 minutes. Whatever exposure doesn't result in a spike is safe. Exposures that produce a spike are probably not promoting your healing.
So as an update and hopefully some more good advice? I bolded what seems important.

I have had extremely bad experiences with Prednisone. Using 50mg for 4 days upon ceasing resulted in extreme low pitched tinnitus in both ears (more prominent on one side) which is now also reactive. That was back in mid November.

Things were getting better, until about 3 weeks ago! The low tone had dissipated and was left with some beeping morse code which has been reducing in volume (it was in BOTH ears, same tone, now only one ear and rarely comes out)... and then the low tones came back out of the blue one evening while working (talking to colleagues over camera, working remotely).

Now the low frequency stuff sounds like a speaker which has the volume on maximum as it is being unplugged (that sound it makes) except it is very intermittent (morse code like) and LOUD and REACTIVE. Comes out spontaneously and in response to any kinds of bass noises (so kids running upstairs for example whilst I'm in the basement).

I don't "seem" to have low frequency hearing loss in either ear, but the low droning I hear in the morning (thankfully it's limited to the morning so far) is usually very low frequency in both ears when I wake up. Add to that! I've started becoming dizzy out of the blue, not fall onto the floor dizzy, nor drunk and the spins, more like, a rocking boat and it's usually fairly subtle. The low tones and the "slight dizziness" came out of nowhere, and to be honest I'm not sure if medication is playing a part (I took Cyclobenzaprine one night to see if it would help, and that night I ended up pretty damn dizzy). It happened last night as well, but I took Benadryl to sleep (and Diphenhydramine isn't "supposed" to cause dizziness, in fact it should help vertigo!).

I've been exercising once in a while, but it's hard for me to correlate that to any increases or changes.

I'm not sure which muscles change perilymph pressure, but I have noticed ANY time I yawn now, without fail I get the loud tinnitus tones in both ears (mid range) which seem reactive around 500Hz.

It sounds kind of like endolymphatic hydrops, but so far "low sodium" and more water doesn't seem to do much.

Alcohol used to be fine, but on NYE after 3 beers the noise (a seashell sounding drone) was LOUD as F in my right ear (also the one with reactive low frequency tinnitus, also super loud). Now, alcohol originally made my high frequency tinnitus loud, so I'm not sure if there's any co-relation.
Coffee "might" make it worse? It's been very hard to tell.

I cannot freaking concentrate or work over this, it's relentless and unmaskable.
Plus if it were endolymphatic hydrops, why now? Why would it magically just get worse? Why so much worse with low tones leftover from Prednisone (when stopping, not while on it).
This originally was from NOISE. Now it's a plain monster.

The only other thing I can think of is barotrauma from the HBO, where there are now episodes due to damage... but... well... perilymph fistulaes now? And TWO of them... since I have the droning and distortion in my left ear as well since doing HBO.

It feels like the steroids have done something to screw everything up, like trigger a rebound autoimmune process that was previously in check...

The fact is, how many people if anyone knows here have gotten low frequency tinnitus in BOTH ears at the same time (beyond a month of onset of high pitched, noise trauma) and it was diagnosed as endolymphatic hydrops or Meniere's? A search for fistula on the forums came up pretty short, so I take it that's rare too.

I just find it very ironic in a non-funny way that the desperation the doctors caused me could've been disarmed, and that very desperation made me seek out treatment that's so far made me extremely worse off than I was in the beginning of the tinnitus trauma (when it was just a hiss, pinch and one tone).

Funny enough I could live with the original tinnitus... this low intermittent bass vibration is insanity, whenever it comes out my focus and mood just deteriorate.
I'll take anyone's advice who has an idea what's up or had similar symptoms with Meniere's, endolymphatic hydrops or Barotrauma, or autoimmune disorders. I haven't been taking drugs much if at all.

Again. So far. Until I can get an otoacoustic emissions test... I seem to have very little if any low frequency hearing loss (within 0-3 dB from my audiogram app). I have a noise induced notch of 10 dB @ 4 kHz, but that hasn't changed since this all began.
Anyone ever have the low humming reactive tinnitus as "super reactive" as in balls to the wall loud?

It isn't always constant, it comes and goes in a wavering way, as if I have a freaking lightsaber being waved around my right ear.

Is this a symptom of cochlear hydrops if it's generally low frequency and electrical buzzing?

Just seems less and less like "normal" tinnitus.

I noticed it randomly a while ago, but instead of fading away, ever since yawning last night it's decided to basically take over the party (as well as a 500Hz... BEEP... I have that sounds like someone pressing a button completely randomly... in both ears which died months ago and has returned).

Literally this... all day today, and now again tonight (left me for a while) with every passing car.

I think my ear was a Jedi in its past life.

Super fun times, maybe this is how the Skywalker sound figured out the lightsaber sound... the guy took his tinnitus and thought let's make this cool instead.

Seriously I've had beeps, wavers, electronic chirps, Super Nintendo Star Fox sound effects, and now this.

I really don't get why my doctor can't be convinced to get me an MRI after telling him this shit.
My issue is primarily I could likely push for an MRI, but who will interpret it, where will it focus? Brainstem? Auditory Canal? I need a specialist that can focus on the right area, likely a neuro-otologist in a year.

Just having an MRI doesn't mean anything unless there's a doctor who knows what he's looking for, aside from something very obvious like a golf ball tumor.
Wait times are extreme in Canada, and COVID-19 means I can't pay out of pocket in the United States.

Thankfully Zopiclone / Clonazepam still work incredibly well in obliterating a lot of these sounds... except the low frequency wavering, that's just been getting worse.
Anyone ever have the low humming reactive tinnitus as "super reactive" as in balls to the wall loud?

It isn't always constant, it comes and goes in a wavering way, as if I have a freaking lightsaber being waved around my right ear.

Is this a symptom of cochlear hydrops if it's generally low frequency and electrical buzzing?

Just seems less and less like "normal" tinnitus.

I noticed it randomly a while ago, but instead of fading away, ever since yawning last night it's decided to basically take over the party (as well as a 500Hz... BEEP... I have that sounds like someone pressing a button completely randomly... in both ears which died months ago and has returned).

Literally this... all day today, and now again tonight (left me for a while) with every passing car.

I think my ear was a Jedi in its past life.

Super fun times, maybe this is how the Skywalker sound figured out the lightsaber sound... the guy took his tinnitus and thought let's make this cool instead.

Seriously I've had beeps, wavers, electronic chirps, Super Nintendo Star Fox sound effects, and now this.

I really don't get why my doctor can't be convinced to get me an MRI after telling him this shit.
I used to have this at suicidal levels and still do to this day although it lessened. I have something far more annoying now where I hear what sounds exactly like the wheel from The Price Is Right being spun... the exact same frequency of the beeps but at Geiger counter speeds, overlaid on ANY sound. And it's not really tinnitus because this emanates FROM THE SOUND SOURCE.
So. This tinnitus I've had is not letting up. Low thumping is ever present and all the progress I thought was being made gone very quickly within days.

I did try listening to music but to be frank it was normal volume just like any other sounds in the house.

I got hit with some incredibly weird tinnitus. From waking up after steroid taper to my high frequency hearing dull and wavering seashell like tinnitus to having sound distortion after exercise hours before (no ringing) music begin while falling asleep. Hearing a million chimes go off throughout my head and seeing shooting stars throughout my vision.

Fast forward to last night. I go to bed with earplugs trying to sleep while listening to shitty seashell tinnitus in bad ear. I wake up at 4am paralyzed in fear hearing a wavering seashell noise reverberating through my whole head at what felt like 90 dB. It then moved to my GOOD ear with less tinnitus... and stayed at suicide volume for at least 5 minutes at which point it slowly faded as my brain I guess successfully suppressed it.

Of course I had normal tinnitus on awakening again.

I don't know what the hell is up.

The only thing I did was Clonazepam 3 days ago (which reduced the tinnitus by a lot) and it's been spiking ever since coming off over that time which I half expected. I also had Turmeric that night. Basically I can't think of anything I haven't done already with no reaction to illicit such a crazy attack.

I did not expect that garbage last night.

I'm praying for a terror free night tonight.

I'm seeing a neurologist eventually... even for tinnitus this shit is not normal at all.
So. This tinnitus I've had is not letting up. Low thumping is ever present and all the progress I thought was being made gone very quickly within days.

I did try listening to music but to be frank it was normal volume just like any other sounds in the house.

I got hit with some incredibly weird tinnitus. From waking up after steroid taper to my high frequency hearing dull and wavering seashell like tinnitus to having sound distortion after exercise hours before (no ringing) music begin while falling asleep. Hearing a million chimes go off throughout my head and seeing shooting stars throughout my vision.

Fast forward to last night. I go to bed with earplugs trying to sleep while listening to shitty seashell tinnitus in bad ear. I wake up at 4am paralyzed in fear hearing a wavering seashell noise reverberating through my whole head at what felt like 90 dB. It then moved to my GOOD ear with less tinnitus... and stayed at suicide volume for at least 5 minutes at which point it slowly faded as my brain I guess successfully suppressed it.

Of course I had normal tinnitus on awakening again.

I don't know what the hell is up.

The only thing I did was Clonazepam 3 days ago (which reduced the tinnitus by a lot) and it's been spiking ever since coming off over that time which I half expected. I also had Turmeric that night. Basically I can't think of anything I haven't done already with no reaction to illicit such a crazy attack.

I did not expect that garbage last night.

I'm praying for a terror free night tonight.

I'm seeing a neurologist eventually... even for tinnitus this shit is not normal at all.
Sorry to see you're still worsening. I just can't put into words how my life quickly became suicidally awful. I am seeing a neurotologist on Monday and I often use your case as a reference to mine... I will let you know what they find out with me.
Reviving this to provide a status update.

I have an upcoming CT scan and MRI for my auditory canal to check for a dissidence (based on my air bone gap and pain while speaking from the loudness internally), or potentially a dislocated middle ear ossicle (yep it's a thing).

My ENT does not think it's a fistula based on the fact that I have no hearing loss/not tripping over myself. But no blood patch to trial either even though barotrauma seems likely.

Things have gotten worse since January, but not as bad as the madness when this started (suicidal). The volume lessened until November, when I took steroids again in the hope of curing my distortions. That was an enormous mistake, any improvements I had vanished and I've been getting worse ever since stopping those steroids... yet again.

I have somewhat improved in my outlook as there's more tests upcoming. I've been trialling Tumeric, coffee, cocoa, ginko, ashwaganda and betahistine. Something seems to be helping there, as the low bass distortions become more high pitched ringing instead (liveable).

The lightsaber noises are still there but much, much less. I have other noises joining the party, never ending. Random beep that comes and goes. It's always worse at night. Morning droning is still here, and I won't consider myself habituated until it leaves from whatever I can do.

Zopiclone may provide some relief from the distortions but is guaranteed to now give me exploding head syndrome which is continuous and doesn't stop from 4 AM onwards untill I get out of bed. Prednisone makes the ringing vanish in exchange for going up a level in terms of hell to go through.

Exercise... is very interesting.
With earplugs in I can hear how it changes based directly on pressure when I pop my ears after a workout. When my blood pressure increases there are changes happening in my middle ear 100% which absolutely effect the wavering tinnitus. When I modulate my ear canal or push the earplug or create a vaccum or yawn, I will ALWAYS hear a TWANNNNNG sound very similar to the wavering I hear but at a much higher volume, it is temporary while the action is happening.

I had one day where I worked out rigorously, then upon stopping had the blood pressure rush to my head as I had ceased movement... and the distortions basically died. A light ringing and static remained. Once my blood pressure came down the distortions came back. My normal blood pressure is quite low, 115/70 at 85 bpm.

Without earplugs, the low distortions while working out get WORSE and surround me to a greater extent. However... upon putting earplugs back in post workout (high blood pressure), I heard no wavering. no ringing, no distortion, but one very very loud central buzzing tinnitus (like a high voltage line). Liveable compared to everything else, even though it sounded as if it were 80 dB. This, again, went away when my blood pressure returned, and so did my normal ringing, wavering, and distortions.

I find it difficult to believe it isn't a fistula when pressure changes things so dramatically, namely internal pressure due to head position or exercise (the wavering is worse when head is below knees or I lie flat on the ground). No change occurs when lying in bed, which leads me to think that maybe this has more to do with blood pressure issues than CSF, and the increased blood pressure changes things enough in my middle ear cavity or the surrounding ossicles to make a difference (tighten up the connection of ligaments).

As to why working out makes things worse? I did notice my tubes do open more, and I seem to get occasions where my middle ear is under vacuum when exercising. I don't know why. It dramatically makes the wavering worse... yet the blood pressure rush relieves that wavering substantially.

Finally, if I do the Reddit head tap routine to relieve my ringing tinnitus indeed it does decrease and my distortions eliminate... and then 30 seconds later they come back as a tsunami of sound. I hear wind chime-like bells mostly, clinks, feedback, every sound imaginable when this occurs. It calms down after about 2 minutes back to baseline. Given the headtap routine also changes middle ear pressures and manipulates ossicles it makes me wonder if it's that or if people with Hydrops hear the same things during head tapping. I don't know.

It'd be great for people to tell me how the head tapping works for them and what happens after?

It is mostly unilateral when this occurs, but it was bilateral when it started. I was on steroids and had used DXM to reduce the ringing the night before (it worked very well). Of course, I assumed it was the DXM and stopped immediately. It is still unilateral and hasn't went away. Because Ketamine has a similar mechanism, I fear any trial I go into could make me permanently worse. The tsunami of hell if it were permanent would mean my suicide that day if Benzos did not work.

I may be wrong, but worsening coming "off" steroids to me implies that this is not otosclerosis (should occur while on steroids unless the change from high to low concentration can remodel bone that quickly), nor a virus (again, should get worse on the steroid). Rebound immune scorched earth reaction to my fine vasculature or Hydrops are the only things I can imagine steroids would be responsible for due to a fast taper.

Steroids should have no worsening effect coming off it this were a middle ear issue... yet here I am worsened by steroids undeniably. Much confusion.

If my nerves are oversensitive I hope Kv drugs will help me.

Wondering if @__nico__ has experienced anything similar with earplugs, Twangs, and head tapping fun funs?
had used DXM to reduce the ringing the night before (it worked very well). Of course, I assumed it was the DXM and stopped immediately.
Just curious what dose DXM were you taking? I have resorted to recreational use of it (robotripping), ~800mg is pretty much a dissociative bliss for me.
Just curious what dose DXM were you taking? I have resorted to recreational use of it (robotripping), ~800mg is pretty much a dissociative bliss for me.
I'd say about 75-100 mg, it's been forever since I used it.

I was definitely just titrating up slowly over multiple days to see when there was an effect (At about 100 mg).

800 mg is a lot and I could see this stuff totally making someone worse with "new" wavering bells tinnitus.

Anything happen for you with headtapping?

The closest thing I do to spacing out drugs was usually weed... now more so Kava but it certainly doesn't make me useless.
I feel your pain with the low drone sound. I have had two courses of Prednisone since my tinnitus started but that did not improve anything. The low drone Is strong in the morning for me as well. I have constant high pitched ring and hiss that bother me more. Still, the low drone sucks. My audiogram showed no low frequency hearing loss. My high frequency hearing loss was not much. Still in the normal range, maybe just under in one ear. So why on earth are both ears having a low drone and high hiss?

I am just at a loss. I am taking Curcumin and Lipoflavonoid. I know they are just placebo most likely, but taking something feels like trying.

As for exercise. In my case it help my mood, but no effect on tinnitus.

I wonder if the drone is stress or ETD induced. The drone sound Is really hard to describe. Closest thing is the sound when you cup your ears with your hands.

I guess if I ever figure out what causes the drone I will advise you. Sounds like some of you here have the same issue.
Well. So I'm tracking what my tinnitus has been like and since it recently worsened from acoustic trauma at the ENT's office... Go figure.

This (the attached mp3) is what it sounds like now.

Some of those sounds are older but the first part is what I hear during the day in white noise. The second part is what I hear when the white noise is turned off. There's more of the thudding noises than in this example, but this is a very close approximation.

It masks my own tinnitus perfectly ha. But it makes my distortions worse so probably a bad idea to use it.



  • June2021white noise tinnitus.mp3
    1.1 MB · Views: 367
I took a Clonazepam, for the first time in a long time. I need this shit to die, crickets, tone, wavering, thumps... all of it. I'm so fucking tired of this. I'm just hoping it works.

The white noise has the tone, thumps, and a million crickets and beeps. I hope that's not what I get now with benzos.

Two Weeks ago I literally thought things were getting better. No distortion outside, like in the morning, getting over the depression, working out and doing things regardless of tinnitus. Now it's as if everything is reset to fucking 6 months ago. HOW can I do life when I KEEP getting worse!

I mean, the Acoustic Reflex test trauma did not help, the ENT was stupid and decided that was a great idea. The audiologist assured me it was needed and wouldn't be louder than the tympanogram. Complete. Bullshit. My AR is 60 dB, low, and no wonder... it permanently fucked me. So I guess it's good for something if there's proof now? She said I can't fake those numbers.

When that sound went off my world went apeshit, instead of doing a hearing test right then as proof we talked about fucking tinnitus. I heard babbling river distortion in everyone's voice with the tone of the probe on everyone's voice when they spoke, and felt actually deafened by 25-30% in that ear. Literally as if I went to a concert. I immediately knew something was wrong and started panicking.
I used to have this at suicidal levels and still do to this day although it lessened. I have something far more annoying now where I hear what sounds exactly like the wheel from The Price Is Right being spun... the exact same frequency of the beeps but at Geiger counter speeds, overlaid on ANY sound. And it's not really tinnitus because this emanates FROM THE SOUND SOURCE.
I wholeheartedly understand that bullshitery. Nothing like trying to hear music of a gentle stream and getting THUMP THUMP waver THUMP beep beepppp ba beep beep on top of it.
I wholeheartedly understand that bullshitery. Nothing like trying to hear music of a gentle stream and getting THUMP THUMP waver THUMP beep beepppp ba beep beep on top of it.
Same bro, I have been getting worse and worse over the past few months. The beeping distortions have gotten so loud. The shitty sound of every day sounds keep getting worse. I have been going to the chiropractor for months but my adjustment last week really pissed off the distortions. My C1 and C2 are out of line, I'm hoping when they get straightened out it will help. But very few people can understand what we are experiencing man.

How's your hyperacusis? Mine is so bad I can barely leave the house anymore.
It's very possible I have palinacousis.

Time to add another "cousis" word to my list of ailments.

These guys (who are a pretty good source) say it's quite rare.

Anyone who keeps "hearing a noise" after it goes away or hears the beeps continue on a hearing test... this seems legit. For me it was anything loud enough or when hearing it in dead quiet, like train bells in the distance at night, hearing test beeps, the fucking acoustic reflex probe. Certain sounds around the 250-500 Hz range only.

Seems like it's only caused by legit brain damage, seizures at best, hemorrhage/cancer at worst. Audiologist made it out to be common. I think I was being placated.

Guess I need an MRI & EEG after all.
@Matchbox, how are you doing right now? Are some of the sounds dying off? I wonder as I also experience several noises like chimes, thumps etc. and was hoping that with time some of the sounds would fade.

So far they change. Some fade, but new ones come in.

I had the most "fading" the first 6 months in. It's been pretty stagnant or worsening lately.

Don't get me wrong. What I had back in October was absolutely suicidal and I was in hospital. It's still real torture but I don't want to die. Back then I did, directly because those noises did leave in the first 6 months.

Also, Clonazepam probably saved my life.
@Matchbox, what do you mean with "faded"? And can I ask what kind of noises you experience at this moment?

Are you in any kind of treatment at the moment? How often do you use Clonazepam?
Do you have an overall feeling that you are getting better from onset?
@Matchbox, it would obviously be shitty to get a palinacousis diagnosis but I read that an anti-epilectic medication completely took away the symptoms...
@Matchbox, what do you mean with "faded"? And can I ask what kind of noises you experience at this moment?

Are you in any kind of treatment at the moment? How often do you use Clonazepam?
Do you have an overall feeling that you are getting better from onset?
I'm still trying to figure out what the hell is going on. Thinking about trying chiropractic for neck issues, someone who has tinnitus or hydrops experience.

I barely use Clonazepam now as I'm not sure if this is a nerve issue which benzos help with but it always seems to spike me for at least a week or so with new noises (mostly loud THUDs or exploding head syndrome) when it wears off. Not worth it ultimately, so I'm saving them for a rainy day if I suddenly "need" them (got way worse yet again).

I've been using quite a bit of diuretics, but it's hard to say if there's any effect so probably none.

By faded I mean as in basically gone, rare, or quiet. Some noises make you want to blow your head off, MOST (not all) have left me in the first 6 months.
At the time I NEEDED Clonazepam, it absolutely saved my life.

I improved the most in 6 months, since then nothing or just slowly worsening, no I don't feel any improvement, coming up on a year since I got MILD tinnitus and this shitshow started.

I experience a sound similar to wavering nonsense, sometimes seashell noises.

I have ringing which is worst after loud sound (go figure) and at night, non existent in the morning.

I have low frequency wavering nonsense and chittering at the worst in the morning, however.

Sleep is really challenging and depressing. Waking up is a nightmare each time.
Hi @Matchbox. I think I too am experiencing this Palinacusis. If I hear a car honk from a distance, the noise gets added to my tinnitus ringing. It can last to 30 minutes. Car honks, truck reversing beeping sounds, and ambulance sirens are some examples of sound that lingers with me. It's beyond bizarre.

I have hyperacusis and tinnitus that's reactive.

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