Systemic Oral Enzymes (Wobenzym N etc.) for Tinnitus

Hi, Calin,

My naturopath has me taking some enzymes that contain the following: Pancreatin, protease, lipase, alpha amylase, amyloglucosidase, cellulase, hemicellulase, lactase, gelatin, calcium sulfate anhydrouse, stearic acid, silica, and magnesium stearate.

These are considered digestive enzymes, but would they also work as a systemic enzyme? Just wondering...
Hi, Calin,

My naturopath has me taking some enzymes that contain the following: Pancreatin, protease, lipase, alpha amylase, amyloglucosidase, cellulase, hemicellulase, lactase, gelatin, calcium sulfate anhydrouse, stearic acid, silica, and magnesium stearate.

These are considered digestive enzymes, but would they also work as a systemic enzyme? Just wondering...

Hey sweetie! I was worried about you! Glad to see you are back.

Digestive enzymes are different from systemic enzymes. I will find something about the differences and post it for you.

The systemic enzymes work on inflammation.

When referring to enzymatic supplements, it's important to distinguish between those used for digestion and those used systemically.
  • Digestive enzymes are taken orally with food in order to help break down fats, carbohydrates, and proteins for improved digestive function and nutrient absorption.
  • Systemic enzymes, such as those in Vitalzym, are taken orally in between meals on an empty stomach. This way they can be absorbed by the intestines into the bloodstream where the body can utilize them for countless bodily processes.
Lots more information about systemic enzymes here:
Thanks, Calin! I'm going to read up on this; I like to check out any possible interactions, since I'm taking so many other things already. They're not cheap, but I've heard, too, that inflammation in the body can be a cause of tinnitus. How many capsules do you take per day?
Thanks, Calin! I'm going to read up on this; I like to check out any possible interactions, since I'm taking so many other things already. They're not cheap, but I've heard, too, that inflammation in the body can be a cause of tinnitus. How many capsules do you take per day?
I just increased up to 6 of the new formula. I started out with just three for a couple of days to see how my body would react.
Yes, that's what I would probably do, too. Starting with 3 capsules sounds like the prudent approach.

What I read about this systemic enzyme so far, in the way of side effects, is that it would be considered a blood thinner, and you have to be careful if you're taking any other types of blood thinners. Also, you can have a kind of "detox" or "die-off effect" when you first take it, so you might actually feel worse right at first. Did any of that happen to you when you began taking it?
Yes, that's what I would probably do, too. Starting with 3 capsules sounds like the prudent approach.

What I read about this systemic enzyme so far, in the way of side effects, is that it would be considered a blood thinner, and you have to be careful if you're taking any other types of blood thinners. Also, you can have a kind of "detox" or "die-off effect" when you first take it, so you might actually feel worse right at first. Did any of that happen to you when you began taking it?
No die off effect. I am also using Chamae Rose for clean up. It is very mild. I didn't notice anything other than a bit of gas at times. More bowel elimination ... must be working! That's what they say is a good start.

I am also taking aulterra and that enhances bioavailability so I have to keep an eye on my dosage for supplements. The Lifesource (super sprouts) and heartlight (CoQ10) has trace amounts of aulterra minerals. I called the company to make sure I didn't overdo the aulterra.

You are not on blood thinners, right?

I am hoping the vitalzym will dispose of excess fibrins and help open my capillaries. Hopefully that may help the T. I have a fibrocystic issue and have had recent bouts of shingles. I am sure these enzymes will help dispose of the nasty virus as well regarding that. It was easy enough to take care of the shingles once they popped out, but I sense that there are a bunch of viruses just waiting to gain momentum again! haha. I bet I am riddled with inflammation. I had arthroscopic surgery to take out the meniscus in my knee abut 22 years ago, so the enzymes will help with the inevitable knee replacement when I am about 100 years old! They said I would have to have one in 20 years or so, but I babied my knees. No arthritis so far that I can tell. And if so, this stuff will help. I am also taking Flexera to build up cartilage/connective tissue.

Sorry for being so chatty! You see we all have way too many bodily issues along with the darn T!
Thanks for all the info, Calin! Sounds like this will probably help your knee issues and fibro issues, too. I'm still thinking about and digesting all this; it could be a very good thing. I've read a lot of the user reviews of this product this evening, and it sounds like most people like it.
Thanks for all the info, Calin! Sounds like this will probably help your knee issues and fibro issues, too. I'm still thinking about and digesting all this; it could be a very good thing. I've read a lot of the user reviews of this product this evening, and it sounds like most people like it.
No interaction with drugs Karen.

This ENT doc says that if hearing loss is not from a loud noise incident it is inflammation. Of course he suggests pills. systemic enzymes is drug free! ;)

Pulsating tinnitus that corresponds with the cardiac cycle suggests a vascular source. Eustachian tube dysfunction or middle ear conductive hearing changes (e.g., inflammation, effusion or otosclerosis) can cause amplification of normal vascular sounds. Elevated blood pressure may be associated with a "venous hum." Metabolic disorders with a hemodynamic impact, such as anemia and thyroid dysfunction, should be considered. Benign intracranial hypertension may be associated with pulsatile tinnitus, but this is more common in young, obese females (Sismanis, 1998). Potentially modifiable vascular causes of pulsatile tinnitus include atherosclerotic disease, vascular tumors and arteriovenous malformations. Persistent pulsatile tinnitus associated with the cardiac cycle may require duplex carotid ultrasound, MRI or MRA, or angiography (Sismanis, 1998).
The above info about pulsatile tinnitus really resonates with me. One of my doctors suggested venous hum, but told me I'd probably have to "live with it" (which I refuse to accept!). I have conductive hearing loss, plus an underactive thyroid, plus my problem started after ups and downs with BP meds. It can't be benign intracranical hypertension; I'm neither young nor obese! Inflammation could possibly be a cause. The enzymes might be worth a try!
The above info about pulsatile tinnitus really resonates with me. One of my doctors suggested venous hum, but told me I'd probably have to "live with it" (which I refuse to accept!). I have conductive hearing loss, plus an underactive thyroid, plus my problem started after ups and downs with BP meds. It can't be benign intracranical hypertension; I'm neither young nor obese! Inflammation could possibly be a cause. The enzymes might be worth a try!
Yes, I remember you saying you had a few of these issues. I thought of you when I read that bit on that site.

If you are unsure about taking enzymes, you could check with your MD. However, there are no contraindications with enzymes or overdose.

Maybe your chiropractor could think about this with you.

Let me know!
I'm going to try it! I've certainly tried a lot of other things. Just ordered 60 capsules; will start slowly and report back on how it's going.
I've just begun taking VitalZym systemic enzymes --- starting very slowly, to see how it affects me. For the first two days, I took only 1 capsule per day. Now, I'm up to 2 capsules per day. Will gradually increase to 3 per day, if possible. I'll report again on my progress.
I've just begun taking VitalZym systemic enzymes --- starting very slowly, to see how it affects me. For the first two days, I took only 1 capsule per day. Now, I'm up to 2 capsules per day. Will gradually increase to 3 per day, if possible. I'll report again on my progress.
Okie dokie! I went to 6 in a week I think... too fast!

The hard part is to take them between meals and all those hours apart.

Let me know how it goes!
Yes, how have you been doing that? Are you taking more than one capsule at a time?

I'm taking them at intervals: One at 10:30 A.M., and one at 2:30 P.M. I think I'll stick with that for awhile.

Do you think that your flu-like reaction had anything to do with the enzymes, or with some of the other things you were taking? Hope you're beginning to feel better!
Yes, how have you been doing that? Are you taking more than one capsule at a time?

I'm taking them at intervals: One at 10:30 A.M., and one at 2:30 P.M. I think I'll stick with that for awhile.

Do you think that your flu-like reaction had anything to do with the enzymes, or with some of the other things you were taking? Hope you're beginning to feel better!
Yes, thank you. The fever has stayed away now since last night. It was coming and going. My normal body temp is around 97.2, so when it went to 98.9 I felt feverish. I am doing better. Still not 100%.

I try to take 3 vitalzym when I just get up or after I have eaten something (40 minutes after) in the am. Then 3 around 4pm or 7 pm. It doesn't always work out that way, but have been trying to be consistent. The instructions say to wait for like 12 hours or so between dosages. I want the enzymes to be working round the clock! ;)

Sometimes the enzymes can cause some gas buildup. Not always... hit and miss I think.
I'm glad you're feeling better! Flu-like symptoms may have been a side effect of the Vitalzym, since your body may be detoxing pretty fast. That makes sense about the gas build-up, since it does work on the intestines.

It sounds like the way you're taking the capsules (3 at a time, twice a day) is a good way to go. I'm still working on taking 2 per day, separated from the other supplements, vitamins, etc. that I'm taking!
I'm glad you're feeling better! Flu-like symptoms may have been a side effect of the Vitalzym, since your body may be detoxing pretty fast. That makes sense about the gas build-up, since it does work on the intestines.

It sounds like the way you're taking the capsules (3 at a time, twice a day) is a good way to go. I'm still working on taking 2 per day, separated from the other supplements, vitamins, etc. that I'm taking!
Ah....good - only 2 per day. No gas then I bet!
So far, no. I'll keep you posted on my progress.
Hi, everyone ---

Well, I've been on the VitalZym systemic enzymes for 8 days now. I've had no real side effects or problems --- except that this evening something has made my tinnitus worse than usual. As of yesterday, I upped my enzyme dose from 2 capsules to 3 capsules per day. My problem, apparently, is that I have both ringing and pulsating tinnitus, and it doesn't take much to set off the pulsating to a fever pitch.

I'm going to continue taking the enzymes, and will see if, given time, things settle down a little bit.

Your experience with these enzymes might be different from mine, depending on the type and cause of your tinnitus. The enzymes are supposed to cleanse and heal the body of toxins and inflammation, and in my case, going through this process has stirred my tinnitus up a couple of notches.

I'll give it some more time, and will report again on my progress.
Hi, everyone ---

Well, I've been on the VitalZym systemic enzymes for 8 days now. I've had no real side effects or problems --- except that this evening something has made my tinnitus worse than usual. As of yesterday, I upped my enzyme dose from 2 capsules to 3 capsules per day. My problem, apparently, is that I have both ringing and pulsating tinnitus, and it doesn't take much to set off the pulsating to a fever pitch.

I'm going to continue taking the enzymes, and will see if, given time, things settle down a little bit.

Your experience with these enzymes might be different from mine, depending on the type and cause of your tinnitus. The enzymes are supposed to cleanse and heal the body of toxins and inflammation, and in my case, going through this process has stirred my tinnitus up a couple of notches.

I'll give it some more time, and will report again on my progress.
Perhaps it is worth a call to the manufacturer about that. They may have an insight as to the increase and whether it has anything to do with the enzymes.

I am back down to 1 twice a day. My T is low this am.

Hang in there sweetie!
Mine is lower today, too. I did some research, and found (on the Wobenzym site) a comment by the doctor that it is actually good to have a flareup of tinnitus while taking these enzymes. That shows the enzymes are working on the body's systems, is doing something positive. So, I remain hopeful that this will work for me!
Mine is lower today, too. I did some research, and found (on the Wobenzym site) a comment by the doctor that it is actually good to have a flareup of tinnitus while taking these enzymes. That shows the enzymes are working on the body's systems, is doing something positive. So, I remain hopeful that this will work for me!
Good news then!

Mine is still down too. It is really low - almost undetectable right now.

I am taking magnesium citrate in powder form and the magnesium chloride in the transdermal form as well. I am still on my last antibiotic today.
That's good! The fact that yours is so low is very encouraging to me. I think the systemic enzymes and magnesium are a good combination.

Today, mine is noticeably lower -- and that includes the pulsating. It's still there, of course, but seems softer and farther away. I will keep taking 3 enzymes per day, for right now. I'm also taking magnesium chloride (2 to 3 pills per day). Encouraging!!

Hope you're feeling better, now that you're on your last antibiotic.
That's good! The fact that yours is so low is very encouraging to me. I think the systemic enzymes and magnesium are a good combination.

Today, mine is noticeably lower -- and that includes the pulsating. It's still there, of course, but seems softer and farther away. I will keep taking 3 enzymes per day, for right now. I'm also taking magnesium chloride (2 to 3 pills per day). Encouraging!!

Hope you're feeling better, now that you're on your last antibiotic.
Yes - it is a good combo I think . The magnesium helps the enzymes work!

Nice to hear your T is fading!
I read the latest info you posted about magnesium. Sounds like it does many good things. I'll keep taking my magnesium chloride tablets, but am curious about the magnesium chloride spray, since it absorbs so much quicker. Do you think that has made a difference in the level of your pulsating? You've had good results with a lot of things; just curious as to what has made the most difference for you.

Tell us again: How often do you use the magnesium spray, and do you have specific spots on your body where you spray it?
I read the latest info you posted about magnesium. Sounds like it does many good things. I'll keep taking my magnesium chloride tablets, but am curious about the magnesium chloride spray, since it absorbs so much quicker. Do you think that has made a difference in the level of your pulsating? You've had good results with a lot of things; just curious as to what has made the most difference for you.

Tell us again: How often do you use the magnesium spray, and do you have specific spots on your body where you spray it?
I can't say for sure if the magnesium and or the enzymes are keeping my T so low. Coincidental? Maybe. Could be the UST is continuing to work as well. We would probably need many more people to try this out and see. Maybe start with the magnesium treatment (higher dosages than suggested use) .... not sure.

Yours seems to be reducing. What is your thought about it?

Most of the magnesium oil users say to spray on the body a couple of times a day.... bottom of the feet as well as soaking. I spray my feet and then put socks on most of the time.

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