Oct 11, 2018
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I just can’t get out of fight or flight. Can’t believe this is happening again. Oct 4, 2023

    1. SharonBell
      So do you hear yours in your head?
      1. spedgas
        Yes, top center of head
        Oct 16, 2023
        SharonBell likes this.
      2. SharonBell
        Do you have hearing loss? I do in both ears. Mine buzzes-static 24/7. It’s debilitating.
        Oct 16, 2023
        Andrew40 likes this.
      3. SharonBell
        Spedgas what kind of noise does yours head make?
        Jan 4, 2024
    2. spedgas
      I just can’t get out of fight or flight. Can’t believe this is happening again.
      1. Juliane likes this.
    3. spedgas
      Taking a break from the site. Focusing too much on the negative. Can’t go much lower. Two hours crying in the shower did me in.
      1. Utdmad89 and Juliane like this.
      2. BrOKeN_1
        Hopefully bottomed out and only up from here. Fingers crossed better days ahead.
        Oct 1, 2023
        SarahMLFlemmer and tpj like this.
      3. SarahMLFlemmer
        Dang, I've been there.
        Oct 2, 2023
      4. SarahMLFlemmer
        Oct 2, 2023
    4. spedgas
      Insanely loud, unmaskable, I’m in trouble here. Scared of what I’m capable of. Simply not compatible with life. I’m not going to make it.
      1. Tryn2BHopeful
        Can't mask either, I find nature sounds help. I use the Resound app on my phone. I like the underwater sounds
        Sep 28, 2023
    5. spedgas
      Any attempt to mask met with louder tinnitus. WTF, why does this happen? Why would it get louder than the masking source? I’m fading fast
      1. Juliane, Daniel Lion and Ryan Scott like this.
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      3. Tryn2BHopeful
        @spedgas I know I have far less experience than most. I can say that while the reactivity hasn't gone away it has improved very slowly, that or I can deal with it better.
        Sep 24, 2023
        spedgas likes this.
      4. spedgas
        @Tryn2BHopeful Yeah, I’ve had this reactivity before and had it completely disappear. Took forever(years). Couldn’t even watch tv. Was completely habituated and now back to this again. Worried it won’t improve again. I appreciate the support and reminder it can improve.
        Sep 24, 2023
        SharonBell likes this.
      5. SharonBell
        AnthonyMcDonald I don’t think I could make it if I didn’t mask so I’m not sure that I will habituate. My whole head buzzes electricity and sometimes sizzles so I’m not sure how I could put it in the back or however it is when you habituate.
        Jan 5, 2024
    6. spedgas
      21 hours of therapy a week,all I think about is dying. I habituated very well before. Not sure why it feels impossible to do it again.
      1. Juliane, Daniel Lion and PennyCat like this.
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      3. spedgas
        I have a ritualistic pre-bed routine that helps calm things down.
        Sep 28, 2023
        Juliane likes this.
      4. Juliane
        @spedgas I am relieved to hear you are getting some sleep. That is so important
        Oct 1, 2023
      5. SharonBell
        I use to not sleep good before and then I got in a routine with a certain bedtime, but when my daughter was out of school I was staying up late watching movies which I couldn’t ever do before and now I’ve got to get back use to going to bed at a decent time so I can get up and take my daughter to school.
        Jan 5, 2024
    7. spedgas
      4 week spike. It's shaken me to core. Didn't need them before, but probably resorting to drugs. Almost ashamed to admit. Probably Buspar
      1. Christiaan likes this.
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      3. kingsfan
        @spedgas Yes always subsides. I'm very careful to very slowly taper up and taper down.

        @BrOKeN_1 I haven't tried that one yet. My psychiatrist recommended it, so it should be easy for me to get access.
        Sep 19, 2023
        spedgas and BrOKeN_1 like this.
      4. Mo8409
        Busphar caused my T in the first place!
        Sep 28, 2023
        SarahMLFlemmer likes this.
      5. spedgas
        @Mo8409 This is my concern. Worsening more due to buspar and it not going away when I stop. Driving me nuts. Scared, but getting desperate.
        Sep 28, 2023
        SarahMLFlemmer likes this.
    8. Daniel Lion
      Daniel Lion
      So sorry friend, hang tight and see if the spike disapates. Maybe take a sedative for temporaryv relief,. Prsyng for you
      1. spedgas, Kabitz and tpj like this.
      2. spedgas
        @Daniel Lion Thank you sir. I hope you’re hanging in there and doing well. You’ve offered me helpful words before and I continue to think of you from time to time.
        Sep 28, 2023
    9. spedgas
      Wife and kids only thing keeping me from suicide.Wondering how long that’s going to last. I’m done. I had this all figured out once, gone.
      1. BrOKeN_1
        Sry to hear your at a low point agian. I hope you get back on top soon. It certainly can be hard to manage. Family Def keeps me going as well.
        Sep 14, 2023
      2. spedgas
        I just want to get back to where I was. Not cured, but darn close. Thoughts of spending years to get back there are breaking me. If it’s even possible.
        Sep 14, 2023
      3. SarahMLFlemmer
        Hang in there. I'm so sorry.
        Sep 28, 2023
    10. spedgas
      From level 4 natural habituation(lost overnight) to nearly 4 week spike post COVID, meds being tossed at me by everyone, drowning in sorrow
      1. SharonBell likes this.
      2. Utdmad89
        How did you get T to start with?
        Sep 12, 2023
      3. SarahMLFlemmer
        Sep 13, 2023
      4. SharonBell
        Sledges Im so sorry. I had Covid in 2021 and 2022 and had tinnitus both times just ringing in ears at night and it went away. I think that’s how I got mine and I had a very bad virus in January 2023 also. So I think all that affected my hearing and got Tinnitus again just debilitating this time, I havnt been able to work since August and I’m so scared of getting Covid because of it making my tinnitus worse.
        Jan 5, 2024
    11. spedgas
      I haven’t had a setback like this since I first got tinnitus. I don’t know what to do.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. gameover
        I've not researched it heavily, but seems Covid induced T tends to go away, so hopefully some applies to spikes. Seems you made a tremendous progress previously, there is hope...
        Aug 28, 2023
      3. spedgas
        It’s only been about 10 days. Have been experiencing lots of anxiety and stress around other aspects of life. May be contributing as well. Tons of anxiety just from getting Covid as well. Spike didn’t start until 10 days after positive test.
        Aug 28, 2023
      4. spedgas
        I just want to get back to where I was. Not perfect, but it was good enough.
        Aug 28, 2023
        gameover and SarahMLFlemmer like this.
    12. spedgas
      I need help. This post COVID spike has driven me to the edge. From habituation to this overnight. I’m so lost and just want to end things.
      1. SarahMLFlemmer
        Hang in there. One day, one moment, one second at a time.
        Aug 28, 2023
    13. spedgas
      Lost 5 years of progress to habituation due to COVID. I don’t know if I can go through this again. Life was back on track. Gone
      1. SharonBell
        What caused your tinnitus to start with was it Covid?
        Jan 5, 2024
    14. spedgas
      Finally got COVID for the first time. Tinnitus is currently worse. Not sure if it’s the COVID or me worrying about it. Scared.
    15. spedgas
      First time I’ve needed antibiotics since tinnitus started. Probably over worried, but fingers crossed.
      1. Charburchar, Ngo13 and NYCGuy like this.
    16. spedgas
      Sitting in dentist parking lot. Going in for some overdue work. Terrified since T started 6 days after last time I had work done.
      1. CRGC, Ondine, Joe Cuber and 1 other person like this.
    17. spedgas
      Didn’t hear my tinnitus even once today. I’m sure it’s still there, but I’m not going to look for it.
      1. Kabitz, gameover, sakrt and 16 others like this.
      2. PortugalTheMan
        it's great that it stays that way. very well
        Jul 23, 2021
        sakrt, Steph1710 and aot like this.
      3. buttercake
        Small victories are victories!
        Jul 23, 2021
      4. Mister Muso
        Mister Muso
        That would be a huge victory for me. Gives us all hope!
        Jul 26, 2021
        Kabitz and sakrt like this.
    18. Drachen
      Hey there. Thanks for the follow! I haven't seen many recent posts from you, but your last two profile updates are fairly positive. Hope things have become only better since then!
      1. GoatSheep likes this.
    19. spedgas
      Tinnitus went from center of head to just right ear. Trying to stay calm about this. Seems to be staying this way.
    20. spedgas
      Two years this week. I’ve got undeniable signs of improvement/habituation. Bad days mixed in there, but increasing optimism for the future.
      1. Utdmad89, gameover, GBB and 6 others like this.
    21. Paul Hrvat
      Paul Hrvat
      I'm normally an off-line person, so having trouble navigating this site. Yes Dr. Marsha Johnson was the 1st audiologist I saw. Very good doctor, but not paid by my employer. Now seeing Dr. Maralyn Dennise Martindale Address 9735 Sw Shady Ln Ste 302, ,Tigard Oregon, 97223-5481
      Phone Number 503-227-3668
      Fax Number 503-227-223
    22. spedgas
      Best tinnitus day in 18 months. Hours when I couldn’t hear it, even when looking. Hoping this trend continues.
      1. aot
        Apr 22, 2020
        all to gain likes this.
      2. Bill Bauer
        Bill Bauer
        Can you hear it in a quiet room (or when you wear earplugs in a quiet room)?
        Apr 22, 2020
      3. all to gain
        all to gain
        That's what I call a result! Good luck on continued progress.
        Apr 22, 2020
    23. spedgas
      I wish I had found this forum earlier. My ignorance in the beginning cost me greatly.
      1. OnceUponaTime
        Jan 13, 2020
    24. spedgas
      Statins and tinnitus. Anybody have thoughts about a possible relationship?
    25. Star64
      I have been waiting 18 years, so I feel your pain
      1. all to gain likes this.
    26. spedgas
      Becoming convinced the medical/scientific community will never have an answer for this.
      1. TheDanishGirl
        Never is such a strong word, but sadly I feel deep within that we are a long way from an answer. The brain is super complex and still a mystery in many areas.
        Nov 13, 2019
        LilSass, MBH and Star64 like this.
    27. Daniel Lion
      Daniel Lion
      A decent week, be great full, your trend is moving in the right direction.
      You can fight this, and you will succeed. You can do this...hugs
      1. Bill Bauer and Phendran like this.
    28. spedgas
      Woke up today to horrible increase after a somewhat decent week. Absolutely no reason for it. I can’t fight this much longer.
      1. InfiniteLoop
        Live for the good days to come.... Bad days are one of the ugly sides of this condition
        Sep 30, 2019
      2. Bill Bauer
        Bill Bauer
        What matters is the monthly trend and the global lows. Setbacks are irrelevant as far as your long term outlook is concerned.
        Sep 30, 2019
        spedgas likes this.
    29. spedgas
      One year today. Things have improved slightly. I question everyday how long I can do this. Faking happiness as much as I can for my family.
      1. Star64, Bill Bauer and Daniel Lion like this.
      2. Daniel Lion
        Daniel Lion
        hope your feeling better
        Sep 15, 2019
    30. spedgas
      Lingering on first ten days I had this. Didn’t have an understanding of it and don’t think I handled it right. Blew my chance to get better
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