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Member, Female, from NIRELAND

Night five of spike last night - no known trigger. So annoying Oct 3, 2023

hopefuldede was last seen:
Dec 13, 2023
    1. hopefuldede
      Night five of spike last night - no known trigger. So annoying
      1. Strawberryblonde, sakrt and DeanD like this.
      2. DeanD
        Sorry you're going through this :(
        Oct 3, 2023
        hopefuldede likes this.
      3. Juliane
        I am sorry. Nothing about this is easy
        Oct 3, 2023
    2. Dkellz
      Hi, how was your MRI in ballykelly? Mine got postponed because of another health issue, im in on monday, nervous about the loudness!
      1. hopefuldede
        Hi my MRI is next week too. Again keep putting it off primarily because I know it won’t yield anything and of course the loudness. I might postpone it myself.
        Sep 21, 2023
        Dkellz likes this.
      2. Dkellz
        im going to bite the bullet; it says on their website that their MRI scanner is 70% less loud than previous models?
        Sep 22, 2023
        hopefuldede likes this.
      3. hopefuldede
        Is this kingbridge in general or Ballykelly. I take it you’re not coping any better? My right ear is by far my worst would make me want to know why there’s such a difference in the two. I’d say ten times as worse
        Sep 22, 2023
    3. hopefuldede
      Watching Foo’s at Glastonbury (on TV) enjoyable. What do I look for now? Are the band wearing ear protection!! They are.. but Dave ain’t!
      1. Nadia231 likes this.
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      3. kingsfan
        @Lurius I have had the same hypothesis. I suspect misophonia to play a role in tinnitus discomfort. There are people who never change the batteries in their smoke detectors and don't notice the beeping every 60 seconds, yet others immediately become agitated.
        Jun 25, 2023
        Utdmad89 likes this.
      4. kingsfan
        @hopefuldede I didn't use earplugs on stage or at practice for a long time, and when I did I would often take the one out of my left ear halfway. I had the same problem Grohl has - they took me out of environment and I couldn't connect with the performance. My left ear is much worse than my right. But it still didn't stop my right from becoming bad.
        Jun 25, 2023
        hopefuldede likes this.
      5. Strawberryblonde
        Dave Grohl doesn't even seem to give a shit or have the hint of worry that it may worsen his T. How i'll never know. :-/
        Jul 5, 2023
    4. hopefuldede
      In what world did I think it was ok to go for a promotion! Have an interview on Wed & panicking that T will intrude & throw me under the bus
      1. Strawberryblonde likes this.
      2. SarahMLFlemmer
        You're gonna WIN!
        Jun 18, 2023
        hopefuldede likes this.
      3. Strawberryblonde
        Think positive!!!! you got this :)
        Jun 19, 2023
        hopefuldede likes this.
    5. hopefuldede
      I did a half marathon race today - As my comrade @DeanD echoed ‘do things you (used to) love even if you hate it at the start. F.U T!
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      2. Ryan Scott
        Ryan Scott
        Does running make your tinnitus worse? I use to run a lot before getting T really miss running with my podcast on.
        Jun 11, 2023
        hopefuldede likes this.
      3. DeanD
        Love it!!! - well done!!
        Jun 11, 2023
      4. hopefuldede
        @Ryan Scott I ran and trained hard before T. Now I still run but not as much competing as I used to. I don’t listen to anything and cover my ears as best I can with a buff or headband. Yes it raises after a run but is back down 20 mins later
        Jun 11, 2023
    6. hopefuldede
      I’ve had a spike (10 days*) increase in volume Flipping the coin between recent covid infection versus a four year old screaming beside me
    7. hopefuldede
      Covid #2 - 2 years since my first dance with it. Waiting game
    8. hopefuldede
      Ugh! Follow up ENT appointment today. Ears look fine, nose looks fine. Didn’t address the pressure feeling and crackling like a crisp bag.
      1. Strawberryblonde likes this.
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      3. hopefuldede
        @TindalosKeeper no funny enough I don’t have any affect on hearing. I feel as if it’s fluid in tube but ENT says that’s not possible. T is louder in that ear, feels wets occasionally but ENT can’t see fluid behind her drum.
        Apr 27, 2023
      4. hopefuldede
        May 1, 2023
        Strawberryblonde likes this.
      5. Strawberryblonde
        Thanks @hopefuldede had a good time thanks :) can't wait till thr next bank holiday now! Hope you had a nice time also?
        May 1, 2023
    9. hopefuldede
      Went a run this evening - started off lovely. Then fierce wind and rain. Wish me luck
      1. Sammy0225 and Strawberryblonde like this.
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      3. Ryan Scott
        Ryan Scott
        Does the wind mess with your tinnitus?
        Apr 16, 2023
      4. hopefuldede
        Sorry @El BUZZ only seeing this Northern Ireland the North of Ireland
        Apr 26, 2023
      5. hopefuldede
        @Ryan Scott hmmm yes I’d say I get a spike for 20 mins like my T is excited but goes down. I wouldn’t go out without a hat covering my ears or a buff
        Apr 26, 2023
    10. hopefuldede
      I need to arm myself with good earplugs for the likes of restaurants or bars (not for construction work) any reccomendations
      1. Strawberryblonde likes this.
      2. Strawberryblonde
        I use hearprotek 20bd ones when out an about in restaurants (very rarely lol) they dull enough sound but let you still here conversations @hopefuldede
        Mar 29, 2023
        hopefuldede likes this.
      3. hopefuldede
        Thank you @Strawberryblonde do you wear them at work or car. Sorry I’m still trying to find that balance.
        Mar 29, 2023
        Strawberryblonde likes this.
      4. Strawberryblonde
        At work no, out and about in crowded places (if its excessively loud)yes and in the car I try not to all the time so my ears sort of get used to the sounds. :) @hopefuldede
        Mar 29, 2023
        hopefuldede likes this.
    11. hopefuldede
      1. View previous comments...
      2. makeyourownluck
        I’ve never been the type of person to use a hair dryer though. So no idea what the lowest setting is in terms of dB. Better safe than sorry.
        Mar 30, 2023
        hopefuldede likes this.
      3. hopefuldede
        @makeyourownluck thank you hope you had a better day. Yea I keep on lowest setting, wear protection and it takes me 5 mins to dry xx
        Mar 30, 2023
      4. ErikaS
        Have not used a hair dryer much at all since T onset but if I had to I protect yes.
        Mar 30, 2023
    12. hopefuldede
      If it’s gotten worse - can it get better?
      1. Strawberryblonde
        Hopefully it will :)
        Mar 28, 2023
        Wrfortiscue likes this.
      2. Wrfortiscue
        I ask this as well since I’ve only worsened. I think co factors messed me up
        Mar 29, 2023
        Strawberryblonde and hopefuldede like this.
      3. cjbhab
        it can get better. I've had stretches of time where I thought I was going to die, but i've also had long stretches of time where T was not a big problem. Try to focus on activities you love and keep busy.
        Mar 29, 2023
        Strawberryblonde and hopefuldede like this.
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