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  • Why do I develop a morse code sound every time I start taking a B vitamin complex? Any ideas / similar experiences?
    @Pinhead I know, but the complex I take is without B6
    Some guys here worsened from folic acid/folate (B9).
    Vitamin B6 is involved in the synthesis of neurotransmitters such as serotonin and dopamine. Maybe it has a similar effect on tinnitus as SSRI's
    Thinking of my friends here and wishing everyone a peaceful Sunday
    Thanks, I wish. Woke up to lawmowers today. Yesterday. Day before yesterday. FUCK LAWNS.
    @gameover When my husband visited rural England, he was blown away by all the sheep in the countryside, munching grass all day. Lawnmowers were hard to find. Makes me want to start a political movement called "Down with lawnmowers, up with sheep!"
    Ladies, out of interest as I am not there yet but know it is coming: did menopause affect your T? If yes, how?
    I'm getting there @Juliane. I have to wonder if it's contributed to making T worse.
    I once did a search on this website for information on whether hormone replacement affected T and H. Surprisingly, there wasn't a lot of discussion on that, even though half of us are female and surely some of us are old enough to have gone through menopause, with or without hormone replacement.

    Bottom line: opinions were mixed and none were vehement.
    So as far as I know, menopause and HRT don't play huge factors for most of us. If it did, I think there would've been a lot more discussion on this board.
    T wants rigidity. Any type of excitement, good or bad, and it acts up. It wants me to live like an old fragile lady. Which I am I guess
    4/4 heavy cocktails and celebrate. TT wil become part of a digital library for students. The end.
    Students, if you're reading this in the future, make sure our memories aren't slandered. We've suffered in screaming silence for too long.
    3/4 how to complain LOL". They will feel relief they don't live in 2024 where T was treated as a mental disorder. They will drink
    2/4 She will get a good grade and one professor will praise the credibility of her source material. Another will say "That Juliane sure knew
    1/ 4 Perhaps in 2224, some college student will use our posts as material for her thesis on how people suffered before the T cure came.
    I have now lived like this for more than a year. I can objectively say it is not worth it. I have had perhaps 2 non-horrific days
    L along the way
    Sorry.. don't know what to say.. i symphatize.. uff..
    L along the way
    I cannot believe this is what happened.. it's too sad for words.. gosh.. i hope we can all be free of this some how some day
    Has tinnitus made you become better or worse at saying no?
    I'm more noncommittal, saying it depends how I feel. I hate to miss out, so I might just take some Ativan to help get me through, if needed.
    Better. I speak my mind much more often, sometimes to my own detriment. But honestly, I can't really reflect on what I say anymore. I don't have any space in my mind for that. It's all noise now.
    Better at saying no but makes me sad to do so. Makes me feel like a prisoner that can't go or do anything.
    I feel people here on TT are highly intelligent. I wonder if that predisposes you for T and if you are stupid, you go free LOL
    So glad I never had kids. It all makes sense. Such horrible sick genes
    it's probably one of the only things I feel relieved about. I wouldn't have the capacity to care for them.
    I am worsening constantly now. No hope.
    L along the way
    Sorry.. i feel you.. what i say to myself is.. give yourself time.. pff.. trying to slow down, find some distractions, somehow untense as much as you possibly can (t i can't control, but somehow trying to find mindfulness calmth.. which more often than not i couldn't), and give yourself time..
    @Juliane - so sorry - i am with you at this moment. I feel and live this. I want to tell you comforting words. Something that would help you. What can we do.. how do we move forward.
    Someone I thought understood asked if my T is constant. Does she think I would suffer if it was not constant? I cannot do this anymore
    the people around me think the same. they think it's like a brief few seconds of annoyance and everything is back to normal. They think we are all freaking out over nothing vs their issue (that is more important than T) that is easily fixed/managed by meds.
    So sad @Juliane. It is a crazy condition. You were good and stable for so many years. One exposure and messed up. I went from all good to all bad right away. No warning. It seems once certain level is reached, it is only down from there, short of miracles.
    @Juliane - after 1.5 years my family telling me to take Mirt then I will be able to go to loud places and deal with the noise better. They don't want to hear it anymore yet I have been unable to have them truly understand. @gameover / it's true - just takes that last exposure.
    What to do if you have a horrible co-worker who talks constantly? It is making me physically ill :-(
    I can relate. I never liked sharing an office due to all the extra chatter, noise, interruptions, food smells, etc. And that's with only 1 or 2 others before I had severe T. Fortunately, I eventually got my own office.
    For those who want to answer - do you still work with T?
    @4Grace I agree with you. My tinnitus is so bad that there is nothing I enjoy. I have to work even though I struggle/suffer through it. I wouldn't be in a better situation by any means if I didn't have to work. My tinnitus is the kind that I can actually feel so it pierces through my ear drums like they're being cut
    @MiaVIL - how do you do it. You are so incredibly strong. Working is better but I physically could not… I worsen with the wind. I reached this new point 2 weeks ago. Can't drive for 5 min. My ears begin to burn and ring harder.
    @4Grace I work from home and there is a tiny ounce- a very tiny ounce that I will recover. Even though it's minuscule.
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