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I understand everyone suffers differently. Tolerance & mental status, unique as well. It's easy to sink fast so I try to stop the sinkin 4 u Nov 11, 2023

Mo8409 was last seen:
Jan 21, 2024
    1. Mo8409
      I think I'm headed into that tinnitus stage where you get upset, feel defeated, get really annoyed at the noise. I'm sure it will pass.
      1. Ngo13 likes this.
      2. SarahMLFlemmer
        @Mo8409 You seem to be better along that I was at 4 months. Keep it up. <3
        Jun 26, 2023
        Mo8409 likes this.
      3. Stayinghopeful
        It will pass. You’re stronger than you know
        Jun 26, 2023
        SarahMLFlemmer and Mo8409 like this.
    2. Mo8409
      I wonder at what point tinnitus is considered permanent? I see people lose it at 12 months, 18 months, 3 years. I don't like time frames.
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      2. SarahMLFlemmer
        Let's hope. <3 I'm on month 7 now.
        Jun 26, 2023
      3. Merlin L
        Merlin L
        @Mo8409, a handbook of tinnitus and hyperacusis for physicians I read said that doctors shouldn’t use terms like “permanent” and “nothing to do”
        Jun 26, 2023
        SarahMLFlemmer likes this.
      4. Stayinghopeful
        I think you don’t put a time frame on it and when it does go, you look back and a see it too x amount of months/years.
        Jun 26, 2023
        SarahMLFlemmer likes this.
    3. Mo8409
      Summer carnival with my daughter! Ear plugs of course. Happy Summer.
    4. Mo8409
      Watching TV has become challenging. Trying to concentrate with T is a struggle. Something to adjust to..I love my ghost shows too much!
      1. Nadia231 and RunningMan like this.
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      3. Mo8409
        @Lurius I understand. I don't watch a lot of TV as is and would rather stay active but of course the TVs shows I like are all quiet lol what do you watch or do if you don't watch TV?
        Jun 24, 2023
      4. RunningMan
        TV actually helps me get my focus off my tinnitus. But I don't watch a lot, either.
        Jun 24, 2023
        Mo8409 likes this.
      5. Lurius
        I mostly talk to friends and play video games. Sometimes I watch a little bit of netflix, if I find something that can keep my interest for more than 10 minutes. I just finished the Arnold Scwarzenegger documentary, that was good actually.
        Jun 24, 2023
        Juliane, SarahMLFlemmer and Mo8409 like this.
    5. Mo8409
      Has anyone tried magnesium? Or other nerve healing supplements?
      1. RunningMan likes this.
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      3. Nadia231
        I've been taking magnesium for 2 years. Has done nothing good or bad to my T and H, but I still take it before bed . They say it's good... But who knows
        Jun 24, 2023
      4. Ngo13
        @Mo8409 acoustic shock from my newborn's scream of all things, almost 18 months in now. I think the magnesium glycinate helps me sleep a bit better
        Jun 25, 2023
        aab likes this.
      5. Tryn2BHopeful
        Trying one now... fingers crossed it helps with anything but not holding my breath
        Jul 1, 2023
    6. Mo8409
      Headache, head pressure, ears hurt, the ringing on top of it...feeling little emotional today. May cry this one out guys.
      1. Nadia231 and PennyCat like this.
      2. SarahMLFlemmer
        It's tough. Hang in there. <3
        Jun 24, 2023
    7. Mo8409
      Has anyone just sat & thought to yourself "I can't believe this is my reality." Like at times you have a hard time accepting this.
      1. ECP, SilverFox, Ondine and 8 others like this.
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      3. Mo8409
        @cjbhab That would be wonderful wouldn't it? To have that silence we once had. I hope in the future if my tinnitus stays that I can be like my brother and father who have had it for 30 years. They live normal and happy lives. Maybe we can get to that point.
        Jun 21, 2023
        SarahMLFlemmer likes this.
      4. Mo8409
        @gameover Me too. At least we're not alone though.
        Jun 21, 2023
        SarahMLFlemmer likes this.
      5. Lurius
        Every day, honey. Every single day.
        Jun 22, 2023
        Mo8409 likes this.
    8. Mo8409
      Got baptized today. What a good day. Happy Father's Day.
      1. aab, ECP, yeezysqueezy and 4 others like this.
      2. SarahMLFlemmer
        PRAISE GOD! I knew you were a Christian! Yeah!! That's right fam!!!
        Jun 18, 2023
        aab and Mo8409 like this.
      3. Mo8409
        Jun 18, 2023
      4. SarahMLFlemmer
        Hey man, either we believe the Bible is true or we don't. But... in the end, every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus is LORD.
        Jun 18, 2023
        Mo8409 likes this.
    9. Mo8409
      I know this sounds super silly but ask someone to rub your head. It makes my T almost non-existent.
      1. SamRosemary and RunningMan like this.
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      3. Mo8409
        Jun 18, 2023
        SarahMLFlemmer likes this.
      4. SamRosemary
        I need to find someone to do it lol. Maybe I’ll go for a massage.
        Jun 18, 2023
        SarahMLFlemmer and Mo8409 like this.
      5. Strawberryblonde
        I'd love something like this and get me some ASMR style brain tingles. :)
        Jun 18, 2023
        Mo8409 and SarahMLFlemmer like this.
    10. Mo8409
      What is habituation? Does that mean It went away or you've adjusted yourself to the noise?
      1. Joe Cuber likes this.
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      3. BrOKeN_1
        Habituation is 100% learning to be ok and living with T. The more comfortable you get the more you feel habituated. We all want a CURE but we will settle for comfortably habituated.
        Jun 18, 2023
      4. BeMagnified
        No, I still hear my musical tinnitus over everything. I've just gotten used to it.
        Jun 18, 2023
        Mo8409 likes this.
      5. RunningMan
        Habituated is what I would say I was with 20 years of milder tinnitus when I could ignore it most of the time and rarely thought about it. But the newer levels of sounds that are always changing made habituation history, and there's that automatic sympathetic nervous system response that results in anxiety.
        Jun 18, 2023
        Mo8409 likes this.
    11. Mo8409
      I wonder what makes tinnitus permanent or temporary. Is hearing loss tinnitus permanent? Is no hearing loss tinnitus permanent?
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      2. Mo8409
        @Ngo13 But I have no damage. I have a malformation but that can be fixed with surgery. Ears are good and brain is good besides the malformation. So I'm curious if the brain gets "stuck" with tinnitus. I'd rather hear nothing to be honest. Lol
        Jun 17, 2023
        SarahMLFlemmer likes this.
      3. Mo8409
        @Andrei88 Idk, I've read many successful stories of people who have completely recovered from acoustic trama. Keep your head up.
        Jun 17, 2023
        aab, Andrei88 and SarahMLFlemmer like this.
      4. Andrei88
        Perhaps hey, but I've had it for over 12 years and it has only gotten worse with time.
        Jun 19, 2023
    12. Mo8409
      I just realized my tinnitus started April 1st. What an April's fools day prank this was. Haha. Life is a wild ride. How's everyone doing?
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      2. RunningMan
        And now it's back to more of the piercing squealing variable tone again upon awakening this morning. Hopefully, it won't make me feel worse again.
        Jun 16, 2023
        Mo8409 likes this.
      3. Mo8409
        @RunningMan Sounds like we have similar noises. I had a few moments of a high pitch ear piercing tone. Must be a new tone. I'm hoping that it will change back for ya.
        Jun 16, 2023
        RunningMan likes this.
      4. RunningMan
        @Mo8409 Thanks. It did change to a milder tinnitus this afternoon, so it never bothered me too much. I never know when it's going to change. That's good if that tone didn't stick around long for you - hopefully it won't return.
        Jun 17, 2023
        SarahMLFlemmer likes this.
    13. Mo8409
      Anyone still on this forum that has gotten T due to low dose medication and that has no hearing loss?
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      2. SarahMLFlemmer
        @Mo8409 yeah, I've noticed that too that we are a minority it seems.
        Jun 16, 2023
      3. SarahMLFlemmer
        I just read that ototoxicity is irreversible, I sure hope not. =[
        Jun 16, 2023
      4. BeMagnified
        I developed regular T in 2007 and musical T last November. I wouldn't say that my musical T has gotten better. It's still just as loud and still changes tones second to second. Fortunately I'm able to tolerate it better than initially.
        Jun 16, 2023
    14. Mo8409
      Has anyone taken Prednisone within the first 3 months of getting T?
      1. Joe Cuber and RunningMan like this.
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      3. RunningMan
        SSHL is Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss. Sometimes prednisone is prescribed without hearing loss, as my ENT offered me that I declined, plus I have seen success story here before where someone without HL improved after prednisone.
        Jun 14, 2023
        Mo8409 likes this.
      4. kingsfan
        @Mo8409 Steroids are hard on the body, especially at the high doses required for SSHL. I have to take a moderate dose once in a while for asthma and it messes with my tinnitus, sometimes in nice ways sometimes not so nice ways.
        Jun 14, 2023
        Mo8409 likes this.
      5. kingsfan
        I don't know of any studies that provide any evidence that steroids help mitigate tinnitus but there are studies that suggest NAC, Magnesium and vitamins A, C, E taken within a couple hours of acoustic trauma reduce chances of tinnitus developing.
        Jun 14, 2023
        Mo8409 likes this.
    15. Mo8409
      Anyone like scary stuff? Movies, ghosts, haunted houses, Halloween? I love it all. I'm going to meet ghost hunters this August.
      1. Leila, SamRosemary, sakrt and 3 others like this.
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      3. RunningMan
        I'm always adding more movies to my list that I want to watch than I'm ever getting watched. lol I do like the spooky, haunting, thrillers, but not too gory. I've never seen any ghosts in real life.
        Jun 13, 2023
      4. Mo8409
        @SamRosemary Michael Myers is a classic <3 I'd say I'm more into cases like the Warrens. Stories that have police documentation with it.
        Jun 13, 2023
        RunningMan likes this.
      5. BrOKeN_1
        @Mo8409 I'm kinda glad you don't know what Skinwalker Ranch is.. but if your curious there is actually a history Channel show on HULU. Search 'Secret of Skinwalker Ranch'. Keep your expectations low. Lol
        Jun 14, 2023
    16. Mo8409
      Beach & carnival all day. Now it's bedtime with T, lame. Trying to push through the hard & dark times of my life right now.
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      2. Mo8409
        Jun 11, 2023
        SarahMLFlemmer likes this.
      3. Mo8409
        @Ryan Scott Why can't you go to the beach anymore? Is it too loud?
        Jun 11, 2023
      4. Ryan Scott
        Ryan Scott
        @Mo8409 Yeah it is just a little for like a 3 hour drive on the interstate. Then they have jeeps driving up and down the beach blaring music.
        Jun 11, 2023
        Mo8409 likes this.
    17. Mo8409
      Been going nonstop since my T started. Feeling really fatigued lately, especially after my MRI. Think I'll stay in bed today.
      1. SarahMLFlemmer and Joe Cuber like this.
      2. Mo8409
        @Joe Cuber How's your T doing? I had 2 MRIs and my T sound changed to middle of the head. Hopefully that crap goes away.
        Jun 9, 2023
        SarahMLFlemmer and Joe Cuber like this.
    18. Mo8409
      What do you think changes the Tinnitus noise? Mine keeps going back n fourth from static to eeeee and static to eeeee. Does yours?
      1. RunningMan likes this.
      2. twa
        Yes, it changes depending on the weather, stress, and sleep.
        Jun 8, 2023
        Mo8409 likes this.
      3. SarahMLFlemmer
        Yeah, mine is a static hiss in the morning and slowly somehow evolves into a solid sound by the afternoon.
        Jun 13, 2023
        Mo8409 likes this.
    19. Mo8409
      Hopefully the neurologists and I can get a proper diagnosis after 3 head scans. Maybe surgery is in my future.
      1. RunningMan likes this.
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      3. RunningMan
        Good luck with that. I'm not doing the best lately. Tinnitus seems to be spiking recently, and also day to day anxiety and depression the last 5 days that doesn't fade until evening, after exercise for an hour, when it then slowly improves. So I feel good at the moment.
        Jun 8, 2023
      4. Mo8409
        @RunningMan I am so sorry. I'm here if you need to vent or just have someone to talk with. This condition really stinks and spikes are the worst. Do you have coping mechanisms to help during the really hard times??
        Jun 8, 2023
        SarahMLFlemmer and RunningMan like this.
      5. RunningMan
        I don't really have a coping mechanism. It helps to know it typically gets better later in the day or after exercise. Sometimes I take walk or get focused on something else enough to help. Tinnitus seems calmer today but I still have the anxiety and depression since I woke up.
        Jun 8, 2023
        SarahMLFlemmer and Mo8409 like this.
    20. Mo8409
      Have to get a second MRI with contrast Tuesday... Pray for me.
      1. brixenbrixen, LilSass, NTV and 4 others like this.
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      3. brixenbrixen
        I fear this as my severe T is due to an MRI
        Jun 6, 2023
        aab likes this.
      4. Mo8409
        @brixenbrixen Do you have hearing loss? It seems to be hit or miss with MRIs and T for some people. I'm sorry that happened with you :(
        Jun 7, 2023
        brixenbrixen likes this.
      5. brixenbrixen
        No hearing loss before and after … thx for your thought
        Jun 11, 2023
        Mo8409 likes this.
    21. Mo8409
      Do you guys have days where your tolerance just isn't there? Like you just don't have it in you to hear it anymore? What helps you cope?
      1. RunningMan and Tom Okay like this.
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      3. Mo8409
        @Tom Okay Hi Tom How long have you had your T? What causes yours?
        Jun 4, 2023
      4. RunningMan
        Exercise helps with the anxiety/depression for me but actually spikes the tinnitus for quite a while. Sometimes trying to mask it or trying to distract myself with something to focus my mind on helps.
        Jun 5, 2023
      5. Tom Okay
        Tom Okay
        @Mo8409 Mild high pitch T since I was a teenager (loud concerts, I think). Now, 30 years later, sudden severe increase (due to loud sound exposure and stress, I think).
        Jun 5, 2023
    22. Mo8409
      It's insane how common tinnitus is and there's no treatment. I meet people almost everyday who have it.
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      2. Mo8409
        @AfroSnowman Very good way of explain it. I'd say mine is mild/moderate because it's nonstop.
        Jun 2, 2023
      3. Mo8409
        I'm not sure if mine is worse. I mean it's not an overwhelming noise level just one that's noticable. Everyone I've talked to can hear theirs 24/7. So honestly I'm not sure unless I'm in their head. I think mine effects me so much right now is because I'm only 2 months in. This is a huge adjustment.
        Jun 2, 2023
        RunningMan likes this.
      4. RunningMan
        Right. If I thought about it, I could hear mine pretty much anytime whenever I actually thought about it even back in 2021, like if watching TV. But I could ignore pretty easily. Now it's hard to ignore it over these last 16 months at any point of the day, plus the anxiety, depression, insomnia to go with it. Hopefully it gets easier for you.
        Jun 3, 2023
        Mo8409 likes this.
    23. Mo8409
      Back at it today. At work pretending everything is just fine. Trying to live a normal life when it's so far from.
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      2. RunningMan
        Yeah, it varies night to night, 2hr one night, 6+ another, sometimes I take an antihistimine sleep med at bedtime and often zolpidem sublingual overnight when I can't get back to sleep. Then there's the anxiety and intermittent depression on top of that. Dr. didn't prescribe anything new this year.
        Jun 2, 2023
        Mo8409 and sakrt like this.
      3. Joshua Macleod
        Joshua Macleod
        @Mo8409 Much the same here. I'm a microbiology PhD researcher working in labs that are tolerable for the most part. I do frequently work with a bench top whole genome sequencer, however, that sits at an ambient 65 dB. I wear plugs for that, that's about it.

        All the very best, I hope work can continue to alleviate.
        Jun 2, 2023
        Mo8409 likes this.
      4. Diego LR
        Diego LR
        That is good that you can manage work. it will help you with your mental health. I work from home, I am a CBT therapist and can not tolerate going to the office. I am from London.
        Jun 2, 2023
        Mo8409 likes this.
    24. Mo8409
      Crying today. Not that the static noise was any louder but I think I'm drained. So let the water works flow & pick back up again tomorrow.
      1. Ondine likes this.
      2. AfroSnowman
        That's how is works, sometimes we break, but tomorrow the sun rises, we pick ourselves up and keep going
        Jun 1, 2023
        SarahMLFlemmer and Mo8409 like this.
      3. Mo8409
        @AfroSnowman One foot in front of the other. Sometimes I have a hard time believing that this is real life. This is my (our) reality and existence.
        Jun 1, 2023
        SarahMLFlemmer likes this.
      4. AfroSnowman
        @Mo8409 I know. Hopefully you are one of the 90% that get better and if you aren’t, eventually the reality of it ceases to be shocking
        Jun 1, 2023
        SarahMLFlemmer likes this.
    25. Mo8409
      I've been experiencing the same tone since the start, a static noise. Can the sound you hear change? Does it go back to your original tone?
      1. RunningMan likes this.
      2. RunningMan
        It can change. My primary loud tinnitus sound is sometimes more of a single tone, other times a hiss, and sometimes more of a broken hiss like a field of distant crickets. And of course, new sounds can come and go, and I have/had those as well.
        May 29, 2023
        Mo8409 likes this.
      3. Mo8409
        Thank you for answering! I'd prefer my static/hiss over that eeee tone. It seemed to of went back to the static. It's quite aggravating when it changes. Gave me a bit of anxiety yesterday. I really appreciate you taking the time to answer.
        May 29, 2023
        RunningMan likes this.
    26. Mo8409
      Hope everyone finds the sunshine in a cloudy day ❤️
    27. Mo8409
      Hello everyone I wanted to introduce myself. My name is Mo for short. I'm a newbie to this club. (Lucky me). Looking to make friends.
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      2. Mo8409
        @SarahMLFlemmer That's awesome to hear! I'm hoping my sensitivity will fade with time. I'm typing this right now picking up my daughter up from school with ear plugs in. Lol. Arg! I see you have a daughter to!
        May 24, 2023
        SarahMLFlemmer likes this.
      3. SarahMLFlemmer
        I have a 4 year old daughter and a 6 year old son that I homeschool. It has been hard, along with tinnitus, lol.
        May 24, 2023
        Mo8409 likes this.
      4. SarahMLFlemmer
        I think the sensitivity will settle down. I know mine has. <3
        May 24, 2023
        Mo8409 likes this.
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    Tinnitus Since:
    Cause of Tinnitus: