Stock Market Chat

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by Mathew Gould, Apr 11, 2020.

    1. Ed209

      Ed209 Member Podcast Patron Benefactor Ambassador Hall of Fame

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      This is what I don’t understand about fiat currency. Where are all these bailout packages coming from? Nobody has any money, and it’s now at a point where it’s close to being mathematically impossible for all these nations to pay off their debts. The solution is always to print more money like we’re in a game of monopoly. This money is just made up out of thin air and they call it quantitative easing. In the meantime the banks are reckless and are not being held accountable for their atrocities; instead, the working man is made to subsidise their mistakes time after time, and this needs to stop. Our government bailed out HBOS back in 2008 using taxpayers’ money. How is this a fair system, and why do some people want to support it?

      At least with decentralised cryptocurrencies, the power lies amongst the people who hold the currency and not some central power. They cannot be manipulated in the same way as what the central banks have been getting away with for generations. As blockchain technology is developed, it will gradually replace the banking system of old because that belongs with the dinosaurs.

      It’s only a matter of time until we see major reform in the financial industry, and it’s already beginning to happen. With that being said, we’re much more likely to end up with a reformed centralised banking system that is based on blockchain technology, as that’s already in progress.
      I forgot to add that this is true. This kind of corruption exists all over the world.
    2. Juan

      Juan Member Hall of Fame

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      Several causes
      Now they call it "stimulus packages". It gives me the creeps to hear that...

      Basically the average Joe will be paying for all the money printed. Actually it would be better to have an economic crisis and reset the economy, instead of continuing with the nonsense of QE or new "stimulus".

      In Europe there is going to be a deflation, and in the US, when the dust settles, there will be a wave of foreclosures in the real estate market.
    3. Ed209

      Ed209 Member Podcast Patron Benefactor Ambassador Hall of Fame

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      Bitcoin powered through its ATH today. It’s not surprising with the amount of institutional backing that’s been coming in from the likes of the insurance giant MassMutual and the UK hedge fund, Ruffer. They put in a combined total of just shy of a billion. Banks are also backing Bitcoin exchanges.

      It’s becoming a go-to store of value against the devalued and worsening US dollar. What the future holds for Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies will be interesting for sure, but all we can see, as of now, is large amounts of institutional money flowing into it.

      Its value is also going through the roof in countries like Argentina, where inflation is high.

      We will have to wait and see whether this is ultimately a bubble, but as more time passes, it's looking more and more unlikely. Some are predicting a value of anywhere between $500,000 - $1,000,000 per coin because of it's increasing scarcity.

      Next year is when PayPal comes online, which will also stir the pot further.
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    4. Deamon22

      Deamon22 Member Podcast Patron Benefactor Ambassador

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      Head Trauma
      Very interesting. I am following Crypto more just on the sideline, but I am really interested in getting in a bit. I will probably wait for it to fall a bit and then get in. VeChain sounds pretty interesting too.
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    5. Greg Sacramento

      Greg Sacramento Member Benefactor Hall of Fame

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      Syringing + Somatic tinnitus from dental work
      Bought a lot of GBTC - bitcoin - a few days ago - plus gold miners and a lot of silver miners, but I had 3 bios that did even better. Just sold all of it.

      Hey @Ed209 - are you allowed to trade GBTC in England?
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    6. Ed209

      Ed209 Member Podcast Patron Benefactor Ambassador Hall of Fame

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      Yeah, we can trade that here. We can trade pretty much anything.

      Another friend of mine is up £50k on Bitcoin already. He only hopped onboard a few weeks back after a friend and I told him to look into it. There's a small circle of us who are all doing really nicely on the cryptos in general.

      Some to watch, in my opinion, are Cardano, VeChain, Polkadot, Chainlink, Theta, Icon, Stellar, and Zilliqa. There are many others I could mention, but I hold these and I'm up loads on all of them. I'm going to hold most of them long-term, so there will be some big drops along the way. The upside potential if they reach the promised land is massive, though.

      As always, DYOR. This is not financial advice.
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    7. Ed209

      Ed209 Member Podcast Patron Benefactor Ambassador Hall of Fame

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      Now that a date has been set, worldwide, for crypto regulations, I can see even more institutional money flowing in. On January 10th, crypto exchanges will have to register under new laws to continue operating. This will separate the wheat from the chaff, and with an S&P index also being created, I can see a lot of upside. All of this will majorly disrupt the financial industry, and that’s good for us.
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    8. Greg Sacramento

      Greg Sacramento Member Benefactor Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Syringing + Somatic tinnitus from dental work
      @Ed209 Been doing slightly better trading Grayscale Bitcoin Trust than just holding, but do you think that it will up from here before a correction?
    9. Ed209

      Ed209 Member Podcast Patron Benefactor Ambassador Hall of Fame

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      There will likely be an ABC correction soon if you subscribe to Elliott wave theory. I’m bullish longterm, though, regardless of the corrections.
      • Informative Informative x 1
    10. Ed209

      Ed209 Member Podcast Patron Benefactor Ambassador Hall of Fame

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    11. Ed209

      Ed209 Member Podcast Patron Benefactor Ambassador Hall of Fame

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      I’ve 5x’ed on THETA so far, and everything else is not far behind.

      What other stocks are you all trading at the moment? Any good tech company recommendations?
    12. Greg Sacramento

      Greg Sacramento Member Benefactor Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Syringing + Somatic tinnitus from dental work
      I mentioned this on December 9 in this thread.
      Today this company traded 734,079,826 shares - that's almost 3/4 of a billion shares.
      Including after hours up over 400 per cent. From 29 cents to a high of 1.50.
      I would not touch this stock now - why too dangerous.

      If anyone would like weekly suggestions for medical or other 2X+ quick baggers, let me know.

      @Ed209 @Diesel @FGG @tommyd87 @patorjk @Aaron91 @GBB @Lucifer @Juan @Christiaan

      When trading FREQ, don't buy on the ASK. For some reason many FREQ traders are doing that and the money market managers are then able to scalp for money managers on their sales lowering price.
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    13. Lucifer

      Lucifer Member Podcast Patron Benefactor Hall of Fame

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      Thanks @Greg Sacramento.

      Let us know what you think may be a good or bad buy and when to sell. I don’t think I will invest in any stock but it’s good to hear of what you and @Ed209 have to say.
      • Agree Agree x 1
    14. FGG
      No Mood

      FGG Member Hall of Fame

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      Sure, put me on this list.

      I just sold out of SRPT finally so I have a bit to invest but I need it to keep up with my mortgage so I don't really have a lot.

      I don't touch anything but biotech. What do you think of:

      ARCT and NVAX?

      How about DRRX? Could get very interesting...

      I have a position in FREQ but that's obviously a longer hold.
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    15. Greg Sacramento

      Greg Sacramento Member Benefactor Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Syringing + Somatic tinnitus from dental work
      @FGG I posted this on September 4 in this thread.
      I bought NVAX at $5 a share early in year and sold around $155. I'm not a fan at this price. I had traded that company for years.

      ARCT - mRNA I like, but this also zoomed. Arcturus Therapeutics' has a possible downside of 40.1%, according to analysts. I haven't looked at ARCT for a couple of months - will check it out.

      DRXX - Seen the name before and know what they do. I just took a look. It could double or triple - but need to study it more.

      Congratulations on SRPT. I sold mine several years ago and I though that was going to be a mistake. It was.
      I think I bought around $8 and sold at $32.

      Mostly, I only buy a hundred shares since getting tinnitus, unless it's a penny stock where I might buy up to a 1000 shares. Not getting rich. I think that I almost spent the same made for dental and healthcare. With FREQ, I bought it, sold it, and will buy it again at some point next year - maybe in January.
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    16. Deamon22

      Deamon22 Member Podcast Patron Benefactor Ambassador

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Head Trauma
      Always interested in some stock suggestions :). Thanks Greg.
    17. Ed209

      Ed209 Member Podcast Patron Benefactor Ambassador Hall of Fame

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      Keep your eye on Oxford Biodynamics (OBD).


      Possible trend reversal. Look at the 50/100 MACD, and the 9 and 21 day EMA. The issue is the overall trading volume, as this adds an edge of volatility.


      They have a proprietary epigenetic biomarker discovery platform called EpiSwitch. They are trying to make medicine more personalised.

      It’s a very risky one. The lack of liquidity means it’s got a spread like the Grand Canyon as well, so it’s not one to trade. It’s also not making any money so it’s a highly speculative one. What caught my eye is that it has been bought into over the last month, so what is it that they are seeing? In these small caps, it’s usually people who are associated with it in some way.

      I won’t be buying it as this point, but I’ve added it to my watch list.
    18. Ed209

      Ed209 Member Podcast Patron Benefactor Ambassador Hall of Fame

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      After doing a bit more research of the company, there’s not much to go on. It’s very quiet news-wise so I’ll add it to my watch list and move on I think.

      I’m a bit out of touch with the biotechs nowadays, so I’d love to hear your recommendations, @Greg Sacramento. Count me in.
    19. Marin

      Marin Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      SSNHL (probably previous noise exposure, too)
      Yes please, I’d love to hear stock suggestions! I’m currently out of work due to severe hyperacusis and could use some wins. Obviously, I understand that it’s buy at my own risk. Thank you for offering to share your knowledge!
      • Agree Agree x 1
    20. BigNick

      BigNick Member

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      Yes please.
    21. Greg Sacramento

      Greg Sacramento Member Benefactor Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Syringing + Somatic tinnitus from dental work
      @BigNick Actually that stock went up another 200 percent today - 10x bagger high in 2 days.

      It's now way over bought.

      The problem with recommending companies is that I am afraid people will sell FREQ to buy others.

      I noticed someone posting early today on a stock board that they're continuing to sell boatloads of FREQ along with friends to buy this stock - I first mentioned this stock about 3 weeks ago.

      This person also posted the same on the stock board of a low price stock that @FGG mentioned yesterday.
    22. FGG
      No Mood

      FGG Member Hall of Fame

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      Are you saying a particular poster was selling FREQ to buy DRRX in the near term? Interesting.
    23. Greg Sacramento

      Greg Sacramento Member Benefactor Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Syringing + Somatic tinnitus from dental work
      Yes and the stock that that I been mentioning from three weeks ago and earlier this week. It made big moves yesterday and today - 9X. Price got taken down a bit in after hours and I expect a lot more profit taking over days and weeks.

      I got one medical health company on alert that may do a 5x to 20X move within a year. Emails with CEO and full medical/financial research on my part. I don't want to see selling of FREQ to buy this. I'm clueless as to where FREQ will go in the short term.

      ARCT fell today - was downgraded.
      • Informative Informative x 3
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    24. Jack Straw

      Jack Straw Member Podcast Patron Benefactor Ambassador Hall of Fame Advocate

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      Infection, Acoustic Trauma
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    25. Lucifer

      Lucifer Member Podcast Patron Benefactor Hall of Fame

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    26. Marin

      Marin Member

      Tinnitus Since:
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      SSNHL (probably previous noise exposure, too)
      I see that Bitcoin continues to climb. Would anyone suggest buying in now, or do you expect for it to go back down in the near future and to buy at that point?

      I already have Litecoin which has thankfully gone up this year.
    27. Ed209

      Ed209 Member Podcast Patron Benefactor Ambassador Hall of Fame

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      There will be a correction at some point, but nobody can say when with 100% conviction. That is crystal ball territory, and if we knew that, we’d all be billionaires. Bitcoin is driving upwards because of the institutional money that’s flowing into it. All I can tell you is that nothing rises forever and that pullbacks are healthy.

      I’m up loads on Theta now. Bought in at 18p and it’s now at £1.19 (661%). It’s a streaming tech based on blockchain technology that has partnered with Samsung. I’m also up big on Zilliqa. With that I bought in at 12p and it’s now 56p (460%). They have an advanced blockchain platform that was the first to implement sharding on their mainnet.

      If you was to buy them when I recommended them last week, you’d have doubled your money now.

      I told people to buy Bitcoin when it was $5000 this year, and specifically said they’d easily multi-bag their money, but nobody seemed interested. Everyone was saying, “isn’t that a scam.” What I find ironic is that those same people are now all texting me asking if it’s still a good time to get in :LOL:
    28. Marin

      Marin Member

      Tinnitus Since:
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      SSNHL (probably previous noise exposure, too)
      @Ed209 Thanks for your response and insight! Yeah, if only we could tell the future. I definitely wish I’d gotten in on Bitcoin earlier. Investing was just not on my radar at the time, but my circumstances have changed.

      Do you think it’s too late to get in on Theta and Zilliqa? Seeing how much they’ve increased I’m guessing those ships might have already sailed.
    29. Ed209

      Ed209 Member Podcast Patron Benefactor Ambassador Hall of Fame

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      I wouldn’t buy now as they’ve risen too much.
      • Informative Informative x 1
    30. Marin

      Marin Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      SSNHL (probably previous noise exposure, too)
      Got it. Thanks!

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