Sep 22, 2017
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    1. Holly1987
      Sometimes I fantasize about becoming a billionaire and donating all my $ to tinnitus research. That or start a dog shelter.
      1. Dylan Blake
        Dylan Blake
        Donate half to research, the take another half to starting an animal shelter, with the remnant buy out a local non-chain business in Your area, a gas and sip for instance, then use Your cut on research and animal shelters. but it's only fantasy, so *proceeds to sing the Pirate song with the word billionaire instead of Pirate* I promise never to sing again.
        May 13, 2018
    2. Holly1987
      I find it crazy the fridge in our apartment is insanely noisy and I've never cared yet I still can't habituate this bloody tinnitus.
      1. cspc and SugarMagnolia like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Holly1987
        Oh hi Ed! You changed your pic, I didn't realise it was you. You're so right, I hope in time I can get there.
        May 6, 2018
        Ed209 likes this.
      4. Dylan Blake
        Dylan Blake
        You will, Holly1987, stand firm.
        May 7, 2018
        Holly1987 and Ed209 like this.
      5. victoria9273
        I'm exactly like you. It is like i was absolutely fine with that noise and suddenly I catch the sound and it bugs me for months. Just like a radio, catching a particular noise frequency..
        May 9, 2018
        Holly1987 likes this.
    3. Holly1987
      After reaching breaking point from this spike I got an emergency ENT appointment. He said there is a lot of fluid behind my ears .
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Holly1987
        He said once the fluid drains hopefully the tinnitus will return to baseline.
        May 3, 2018
        New Guy likes this.
      3. Holly1987
        Feel really pissed off 6 weeks ago my Dr wouldn't give me a referral... I've had the worst few months. Knowing it was fluid would have helped my anxiety so much
        May 3, 2018
      4. Holly1987
        If you get a random spike don't let people tell you it's all part of tinnitus. Demand to see an ENT.
        May 3, 2018
        Autumnly likes this.
    4. Holly1987
      Sometimes I like to imagine what people on tt look like. For some reason I imagine @Michael Leigh looks like Gandalf.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. SugarMagnolia
        I love your new avatar :)
        Apr 30, 2018
        Holly1987 and Autumnly like this.
      3. Michael Leigh
        Michael Leigh
        I like your new avatar too Holly.
        Apr 30, 2018
        Holly1987 likes this.
      4. Holly1987
        Thank you!
        Apr 30, 2018
        Michael Leigh likes this.
    5. Holly1987
      I finally found a white noise that helps me sleep, "2 hrs of campfire" by Steven Lucas. Found on spotify.
    6. Holly1987
      Went for a run and near the end was getting very tired, my tinnitus got louder. I think it was cheering me on. "You can do eeeeeeeeeet"
      1. New Guy, SugarMagnolia and Apolonia like this.
    7. Holly1987
      Sometimes I hear a random noise and start panicking it's a new T sound, I freak out until I find out where the noise is coming from.
      1. treelee, Shera, TracyJS and 1 other person like this.
      2. Holly1987
        My poor fiance, at least once a day I will say "can you hear that noise?" I'm a nervous wreck!
        Apr 26, 2018
        threefirefour likes this.
      3. TheDanishGirl
        Same, once I was at my friends house I heard a faint ringing, I panicked for about 1-2 seconds thinking it was a new T tone, and then asked my friend if she could hear it, and luckily she said yes :D It was a tv box that made the sound.
        Apr 26, 2018
        Shera and Holly1987 like this.
      4. Shera
        My mom has done this for year. Use to drive me crazy! Now that I have T I do it too!
        Apr 30, 2018
        Holly1987 likes this.
    8. Jazzer
      Wednesday was a bad day for me Holly.
      It seemed to bug me all day long.
      When I woke up this morning I wondered what my day would be like.
      Would it be another despairing day, or could I take it easy?
      “Easy Dave - just take it easy.”
      I’ve had a pretty relaxed easy day.
      As per my meditation routine, please try to practice a ‘soft mouth’ Holly.
      1. Holly1987 likes this.
    9. Jazzer
      Holly - we would all love a cure, and I so hope it happens for all of us.
      But in the meantime, we have to try to cope and live as comfortably as possible.
      Either in meditation, or auto-suggestion.
      “Easy Holly - hiss is normal,” just may help to take the sting out of it a bit, once that message has sunk in. xx
      1. Holly1987 likes this.
      2. Holly1987
        Thanks for the encouragement Dave xxx some days it really wears me down. Tomorrow will be better.
        Apr 25, 2018
        Jazzer likes this.
    10. Holly1987
      Crazy how an online forum full of complete strangers can give you the courage to go on. I am forever grateful to everyone on here.
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      2. New Guy
        New Guy
        There's strength in numbers. I would be so lost if I had to seek advice from people who didn't have T and I'd also think I was being soft. This really effects us.
        Apr 26, 2018
        Holly1987 likes this.
      3. Holly1987
        I would be lost too, I was telling my parents about it and they were like "oh that's no good, sounds a bit annoying" I explained to them it was causing me extreme distress and they looked rather puzzled. Thank gosh people here understand.
        Apr 26, 2018
        New Guy likes this.
      4. New Guy
        New Guy
        My mom said something very similar within an hour of when I was told to deal with it. I was patient and cried once I hung up the phone.
        Apr 26, 2018
        Holly1987 likes this.
    11. Holly1987
      T is so loud today I actually laughed at how ridiculous it is. Unsure if I'm coping better or have indeed lost my mind...
      1. SugarMagnolia, CrystalB and Autumnly like this.
    12. Holly1987
      Called the tinnitus helpline today and they were amazing, made me feel so much better. Recommend it if you're struggling.
      1. SugarMagnolia, TracyJS and Autumnly like this.
      2. SugarMagnolia
        (((Big hug)))
        Apr 9, 2018
        Jazzer, Holly1987 and Autumnly like this.
    13. Holly1987
      My spike switches ears every few hours. Is this a good or bad thing? I think I'd rather it stay in one ear..
      1. just1morething
        If tinnitus is in your brain that is not unusual. I have that happen a lot and become confused. I think it's more of a perception that it's in your left or right ear. But I could be wrong.
        Apr 6, 2018
        Holly1987 likes this.
    14. Holly1987
      Some mornings waking up to T makes me so so sad. I hope one day I won't care so much and see it as simply a mere annoyance
      1. threefirefour
        I hope one day it goes away
        Apr 4, 2018
        Jazzer and Holly1987 like this.
      2. TheDanishGirl
        That's me almost every morning. The sheer disappointment of waking up To T everyday is tiresome.
        Apr 4, 2018
        Jazzer and Holly1987 like this.
      3. Holly1987
        Apr 4, 2018
        TheDanishGirl likes this.
    15. Holly1987
      Tried giving up caffeine and lost my enthusiasm for life. I lasted 2.5 days
      1. SugarMagnolia and Autumnly like this.
      2. Julien87
        Coffee can lower the risk of chronic diseases like type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular diseases, so don't feel guilty about your morning caffeine fix ;)
        Apr 4, 2018
        Holly1987 likes this.
      3. John G
        John G
        I am drinking my morning coffee as I am reading this haha
        Apr 4, 2018
        Holly1987 likes this.
    16. Jazzer
      ....to the ends of the earth Holly....
      when you’ve got Tinnitus, you can’t
      have too many friends....right!
      1. Holly1987 likes this.
      2. Holly1987
        Lol very true!
        Apr 1, 2018
    17. Jazzer
      Hi Holly- guess what?
      I found a new friend,
      Dave xx
      1. MBH and Holly1987 like this.
      2. Holly1987
        I didn't even realise you could follow people! Thank you for the follow xx
        Apr 1, 2018
    18. Holly1987
      I wonder if dogs can get tinnitus? My dog has had lots of ear issues due to his breed.
      1. SugarMagnolia and threefirefour like this.
    19. Holly1987
      Chocolate always makes me feel sick
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Holly1987
        What's your favourite type ??
        Mar 30, 2018
      3. Julien87
        I love all the milk chocolate ones :)
        Mar 30, 2018
        Holly1987 likes this.
      4. SugarMagnolia
        I'll take the dark chocolate thank you.
        Mar 31, 2018
        Holly1987 and Julien87 like this.
    20. Holly1987
      Kids are letting off fireworks behind our house, I'm praying they don't get tinnitus. I feel like yelling out "PROTECT YOUR EARS!!"
    21. Holly1987
      Slept till 4am! Finally a decent sleep.
      1. Autumnly and Dij111 like this.
      2. Dij111
        A night where we don't wake up from our sleep more than 4 times is a good night :) ... :(
        Mar 27, 2018
        Holly1987 likes this.
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