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  • I have a feeling that we would all heal a lot easier if there was peace and harmony in the world. F... war-makers!
    No did not cause mine either but no one needs all these multiple stressors from war, conflict and idiocy.
    L along the way
    @Juliane i completely agree.. what a world this is.. for me personally, i have to think about.. when i started eating a plant based diet for health reasons, i've later seen a lot of footage of factory farming.. what the animals have to endure.. i hope people get more awareness on this, so we can make better informed choices..
    L along the way
    The thing for me is.. the wars i can not fix.. but i can choose what i eat, so i try to focus more on own lifestyle choices, than on what's going on out there what we have no control over.
    I am ready to retire. I would not even be sad about giving up any ambitions of a work life. Only relief would be felt.
    +1 only other thing is I don't have enough savings to last lol. Sometimes I wonder if T would be easier if we got it in our 80s, where we would have lived out most of our lives already and have done probably most of the things we need to do or accomplish. And living with it for 5 years is less daunting than say 40+ years.
    I agree. I think getting T would always be a nightmare but less time to have to live with it when you are a senior.
    I have lost all hope
    :( not sure what to do to help but I truely hope you find some relief soon
    L along the way
    I symphatize with you dear one.. can i just share.. i've had moments where i lost all hope.. lying in bed without being able to sleep, and just repeating to myself "let it all be over".. and such.. and then sometimes some days later.. i feel a bit better, and there is some form of relief, inspiration and hope again.. so for myself, i notice it fluctuates
    My therapist said "But you ARE already living with this condition". As some sort of epiphany. Well, I beg to differ. This is not living.
    Either you can live with this condition or you cannot. There is no habituation. Not for me. As a lover of silence, the odds are bad.
    I'm never going to give in to gasligthing and normalize this degenerative disease as a minor nuisance. For a year+ it has made my life hell
    They hardly even do any research on tinnitus because its not a "disability." Azithromycin is "safe" because it does not cause hearing loss and tinnitus is just a mild annoyance that we don't even need to bother checking or writing down how many people are getting it.
    I should also clarify that as "-30db hearing loss." No one cares about hearing loss under 30db because you can still hear orders and do your job.
    I need to very soon read a genuine success story from one of the struggling members on here. Something's gotta give!
    Mine might be a semi success story. I've been bedridden since December due to POTS and I've gone awhile without freaking out over T. Seems volume has went down but it finally spiked now
    I've been able to do things like longer phone calls and listen to music throughout the day on my iPhone speakers without my T spiking
    I so hate knowing that if I did in fact end things people would call it depression even if I left a note blaming T. T never gets the blame!
    I will write tinnitus out in my blood. Multiple copies scatter it all over my house, front and back yard, and on all the walls, on my hardwood floor, everywhere!
    @Juliane - sadly we are the only ones that know this truth. I tell my family all the time. @cjbhab said it perfectly. So hard to explain this to loved ones and they just cannot understand. Always pushing pills that would not help or change my situation. Being allergic to sound can make like very difficult. What we are feeling is normal.
    @4Grace What you say hits the nail on the head: "What we are feeling is normal" YES! Let's normalize normal. Getting tinnitus is a fate so cruel that it should be recognized as a life threathening disease. Because it is.
    I almost feel that it is wrong not to give up. I should call in sick and wait to get fired. Would that not be the best thing?
    More than a year since my worsening and no progress. As in none at all. Life officially sucks. Don't care anymore
    L along the way
    Do you sleep well? I've had so much troubles with falling asleep... it was rough beyond words.. now i'm using temazepam, and i can at least sleep. I tell myself that things can get better by plenty of resting & healthy living, and time... because a life with t not getting better.. pffft i find that an unbearable outlook... i hope things may improve for us all
    My progress is hardly a progress. T is louder, H is barely better, Nox creeps in more frequently. Life is there but I am watching from a distance. This is not a way to live.
    T is a disease that keeps on giving. At first I thought oh will get better in 3 months...6 months...12 months...18 months...
    If I ever heal, I will write a book about this. I will do my best to create awareness about this horrible disease so completely ignored
    Whether I eat healthy or not or drink coffee or not, my T does not sod off. Might as well eat and drink as I please
    When my therapist says T is not dangerous I want to slap her! How can something that has made my life nonstop torture NOT be dangerous?
    I have some fantasy about moving to the countryside to heal. Is that Just a stupid dream? Moving would be horribly stressful in itself
    I am working towards it, but also wondering if I can handle the move. Also we already live in rural area, just not as quiet/nice as I would like.
    I would move to the countryside, but then I would be in the place I dislike most: the countryside.
    It's probably better for me, but my favorite spaces are urban.
    I need to move away as well with acres of land. I didn't realized how loud this world was until T assaulted me. My neighbor is doing some crazy landscaping (that is not even needed) as I type this. The whole block is shaking.
    All of the insane shit going on in the world is making it impossible for nervous systems to heal. Part of the reason too I believe
    Sorry if I sound insane, but I believe this could be some kind of attack on us. Why are we suffering so badly? Havana syndrome?
    It really is harsh that we have to suffer through this. Hope you feel better
    Thank you! I cannot take it much longer unfortunately. Suffering too inhuman. No help. I don't want to live like this
    Hope you feel better too!
    That is where the true evil of this condition comes in. Nothing to "do" to ease the suffering. All about enduring. For what purpose?
    Indeed. Fucking mild maskable T should not be called the same thing. Completely different ball game.
    People who talk about fighting disease don't know anything. With T, fight makes everything worse! All we can do is pause life and suffer
    others have meds while we have the magical powers of exercising our brain...wooohooo
    @julian - so true. I walk and bike. Exercise daily. It's all I got left. The wind noise is making me worse even with some protection.
    I seriously believe T is on the top 3 of worst diseases on the planet. Someone "up there" must really hate me badly
    Offering people who suffer like we do "therapy for coping" is beyond offensive. I hate that shit so much.
    it's complete shit. can't even have some peace and quiet after a long day.
    It is the worst. Just torture basically. Non stop.
    Invited to a nice gathering in a building with unknown acoustics. Need to cancel of course. Risk too huge. Sad.
    Can you tell us more about your first dealings with Tinnitus? How did you get well from it? You indicated that from 2011 so (8 years) of chronic tinnitus you recovered? Is it worse now? not the same? wishing you well
    Hi Juliane... I also have severe T that gets worse with triggers.. I am also feeling extremely desperate and have suicidal thoughts often..
    Sorry to hear @HearingKoala. This community offers a lot of understanding and support when the world and family members do not. All the best!
    Thinking of all my friends in here. Sorry I don't have energy to look through all comments atm. You are all in my thoughts
    @Juliane - never feel the need to respond. Im sorry. I can be a bother. Same questions all the time. We are running out of words I know. I understand. I more then understand. We love you. This is hard.
    @4Grace I never replied to your kind message. Appreciate your always kind and loving words. I sense that you are a very good and kind soul ❤️
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