Acoustic CR® Neuromodulation: Do It Yourself Guide

Discussion in 'Treatments' started by jibs, Apr 24, 2013.

    1. ruben ruiz

      ruben ruiz Member

      Tucson, AZ
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      I believe it was meds and stress
      Rodrigo what do you mean its not possible? Thank you.
    2. CDNThailand

      CDNThailand Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      MP3, Stress, TMJ
      Still working now?
    3. CDNThailand

      CDNThailand Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      MP3, Stress, TMJ
      Doesn't seem like nothing....just a bunch of questions...a post with results needs to be started....

      A problem with this site is that the forums are not well organized and classified properly. There should be sub forums with results sections, polls, surveys ect...
      • Agree Agree x 1
    4. CDNThailand

      CDNThailand Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      MP3, Stress, TMJ
      Did you keep trying?
    5. CDNThailand

      CDNThailand Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      MP3, Stress, TMJ
      Mine is about 13000, does it work for you?
    6. nj78

      nj78 Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Asymmetric hearing loss
      Anybody tried or have an opinion on an app called "Tonal Tinnitus Therapy"?

      It seems to do something very similar. Cost is reasonable at $1.99. My T seems to respond well to it, where I can't hear it anymore during or shortly after using the app. The app claims that long time usage is required to potentially see lasting effects, but just want to make sure I am not doing something bad here and in the end I make it worse.
    7. CallMeTC

      CallMeTC Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      November 2016
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Unknown, searching....
      I would love to try this out as I do get different tones (mainly on my left side, sometimes very high pitch, high volume, sometimes lower pitch, lower volume - still new to T and learning my triggers, as much as they can be discovered with diet, exercise, supplements and journaling).

      However, I hate to risk exposing my T to anything that could possibly make it any worse. Is this safe to try (i.e. safe to find my T level and then to run this therapy on)? Do I risk making it worse? I do have some masking that is relatively effective and even a few sound therapies from Youtube that give me relief (during and for a short period after listening) when it is in the high end of the tonal spectrum).

      This conversation thus has my interest piqued as something that can help me perhaps learn to deal with/habituate to having T (my audiologist/ENT appointment is not for another few weeks no matter how much I beg).

      Thanks for the efforts, looking forward to a response on how safe this is.
    8. Jo Spencer

      Jo Spencer Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      I believe it is from the Cortizone I was on for poison ivy

      I found this link through this forum and I have been experimenting with it for a week. And,

      it is absolutely calming my tinnitus down and reducing the noise for some time right after I use it.

      I have been suffering for 36 years. I believe my tinnitus is a result of being given Cortizone for

      two weeks due to an extreme reaction to poison oak. Right before I found the link I was feeling

      like I was going to go mad from the noise in my head. I have also had good results with ear

      candling to remove hardened ear wax; that has helped my hearing and just feels better inside

      my ears. But this sound treatment is having a positive effect on the tinnitus. Please share this

      link. I am using various frequencies, with ear phones.
    9. Jo Spencer

      Jo Spencer Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      I believe it is from the Cortizone I was on for poison ivy

      I have been using this technique for about 20 minutes a day for the past five days.
      I have suffered with tinnitus for 36 years, and I believe mine was caused by being on cortisone for two weeks because of a severe reaction to poison oak. Right before I found this technique here at Tinnitus Talks, I watched a video explaining that tinnitus can be caused by damage to the part of the brain that processes sound. It showed a graphic that represents a keyboard in that area of the brain. If part of the ‘keyboard’ is damaged the signals start firing willy-nilly. And that’s exactly how I experience my tinnitus. By using this I know I am somehow reprogramming my brain. I experiment with how I use it and would be glad to explain in more detail. I used it the first two days and my noise went away about 80% while I had my ear phones in and the sounds on, and then lasted a few more minutes. The third day I forgot to use it, and was watching a movie and noticed the noise in my head was almost gone! Then today I found myself in an unusually light mood. My tinnitus is 90% gone. It seems like a miracle that I would never have this side of heaven. I have also used ear candling five times, 8 candles on each ear. Each time my hearing improved and my ears feel cleaner and less pressure. Each candle has produced chunks of hard ear wax. Please feel free to contact me is you want guidance with either technique. jospencer77 at gmail dot com
    10. Ecip

      Ecip Member

      Edmonton, AB/Switzerland
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Still unknown... possibly noise exposure?
      Yes, we're aware of acoustic neuromodulation, and there is absolutely no need to post the same thing in three different sections of the forum.
      • Agree Agree x 1
    11. GregCA

      GregCA Member Benefactor Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:

      Advice for Patients: Ear Candles
      The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is warning consumers not to use ear candles because they can cause serious injuries, even when used according to the manufacturer’s directions. FDA has found no valid scientific evidence to support the safety or effectiveness of these devices for any medical claims or benefits.

      How the candles are used
      An ear candle is a hollow cone about 10 inches long made from a fabric tube soaked in beeswax, paraffin or a mixture of the two. In ear candling, also called ear coning or thermal auricular therapy, a patient lies on his or her side while a candle is placed in the outer ear and lit.

      The risks
      • fire
      • burns to the face, ear canal, eardrum and middle ear
      • injury to the ear from dripping wax
      • plugging of the ears by candle wax
      • bleeding
      • perforation of the eardrum
      • delay in seeking needed medical care for an underlying condition
      FDA has received reports of burns, perforated eardrums and blockage of the ear canal which required outpatient surgery from the use of ear candles. And a survey of ear, nose and throat physicians published in 1996 in the medical journal Laryngoscope reported 13 cases of burns of the ear, seven cases of wax occlusion of the ear canal, and one case of a perforated eardrum. The authors of this study also reported that the burning ear candles dripped candle wax on the eardrum of the test subjects and in a model of the ear.

      Advertised claims
      According to some advertised claims, the burning ear candle draws ear wax and “impurities” or “toxins” out of the ear canal. Other claims for ear candles include relief from sinus and ear infections, headache and earache, as well as improved hearing, “blood purification,” improvements in brain function, and cure cancer.

      FDA is especially concerned because some ear candles are being advertised for use in children. Children of any age, including babies, are likely at increased risk for injuries and complications if they are exposed to ear candles. Small children and infants may move during the use of the device, increasing the likelihood of wax burns and ear candle wax plugging up the ear canal. Also, their smaller ear canal size may make children more susceptible than adults to injuries.

      In the Laryngoscope study noted above, it was found that burning ear candles produced no measurable vacuum pressure, or suction on a model of the ear. Ear candles were also found to be ineffective in removing ear wax in 4 test subjects. In fact, using ear candle on these subjects appeared to have pushed ear wax further into the ear canal.

      In addition, Health Canada, the Canadian health regulatory agency, performed their own tests and found that ear candles produce no measurable effect in the ear and have no therapeutic value.

      FDA enforcement actions
      Ear candles are sold and promoted in a variety of locations, including health food stores, flea markets, health spas and salons, as well as on commercial web sites. The FDA and Health Canada have taken actions against manufacturers of ear candles, including import alerts, seizures, injunctions, and warning letters. The FDA will continue to take enforcement action when appropriate.

      Talking to a healthcare provider
      In addition to risking injury, people who use ear candles may delay seeking needed medical care for conditions that are treatable, such as sinus and ear infections, temporomandibular joint syndrome (TMJ), hearing loss, and cancer. People who experience earache, ear infection or a sudden loss of hearing should contact their doctor or other health care provider.

      Reporting injuries and complaints
      Consumers and health care professionals are strongly encouraged to report injury related to the use of ear candles to FDA's MedWatch Adverse Event Reporting program online, by mail or by FAX.

      • Online
      • Mail: use postage-paid FDA form 3500 available at: Medwatch Form Downloads
        Mail to MedWatch 5600 Fishers Lane, Rockville, MD 20852-9787
      • FAX: 1-800-FDA-0178
      For more information:
      Don't Get Burned: Stay Away From Ear Candles, FDA Consumer Update February 18, 2010

      Seely DR, Quigley SM, Langman AW. Ear Candles-Efficacy and Safety. Laryngoscope. October 1996;106:1226-9

      Ear Candling. It’s Your health. Health Canada. December 15, 2006
      • Like Like x 2
    12. NickZ

      NickZ Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      1 month
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Possibly Lunesta (sleep medication) and/or unknown cause.
      Does anyone know where I can purchase an Acoustic CR Neuromodulator? I'm based in California. Also, any tips on how to sleep better with chronic high pitch hissing tinnitus in my right ear would be most appreciated.
    13. AWilson32

      AWilson32 Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Earphone use
      Currently experiencing a spike and came across this thread hoping this could calm it. Seems like an amazing amount of time and effort has been invested in it.

      How long should I listen to the sounds for it to have an effect ?
    14. des

      des Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Unkown. loud noise or white noise
      So I have had tinnitus for around 8 years now, for the most part never really noticed it or been bothered by it bacause outward stimuli or background noise would keep my mind of it. I would hardly hear it except late at night when it real quite. In the past week I have tried using this technique a bit yesterday had it on for close to an hour straight an now I swear my tinnitus got LOUDER!?? I notice it almost all day now, the normal backgrounds sounds that would drown it out no longer work. it resonates on top of everything. before it was easily managable, now its driving me mad. Any chance this has made it worse, it was maybe 90minutes total I have used this or perhaps coincidence and the fact I am focused on it now? appreciate the help but I wish you would have left a warning that this could worsen it. Im desperate I should have known better. Like I said my T only bothered me rare nights now its everywhere!!!
    15. david c

      david c Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      This "therapy" has now become fairly discredited. The London Tinnitus centre - which charges a small fortune for it - paid for a large-scale trial and then made sure that the results were binned when they weren't positive. For all the people who've said that they found it moderately helpful, there are an equally large number of people who actually said it made their tinnitus worse - as you unfortunately have found.
      • Winner Winner x 1
    16. GregCA

      GregCA Member Benefactor Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Do you have a source for that?
      The scientific publications I read about it paint a different story (for example this paper).
    17. david c

      david c Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      I've already posted on this issue here:

      The tinnitus clinic have tried to wipe all discussion of this trial which didn't give positive results out. After all if you fund the research you control the research.

      However, the protocol for the trial - dating back to 2013 is here:

      There are no further publications on it as Deb Hall etc were prevented from doing so when the trial results were negative.
    18. GregCA

      GregCA Member Benefactor Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Here are the results.

      If I read the data correctly, it does seem indeed that, for that particular study, ACRN didn't fare any better than masking.
    19. david c

      david c Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Yes - the results found that ACRN was no better than masking. For a "therapy" that the London clinic has been marketing at thousands of pounds that is pretty devastating. Who in their right mind would want to pay that sort of money when masking apps are available for a few pounds? No wonder the clinic wanted the results covered up and have prevented fuller publication of the research.

      Note the sentence in the results: "There IS an agreement between Principal Investigators and the Sponsor (or its agents) that restricts the PI's rights to discuss or publish trial results after the trial is completed."
    20. Steve

      Steve Member Benefactor Hall of Fame

      Sheffield, UK
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Flu, Noise-induced, Jaw trauma
      @des I was on the Nottingham trial and it made mine worse. There were a few factors potentially behind it - didn't like the feel of the in-ear earphones, I found the tones irritating (I'm a musician so the non-musical nature of them felt jarring), I believe now that the main sound being treated has a physical (neck related) cause, the tone matching visits were too far apart when you start to feel a real change in pitch and I listened for too long, sometimes a full day - becomes an irritant in the head when you do that.
    21. des

      des Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Unkown. loud noise or white noise
      Have you found that after you stopped with the therapy that you're tinnitus went back to how it was before or did it stay worse? And how many hours total did you listen because mine was very short maybe 2 hours total mostly without earphones and not even sure if it was the proper frequency.Mine is still at a very uncomfortable pitch that I cant even drown out with noise, perhaps part is I'm giving it too much attention. I'm just trying to figure out if this had anything to do with it or perhaps it worse because my underlying issue causing it is getting worse. Thanks for the input and best of health and wellness!
    22. Steve

      Steve Member Benefactor Hall of Fame

      Sheffield, UK
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Flu, Noise-induced, Jaw trauma
      I was listening to it for well over a month, possibly more than 2, around 6-8 hours per day when I felt it had harmed my tinnitus (I kept a log but I'm n0t sure where it is now).

      I don't think that I can give you a definitive answer but I am pretty sure that this will drop down. It's not dissimilar to spiking after a noise exposure. Some people find that listening to pure tones (sine waves) spike them no matter what, it's all a bit of a personal learning curve with interventions like this.

      I remember in the early days I had to go and price a job on a site, I passed right by a car getting its tires pumped up by an industrial machine. The noise when the pump valve disconnected, with that rush of air, kept going for ages. That was me spiked for days afterwards, really thought I had done permanent damage. It settled back to normal though after around a week (whatever the hell normal is to people like us :)). Not the first and not the last spike.
      • Like Like x 1
    23. Kelvin

      Kelvin Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      June 2016
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Dental Work
      Tried these ACRN samples yesterday when it was Hissssing like a bad boy and I have to say
      it did feel better after for short while.
      Hard to exactly match your frequency though.
      Apparently you have to listen for 6-8 hours a day for a YEAR and you have a 20% chance of some improvement. Seems like an age, but I have time.
      Was interesting how quickly it calmed it though....then of course it came back. I guess it just distracted my brain for a while.

      Acoustic Coordinated Reset Neuromodulation...
    24. Kelvin

      Kelvin Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      June 2016
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Dental Work
      Samples seem to be free on You Tube (Search ACRN/ sound/ Relief ) to try before you buy...!
    25. RaZaH

      RaZaH Member Benefactor Hall of Fame

      Reykjavík, Iceland
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Benzo + loud noise
      You could also just listen to your Tinnitus for 24 hours a day and have 20% chance of improvement :p
      • Funny Funny x 3
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    26. Kelvin

      Kelvin Member Benefactor

      Tinnitus Since:
      June 2016
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Dental Work
      Too true ! @RaZaH
      Funnily enough the 8000hz sample sounds almost excatly like my T. So I am basically playing T to my T to try and distract me. Works and last for about Ten minutes. Probably a minor distraction thing.
      You just could make this shit up !!
      Im going back to getting loaded on Stella Artois :D
      • Like Like x 1
    27. Jomo

      Jomo Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      going for a rim shot on the snare drum.
      I actually feel like it helps at least mask the tinnitus but im pretty sad on the whole cover up thing.
    28. Karen Perry

      Karen Perry Member

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      not sure
      So has anyone bought Neuromonics and would like to share their experience?? I am still deciding which one to go with..Otoharmonics or neuromonics..or something else....
    29. POGO2

      POGO2 Member

      Spring, TX 77389, United States
      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Not sure seemed to appear after sinuous infection.
      As stated by RB in Santa Cruz early on in the message thread, I have tried most of the same treatments except for acupuncture which did according to most, do not work. I have tinnitus since 2011 and fluctuates from very slight almost unbearable. It is escalated by food and airborne allergies which are very difficult to identify. I have had Three different allergy tests and they all come up with different results so don't was money on the ENT's promoting allergy testing. My doctor also stated the same and he shares a office complex with a ENT. One finally admitted that the best way to determine what allergy elevates my tinnitus is through keeping a record of food ingested and your surrounding to focus on possible sources of the allergen.

      I am currently in the 2nd month of using sound therapy from Audionotch and noticed some minor improvement since starting the therapy. The website contains several articles on the benefits of "Notch" signals and does not appear to be a scam like so many other sites that promote tinnitus cures. The site has a tone generator which allows you to determine your tinnitus frequency. After you find the frequency value, the site will generate "Notch" signals embedded in pink, white, brown noise which you can download as a MP3 file that can be played on smart phones or many other music players. You can also upload songs and have the "Notch" signals embedded. This is not a quick treatment and suggest that you listen to the sounds 2-3 hrs. a day. For me this is no problem I have a long commute to work.

      Compared to the Thousands of dollars I have spent on tinnitus cures, the $39.95 for Two month trial subscription is well worth the money if it does turn out to reduce my tinnitus. Please read though the website before trying the treatment if their is concern about making your tinnitus worse.
    30. Paulmanlike

      Paulmanlike Member Benefactor Hall of Fame

      Tinnitus Since:
      Cause of Tinnitus:
      Just starting this therapy for 1900khz (estimate) tinnitus frequency using generalfuzz. Hope it helps just a bit. Everyone who said this helped , do you still use it and see lasting benefits?

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