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  • Trying to raise my ferritin with iron in hopes that getting my level 32 to 120-200 will relieve the the tinnitus.
    Ok just let us know if you find out which one it is Sarah.Did you just recently get blood work done to find out that was low?
    @SharonBell I got it done in January of this year (I got T in November of last year.) So it's not very recent but I am assuming it's still pretty accurate. I would give magnesium glutamate a try! I don't think taking magnesium is ever a bad thing.
    I believe I have magnesium glycinate and magnesium.
    How is everyone getting along today?
    Michael Leigh put a post about clonazepam helping him and it helps habituate faster.
    I used Xanax everyday to get me out of panic mode for 3 weeks straight. I don't want to take medication if I don't have to, and I'm already taking some for sleep.
    I quit taking trazadone for anxiety, but I feel like I need something for it. I'm just scared because it seems like everything makes mine worse. I have also cut way back on smoking only a few cigs a day, so that is hard for me also. Sarah Xanax didn't make your tinnitus worse? Is that a benzodiazepine?
    @SharonBell I don't think it made it worse. I really don't know. All I know is I was struggling very badly when it all began and I needed to do something to get better.
    Has anyone had any luck with their tinnitus getting better or hyperacusis?
    @Joe Cuber constant head noise and electric zaps in my ears. I have a build up of mucous in my middle ear spaces and tubes in. After the mucous comes out they want to remove the tubes and patch up my ear drums so my hearing goes back to normal and the T calms down but who knows if it will ever go… I'm hoping for the Susan Shore device.
    @Joe Cuber I have no idea where my T is from since I have a conductive hearing loss on an audiogram and CT scan shows the mucous. The tubes also are most likely not helping the T at all but have to have them in for this fluid to drain.
    @Joe Cuber I sleep fine now but didn't at the beginning. I'd rather sleep since it reminds me of death.
    Well it's 3:00 am and up again the same as last night. I guess I will take something for sleep.
    I have to do that too, even though I hate doing it, but I have to sleep. -.-
    Sarah have you had Covid or a virus? They were saying they thought my tinnitus was noise induced to start with , because right ear was so much worse than left, but then they were saying they think mine is from a virus because I had Covid in 2021 and 2022 and then had a different virus in summer 2023. I believe they say the high frequencies are usually affected first.
    I went to the Tinnitus clinic and they do a high frequency test up to 20,000. They said, my right ear was severe-profound ultra high frequency hearing loss @ 10,000 and up and left ear was mild at 16k. They said, I have sensorineural hearing loss and tinnitus. Sensorineural tinnitus results from damage ti hair cells.
    HearingHell yeah I hear very good. My hearing is in the ultra high frequency which we really don't use. Not sure if I could use it if it has to go in or on my ear. I can't wear earplugs they will make my head sizzle and that might also, but I might would give it a chance if it really works.
    @SharonBell they also said I had mild hearing loss at 16k but I think that happens as you age anyways?? She also said she tested my ear hairs and they were fine??
    Everything is "normal." Only ultra high frequency loss after 16k, but I think that's just the ringing covering the sound that I can't hear!
    I am desperate.
    @SarahMLFlemmer - I'm giving it everything I got but I often feel like I am hanging on by a very very thin string. Everyone tells me … always hang on to hope for a better day.
    @SarahMLFlemmer, I hope you can get to a better place. I fall asleep a lot. I'm worst when I wake up…just left ear. I tried taking Tylenol extra strength rapid relief gelgaps again and seem good as long as I don't nap. You are so young to get this nasty affliction.
    L along the way
    No easy answers... sorry.. am just trying to go day by.. for me, it helps that at least i have good night's rest nowadays. During the day... trying to go easy.. it's pffft.. but the believe things can get better.. trying to do things which you enjoy & are healthy.. and just sometimes distractions (for me that's gaming).. go easy on yourself, hug
    I don't know how much longer I can take this.
    @Kain Your prayers are carrying me through! Thank you, Jesus!
    My dad passed away on Wednesday. The grief and sorrow is indescribable. I know how much T hurts but I also know how painful it is when your parents are no longer able to be your anchor. Please, your children need you and they will need you for many years to come. My T may go away but I will never get my dad back.
    @Anomalous I am sorry to hear about your Dad. =(
    Hecka people get Accutane induced tinnitus but barely have I found any this forum. What's up w/ that? Having ear pain again. Miss you guys!
    @SarahMLFlemmer I admire your positivity and faith in God. I really do. You deal with so much. It's awesome that you can keep doing things. Do you think exposure to sound causes any of your ear pain or burning for you?
    @4Grace I push myself everyday. God is good as to keep me from falling back into depression over this. It's hard, but we keep going. Exposure to loud sounds may be contributing to my ear pain, I wouldn't know cause I haven't tried to stay away from sound.
    @4Grace I've been around loud noise and suffered no consequences. But I have had H yesterday and today, with no known cause so IDK anything. I just try to live as normal as possible with as many rest breaks as I need in between.
    Hi Sarah, sorry to bother you. How have you been doing? Habituation is real. I'm much better mentally but my progress seems to be moving slower than my worsening. :( if I had my T of just a few weeks ago I would be so much better off. Hope you are well.
    I was just told to sleep with a garlic doused in baby oil in my ears. Apparently my it cured my friend's wife's tinnitus last night. What?!
    This guy does Genetic Methylation test to determine how to treat each patient. See what your doctor thinks. But he is not considered traditional.
    Watch the Joe Rogan Podcast on Spotify. Episode #2060. Pick it up at 1:57:00 mark. More specific at the 2:11:07 mark for the results.
    Dana White had Tinnitus. Gary Brecka talks to Joe Rogan about working with Dana White.
    I watched some episode on YouTube. He's pretty much talking about nutrient deficiency. Not sure my western med doc would know what to test for and my Naturo doc I'm not sure I trust anymore either, plus she can't do online calls only. What do you suggest?
    I thought Dana white has meniere's not tinnitus?
    Biologist Gary Brecka said that he treated Dana White for various health issues and that Dana's Tinnitus went away as a result of the treatments. He is an outside the box biologist.
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