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Member, Female, from UK

    1. Strawberryblonde
      Does anyone else get a static version of fleeting T? Not the typical Eeeeee sound.
      1. Joshua Macleod and NYCGuy like this.
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      3. twa
        Hi, yes static is my best sound. Usually, when I'm relaxed, well-rested, happy I'll experience static. I remind myself this is my best sound. Ringing is the worst, usually after being in a loud environment or the weather changes.
        Feb 16, 2023
        NYCGuy and Strawberryblonde like this.
      4. Strawberryblonde
        Yeah i get them randomly but they aren't loud, it's a very gentle static that is sort of felt around my whole head, but when that happens it's all I can hear. It dissappates after a few seconds. @NYCGuy
        Feb 16, 2023
        twa and NYCGuy like this.
      5. Strawberryblonde
        I too love the static sound @twa
        I experience it like you do. Mine doesn't seem to react to the weather that I'm aware of though lol maybe cause in the UK its been cold and dull lately with the odd bit of sunshine ☀:)
        Feb 16, 2023
        twa likes this.
    2. Strawberryblonde
      Night 2 no masking. Let's roll!! Who do you think will win? Me or the T? Place your bets :-P
      1. NYCGuy, Samy, Charburchar and 4 others like this.
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      3. Ondine
        You, absolutely !
        Feb 11, 2023
        Jsm_Joestar and Strawberryblonde like this.
      4. Strawberryblonde
        Tossed and turned abit through the night but managed it. :) It also doesn't help when your partner snores!
        Thanks for the encouragement guys :)
        Feb 11, 2023
        tpj, Ken219 and Sammy0225 like this.
      5. Jsm_Joestar
        Go get it champ. Last round went pretty good use that momentum.
        Feb 11, 2023
        tpj, Strawberryblonde and Sammy0225 like this.
    3. Strawberryblonde
      Managed to somehow sleep without my masking noises last night. Took mental strength but I slept decently. Don't think I can manage 2 nights.
      1. JPGL, Joe Cuber, Ken219 and 3 others like this.
      2. JPGL
        for me it is impossible without masking,it is nauseating to be hearing the tinnitus.and masking is alsoshit,it is distracting yourself from one sound for another,you end up fatigued,this simply stinks,we want silence,not to change one sound for another.
        Feb 10, 2023
      3. Strawberryblonde
        My t reacts to masking sometimes so I'm between a rock and hard place :( basking in my misery and hoping I can beat the brain inducing sound. The brain put it there and I'm trying to un put it there :( sounds silly but with T you'll try anything.
        Feb 10, 2023
        JPGL and tpj like this.
      4. Strawberryblonde
        My mum has hissing buzzing T and she can fall asleep so easy so I'm trying to be like her!! We have the same genes so I want it to work for me also :(
        Feb 10, 2023
        JPGL and tpj like this.
    4. Strawberryblonde
      Loud multitonal day today. Ugh! Can't be arsed with another day and night of this! Mental struggle is just something else!!
      1. JPGL, Guywithapug, NYCGuy and 3 others like this.
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      3. Sydney13
        And video games help a lot :D also helps if you have a partner to snuggle with to help get your mind off it lol !
        Feb 5, 2023
      4. Guywithapug
        Sending big hugs from across the pond!
        Feb 5, 2023
        Sammy0225 and Strawberryblonde like this.
      5. Strawberryblonde
        Thank you both for the kind words and suggestions. @Sydney13 id snuggle with my partner but the cat has stolen my space! lol @Guywithapug thank you :D
        Feb 5, 2023
        Sammy0225, NYCGuy and Guywithapug like this.
    5. ErikaS
      Hi! Are you in the midst of trying TRT? I thought I saw you mention that elsewhere but I could be wrong.
      1. NYCGuy likes this.
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      3. Strawberryblonde
        My T seems to be reactive at times. My morse code becomes louder and competes with my masking noises then sometimes it doesn't and the morse code dissappear aswell. Tbh I've no idea what to do and not what too do with this. @ErikaS its more complicated the second time around:(
        Feb 4, 2023
      4. ErikaS
        @Strawberryblonde its so frustrating. I’m to the point I can even effectively describe my T and make it make sense. The volatility of it coming in and out, more intrusive, less intrusive, sounds coming to the forefront then being more back ground. Then just feeling like I have piercing 14k hz going through my ears. It’s a torture chamber we can’t escape.
        Feb 4, 2023
        seppl, Barry098 and Strawberryblonde like this.
      5. Strawberryblonde
        We certainly drew the short straw with this!! But I guess we just have to take it day by day.
        @ErikaS :)
        Feb 4, 2023
        seppl and Barry098 like this.
    6. Strawberryblonde
      When I breath through my nose I sometimes hear and feel it in my ear. Does anyone else experience this?
      1. NYCGuy, Guywithapug and Sammy0225 like this.
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      3. Strawberryblonde
        I wouldn't be surprised if I develop that as a symptom next :-P
        Feb 3, 2023
        ErikaS and Guywithapug like this.
      4. Jupiterman
        @Strawberryblonde Try swallowing, does this make a difference to you hearing breathing in your ear?
        Feb 5, 2023
      5. Strawberryblonde
        @Jupiterman not really. one of my ears pops when blowing my nose but feels like it clogged and the other one wont. Got some sort of ETD i assume as not been diagnosed.
        Feb 5, 2023
    7. Strawberryblonde
      Need to go back 10 months in time and slap some sense into myself!!
      1. NYCGuy
        Don't suffer about the past, nothing we can do about it. Focus on the better future that will come ahead.
        Feb 3, 2023
        Barry098, tniuf and Strawberryblonde like this.
      2. Strawberryblonde
        Just having a pity party, anxiety is really kicking me. Just want some proper sleep Zzzzz.
        Feb 3, 2023
        NYCGuy likes this.
      3. tniuf
        Was it the antibiotics or the MRI that did you in?
        Feb 5, 2023
    8. Strawberryblonde
      They've finally decided to turn the noisey air conditioner off at work :D
      1. Samy, Damocles, Sammy0225 and 7 others like this.
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      3. Strawberryblonde
        @just1morething cold here too about 4°c. This time of year is a busy season for a lot of animals, always looking for that easy meal that we provide for them :)
        Jan 27, 2023
      4. Strawberryblonde
        Jan 27, 2023
        Sammy0225 and ErikaS like this.
      5. Moni97
        Jan 27, 2023
        Strawberryblonde and Sammy0225 like this.
    9. Strawberryblonde
      Morse code off the charts again last night. Sleep deprived again and it's the working week again :( Just great!!
      1. aura, tpj, NYCGuy and 2 others like this.
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      3. Strawberryblonde
        Not seen anyone for my jaw/neck issues yet. Been doing things I've seen on YouTube but too early for any difference yet. I did see a physio for my sciatica in the past which helped tremendously so I hope the same can happen for these issues too. Will try what you've been doing though. Anything that helps quite down this noise :)
        Jan 16, 2023
        Joe Cuber likes this.
      4. Strawberryblonde
        Yes please @Joe Cuber :) I'm willing to have a go at them.
        Jan 17, 2023
        Joe Cuber likes this.
      5. Strawberryblonde
        Thanks @Joe Cuber will have a look and hopefully have a go and see how it goes
        Jan 18, 2023
        Joe Cuber likes this.
    10. Strawberryblonde
      Anyone on here ever had a synacthen test for adrenal insufficiency? Suffering bad stress. Declined as unsure what would be injected into me.
      1. Guywithapug, Sammy0225 and NYCGuy like this.
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      3. Strawberryblonde
        Thanks @ErikaS i didn't know about the saliva collection, but will enquire at next appointment. My endocrinologist didn't even mention that when I told him I was very nervous about injections ect!
        Learn more off TT and others than the Dr's lol.
        Jan 12, 2023
        NYCGuy likes this.
      4. ErikaS
        @Strawberryblonde I am in the US so not sure where you are or what is their go to, but yes I just had to collect my saliva in a tube 4x in one day and return it to the lab where I picked up the kit from.
        Jan 12, 2023
        NYCGuy likes this.
      5. Strawberryblonde
        @ErikaS I am in the UK so rely on the NHS for health care. Slight waiting times but not to bad. May look into going private for that test too if not available on our health care system.
        Jan 12, 2023
        Guywithapug and NYCGuy like this.
    11. TheCapybara
      Heya Strawberry, how are you doing lately?
      1. NYCGuy likes this.
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      3. TheCapybara
        Yeah, breaks from here every now and then are good but glad to see you're still around too :) I'm doing alright now, had been recovering from covid for two weeks now, first time I ever got it and it's not pleasant lol.
        Jan 9, 2023
        Strawberryblonde likes this.
      4. Strawberryblonde
        Covid sucks, you'll better soon :) i had covid in Sept 21 and it knocked my taste and smell out the park for a while, came back though phew! Still around just not as often as I once was and taking it day by day till that magic cure of the dr susan shores device appears haha. :)
        Jan 9, 2023
      5. TheCapybara
        Thanks Strawberry, it's mostly better now :) I also lost taste and smell for about a little over a week, luckily it came back. I got worried when I read stories on people not getting it back after months or at all. It's good that you're taking it easy, and let's hope Susans device ends up delivering, a lot of people have high hopes for it.
        Jan 9, 2023
    12. Strawberryblonde
      Hearing my jaw crunching in my ear is not another noise I wanna contend with.
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      2. NYCGuy
        This is new to me and is driving me crazy, every time I speak I can hear it. I also have pulsate tinnitus in one ear, regular T in both ear, plus MEM/TTTS in another and now this crushing sound. The TMJ destroy my ears for sure. I'm wearing splint, doing PT and daily massages etc but still no improvements.
        Jan 11, 2023
        Strawberryblonde likes this.
      3. Strawberryblonde
        Hi @NYCGuy I've had jaw problems for about 14 odd years now and I guess I've just gotten used to it. I have a bite brace but I don't think it's any use bar stopping my teeth grinding. My jaw crunches clicks aches and is misaligned. :(
        Jan 12, 2023
        Damocles likes this.
      4. Strawberryblonde
        @NYCGuy sorry to hear you are going through so many things with your T/ears/jaw problems. Have you ever seen a maxcillofacial specialist for your issues? Not sure if you have done? I do wonder if it's what's causing my T issues, I suspect noise trauma though but with T who really fully knows.
        Jan 12, 2023
        Damocles likes this.
    13. Strawberryblonde
      Phonophobia is certainly getting the better of me lately. How does one overcome this? Panicked at a hedge cutter next to me with plugs in!
      1. Samy, ZFire and Nadia231 like this.
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      3. Strawberryblonde
        @makeyourownluck think I'm gonna have to resort to something sooner rather than later. Struggling more now that I was a few months ago.
        Nov 28, 2022
      4. makeyourownluck
        I toughed it out for 8ish months. Got to the point where I was afraid to leave my house. I regret not taking benzo sooner tbh. Could of saved myself a lot of stress.
        Nov 28, 2022
        Strawberryblonde likes this.
      5. Strawberryblonde
        Got a few around the house that I keep for emergencies as Dr's aren't always that keen on handing them out. It may even help the head buzz too, one can only hope :)
        Nov 28, 2022
        makeyourownluck likes this.
    14. Strawberryblonde
      Received my WNGs yesterday. Feels so strange having audio in your ear even on a very low volume. Been told to try them and see how I get on.
      1. NYCGuy likes this.
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      3. Strawberryblonde
        Also sounds felt amplified like a hearing aid. Told my hearing therapist at appointment that I could hear things louder and he said that it wasn't set to be a hearing aid and that was it. Gonna go with my gut instinct with this one and not use them again.
        Nov 26, 2022
        Sammy0225 and CRGC like this.
      4. Michael Leigh
        Michael Leigh
        WNGs should be introduced slowly. I have posted information in the forum a few times how to do this.
        Nov 26, 2022
        Strawberryblonde likes this.
      5. Sammy0225
        You made the right choice I think that's ENTs cure all pill for people to slap hearing aids on already overstimulated ears. I do believe sound enrichment works but natural sounds not artificial
        Jan 13, 2023
        Jupiterman and Strawberryblonde like this.
    15. Ryan Edwards
      Ryan Edwards
      I had a spike recently from going to a very loud club and my near ear plugs were not fitting properly
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      2. AnthonyMcDonald
        @Ryan Edwards Don't ever go to clubs again if you don't want your tinnitus to get permanently worse. I hope it settles
        Nov 21, 2022
      3. Ryan Edwards
        Ryan Edwards
        I think you are right. I had hoped high db level earplugs would allow me to but perhaps not. It’s terrible at the moment I wonder if I am stuck with it like this :-((
        Nov 21, 2022
        Strawberryblonde likes this.
      4. Strawberryblonde
        Hopefully it'll settle down but it may take time :) as much as clubs can be fun, when someone has T, in my eyes it's just not worth the risk of increasing the T level even with plugs foam or filtered.
        Nov 21, 2022
    16. Strawberryblonde
      Guy fawkes night tonight in the UK. Fireworks galore!! Oh so fun when you've got T.!!
      1. NYCGuy, sakrt, Damocles and 2 others like this.
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      3. Strawberryblonde
        Two other people there with T went out to watch fireworks no problem and not even an ear plug. Tbh I was quite jealous lol I sat inside like a scared animal haha. Dreading new years eve now!
        Nov 10, 2022
        ZFire and SamRosemary like this.
      4. SamRosemary
        @Strawberryblonde Are your ears spiked or you good? Seems the worry and panic were the main issue. Sometimes I don’t know if T or my panic issues are worse.
        Nov 10, 2022
      5. Strawberryblonde
        I think its most likey anxiety contributing as I missed a dose of medication I'm on cause of order issues which effects anxiety . But with loud sounds and exposure to them is also making me anxious. I've honesty never heard fire works that loud, it was like a bomb lol glad I was indoors away from it though.
        Nov 14, 2022
        SamRosemary and ZFire like this.
    17. Nadia231
      Hey! Whereabouts in the UK are you from? If you don't mind me asking
      1. ZFire, NYCGuy and SamRosemary like this.
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      3. Flowergirl
        So sorry to read the sound change. You r new to this i think(?) I've had the hi pitched scream the whole time for years with a break every now & then. Stress is my trigger for sure. Hope u feel better
        Nov 3, 2022
        Nadia231 likes this.
      4. Forever hopeful
        Forever hopeful
        @Flowergirl, have you habituated to the hi- frequency scream. It is awful.
        Nov 4, 2022
        Flowergirl likes this.
      5. Flowergirl
        No @Forever hopeful I'm elated with low T days. Otherwise the hifrquency scream is tortuous
        Nov 4, 2022
    18. Strawberryblonde
      T seems more hissy then tonal eeee but reactivity morse code chiming has made another appearance which is making sleep a delight :-(
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      2. Strawberryblonde
        @Heikai mine is not reactive all the time. It comes and goes so I get a break from it. There is hope that'll go or diminish in time.
        Nov 3, 2022
        Flowergirl likes this.
      3. Flowergirl
        What does reactive mean?
        Nov 4, 2022
        Strawberryblonde likes this.
      4. volterra
        reactive means it changes depending on what sound you are hearing
        Nov 10, 2022
        Strawberryblonde likes this.
    19. Strawberryblonde
      6 months nearly since my T increased. Can't say it's any better although some days hours or minutes it seems lower. What a shit show it is!.
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      2. Strawberryblonde
        It was a mild hiss/buzz that was completely forgettable. Had to strain to hear it and when I did I'd forget about it straight away. Had it for 6.5 years till it all went shit (my own fault but anxiety played a part too as well as other health issues). I can handle my increased hiss/buzz. I just can't get a grip of the intermittent morse code that flares up randomly. Makes it harder to sleep.
        Oct 20, 2022
        Flowergirl likes this.
      3. Strawberryblonde
        It's good that you can forget about it or tune it out for the most part as you say. Anxiety and stress are the biggest obstacles with this, when I've got a hang of that on some days my brain doesn't even think or search for the T even though its there. It's a hard mind game. I hope you get there too @SamRosemary.
        Oct 20, 2022
        Flowergirl and SamRosemary like this.
      4. SamRosemary
        Thanks, appreciate it.
        Oct 23, 2022
        Flowergirl and Strawberryblonde like this.
    20. Strawberryblonde
      Currently on a dopamine receptor agonist once a wk for pituitary tumour and not sure if it causing a change as I've taken it in b4 no issue.
      1. NYCGuy likes this.
      2. Flowergirl
        @Strawberryblonde I had a brain scan a few yr ago it showed 'cyst on pineal gland'. Dr said it's nothing, very common.i wonder about that. Idk what dopamine receptor agonist is. Hope u feel better
        Nov 3, 2022
        Strawberryblonde likes this.
      3. Strawberryblonde
        Maybe you should ask your Dr for more information regarding your cyst? Too see it effects your T in any way :) not sure how to explain what a dopamine agonist is, Google will explain better than me lol its helping with my mood though which in turn is helping my T :).
        Nov 3, 2022
        Flowergirl likes this.
      4. Flowergirl
        Nov 4, 2022
    21. Strawberryblonde
      Both ears have changed to a higher pitched sound this past week. Hope its just a spike and not the new normal. Too many changes!!
      1. Nadia231 and NYCGuy like this.
      2. Forever hopeful
        Forever hopeful
        Probably a spike. Apart from the medication you said hasn’t bothered you b4 any other possible triggers?
        Oct 12, 2022
      3. Strawberryblonde
        Think I am just stressed and I assume all changes will be permanent ones. This T fluctuates and changes that its hard to get used too. My new med can exacerbate depression to but helps other symptoms so stuck between rock and hard place.
        Oct 12, 2022
    22. Strawberryblonde
      Hearing therapy appointment tomorrow, hopefully I'll get something out of it :).
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      2. Strawberryblonde
        But unless I get my anxiety under control then I know I'll obsess over it as I have done with other things in the past.
        Sep 28, 2022
      3. Strawberryblonde
        @Joe Cuber thank you :) everything feels so much better in my self when the negativity has lessened, the heavy feeling almost goes :) just gotta learn to keep it that way, but the brain is a sneaky little thing it loves to play games lol.
        Sep 28, 2022
        Flowergirl likes this.
      4. Forever hopeful
        Forever hopeful
        @Strawberryblonde @Joe Cuber, I think I would feel less guilt if I didn’t put myself in the situation. I mean if this just came out of nowhere I guess I would be a little better about the self blame. I’ve been making use of peer support on ATA. All say the same. Don’t give it the attention it wants. That’s the only way they habituated.
        Sep 28, 2022
    23. Strawberryblonde
      Watching people walk past my window wearing headphones is making me green with envy. I miss my old past time doing that.
      1. NYCGuy likes this.
      2. TheDanishGirl
        For me I have double feelings about it. I envy the carefree-ness of it, but I also cant help thinking that at some point some of them will probably be struck by these conditions and suffer so badly from it, and I cant prevent it, cause most people dont care. They only care once they are hit and then maybe its too late.
        Sep 26, 2022
        silentnight and Strawberryblonde like this.
      3. Strawberryblonde
        @TheDanishGirl correct. Unless one experiences this then there is no way too fully explain to them how it feels. Words don't do it justice. I do miss how carefree and in my own world it felt. Nothing else quite compares for me now.
        Sep 26, 2022
        Flowergirl, CRGC and TheDanishGirl like this.
      4. Forever hopeful
        Forever hopeful
        I totally get the Envy part. I had a birthday celebration over the weekend for a friend of mine. I could only do part of the activities with earplugs. The other 10 women not a care in the world. Went to bars, karaoke, all screaming at each other. All I could think was oh back when I had fun.
        Sep 28, 2022
    24. Strawberryblonde
      I love hearing church bells ringing away on Sunday morning. But not when it's coming from your own ear :-P.
      1. NYCGuy, Nadia231 and BrOKeN_1 like this.
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      3. Strawberryblonde
        Thanks @Forever hopeful. Struggling to mask it at night as its become slightly reactive which I hope will die down too. Think I've overprotected too much and my hyperacusis has worsened.
        How is your spike today?.
        Sep 25, 2022
      4. Forever hopeful
        Forever hopeful
        @Strawberryblonde, Spike is no better. Thanks for asking. Can’t mask at all. I used to have spikes this bad but I always knew that they would get better so I never really freaked out -never lasted long. This is now 17 days. I’m so afraid of sound now that I agree with you that we may in fact be overprotecting when we shouldn’t. My only symptom of hyperacusis is reactivity.
        Sep 25, 2022
      5. Strawberryblonde
        Maybe this spike is just taking longer to recalibrate back to normal. You were very well protected, plugs, took breaks at the concert etc. Don't think that it'll never go down as that'll just reinforce it. Silly as it sounds with T, but I still think one day mine will get better and it keeps me going. You've healed twice before and you can do it again it may just take longer this time :).
        Sep 25, 2022
        Forever hopeful likes this.
    25. Strawberryblonde
      My bf has high pitched tinnitus in one ear that can't be masked (according to him). Doesn't faze him at all. I need to be like him!!
      1. Nadia231 and CRGC like this.
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      3. Strawberryblonde
        He told me as as there's nothing he can do about (he has some hearing loss in that ear), that he just doesnt let it bother him. I guess he's fully habituated as he can fall asleep in an instant.
        Sep 25, 2022
      4. tniuf
        Hey strawberry, sorry for such a late post... Did it bother him at the beginning? How much did it bother him? How long did it take him to get used to it?
        Feb 1, 2023
        Strawberryblonde likes this.
      5. Strawberryblonde
        He said he's never been bothered by it ( nearly 20yrs he's had it) and that's because he has no control over it so he doesn't let it bother him mentally.
        He says he can hear it over most things like at night watching TV and in bed at night, but he can fall asleep pretty quick. @tniuf
        Feb 1, 2023
        tniuf likes this.
    26. Strawberryblonde
      Does anyone else's ringing get louder when they lie down in bed? It's not this bad when I am up right and standing.
      1. Joe Cuber, BrOKeN_1 and NYCGuy like this.
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      3. Strawberryblonde
        Think it's become reactive as it seems to compete with whatever noise I'm playing at night. Too loud and all over the place to listen to without noise. So no sleep for me last night. Absolutely shattered. Had it since Monday night out of nowhere :(.
        Sep 23, 2022
        BrOKeN_1 likes this.
      4. BrOKeN_1
        I'm sorry. I know how your feeling. Loosing sleep is absolutely the worst. T is hard enough to manage with good/decent sleep. Since my T became reactive in May I've had to re-jigger my process. I hope you find something that works for you SOON! Don't forget to use your toolbox. You have some experience managing T already.
        Sep 23, 2022
        Strawberryblonde likes this.
      5. Strawberryblonde
        My old T was so easy never changed just got better and forgetful over the years. Until the idiot I am messed up when I had something soo good. Guilt feeding the anxiety and frightened itll be this way forever more. Trying to think positive. Thankyou @BrOKeN_1
        Sep 23, 2022
    27. Strawberryblonde
      Out in the garden listening to nature and its very relaxing. The birds and the breeze is a great masker :-).
    28. Strawberryblonde
      Think my TMJ is playing havoc with the left ear as can't think of any other triggers out of the norm. Hmm bloody well annoying. :-(
      1. NYCGuy likes this.
    29. Strawberryblonde
      Ringing woke me out my sleep last night after having a fair few quiet days in a row and sleeping in near silence (low sound masking).
      1. NYCGuy likes this.
    30. Strawberryblonde
      I think I need a little break from here and try not to fucus on my T as much as possible. Need to distract and focus elsewhere :-).
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  • About

    Secret Millionaire
    Tinnitus Since:
    1st mild (6/12/2015) mild-mod (3/5/2022)
    Cause of Tinnitus:
    Many reasons I assume but the T remains.