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Member, Female

my tolerance dropped again but this time it isn’t springing back. i think my sensitivity is affected by bad sleep and headaches and stuff. Feb 20, 2023

Safari1999 was last seen:
Feb 20, 2023
    1. haha ear go eeee
      haha ear go eeee
      Hey there, I'm just seeing how you're doing! Have you improved at all?
      1. Damocles likes this.
      2. Damocles
        Last I heard from her she had made a lot of improvement, followed by a small relapse.

        She's young, so my guess would be she's now living with mild symptoms that are steadily resolving over time.
        Jun 7, 2023
        haha ear go eeee likes this.
      3. haha ear go eeee
        haha ear go eeee
        @Damocles Okay good, I'm very glad you heard from her. I got a little bit worried cause she hasn't been online for a few months.
        Jun 7, 2023
        Damocles likes this.
    2. Safari1999
      my tolerance dropped again but this time it isn’t springing back. i think my sensitivity is affected by bad sleep and headaches and stuff.
      1. NYCGuy, Ondine and Sammy0225 like this.
      2. Strawberryblonde
        Lack of sleep definitely makes things worse. Do you get frequent headaches?
        Feb 20, 2023
        NYCGuy likes this.
    3. Sammy0225
      Hey so I got loudness H in my left ear. Stuff like dishes clanking or sudden loud burst that are not really loud make the ear spasm has yours improved any?
      1. Safari1999
        yes and i get the same thing even almost a year on and it’s improved a lot. i still hate kitchens tho.
        Feb 20, 2023
        Sammy0225 likes this.
    4. Safari1999
      ear fullness and pain
      1. Damocles likes this.
      2. Damocles
        What happened?

        I thought you might be improving after I last saw you.
        Dec 22, 2022
        NYCGuy likes this.
      3. Safari1999
        @Damocles i am and i have, but im still struggling a bit :)
        Dec 23, 2022
        FireFox93 and Damocles like this.
    5. Safari1999
      does anyone have any experience with Doc's proplugs? are they recommended?
      1. NYCGuy likes this.
    6. Safari1999
      omg the reality of being a teenager with hyperacusis is that people think i have autisum when i cover my ears? i just realised this 0.o
      1. NYCGuy and BrOKeN_1 like this.
      2. makeyourownluck
        I don’t think this is specific to teenagers.
        Sep 24, 2022
      3. kuromi
        I’m not really a teenager anymore, but I have autism and it definitely gives me some degree of sound sensitivity in connection with my T. Though it really isn’t hyperacusis.
        Sep 25, 2022
        Damocles likes this.
    7. lanterns&coffee
      Hey @Safari1999 ! It’s nice (kind of) to see another 16 year old here :D!! I’m also 16!! How are you feeling/coping with your H & T?
      1. Safari1999 likes this.
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      3. Safari1999
        also im 17 now :3
        Aug 22, 2022
        Steph1710 likes this.
      4. Safari1999
        ***i dont think screaming is an impact noise, what i meant was short but loud noises like a dish breaking, someone suddenly screaming etc
        Aug 22, 2022
        Steph1710 likes this.
      5. lanterns&coffee
        @Safari1999 thats great! I’m glad your t has gotten so much better, or we’ll your coping with it. Health issues suck and I understand how you feel especially with this condition being the cherry on top. I should buy earplugs huh .. anyways though I hope you continue to do better & better! P.s i turn 17 this year :3
        Aug 22, 2022
        Steph1710 likes this.
    8. Safari1999
      Its been 2 months and I still have ear pain :(
      1. FireFox93 and NYCGuy like this.
    9. Safari1999
      Is loudness H really that rare? I dont (want to) think so.
      1. Wrfortiscue
        Seems like it isn’t
        May 25, 2022
        Safari1999 likes this.
      2. FireFox93
        It probably is common, but it’s either underreported or people don’t notice it, who knows.
        Jun 27, 2022
    10. Safari1999
      Heartbeat in my right ear now. Yay!
      1. ZFire and Wrfortiscue like this.
      2. makeyourownluck
        For most people PT is not permanent. You might just have a cold coming on etc.
        May 23, 2022
        ZFire, Safari1999 and Wrfortiscue like this.
      3. Safari1999
        @mkeyourownluck yeah its pretty intermittent and goes after a couple minutes.
        May 24, 2022
    11. Safari1999
      "The human body is amazing!" no it isnt.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. ThomasF
        Specifically there is Frequency Therapeutics, A research team at Severance Hospital in S.Korea, and Northwest college.
        May 13, 2022
        Safari1999 likes this.
      3. Safari1999
        @ThomasF If these teams/companies succeed? Will they be able to treat H and T and VSS caused by acoustic trauma?
        May 13, 2022
        ThomasF likes this.
      4. ThomasF
        I can't say for certain as the direct causes for H and T aren't 100% known similarly with VSS there isn't anything written in stone. Doctors connect Hair cells and hearing as well as H and T to Hearing loss. It's described as possible that fixing Hearing can fix T and H but until they do that and see the result it's not something certain.
        May 13, 2022
        Safari1999 likes this.
    12. Safari1999
      are spikes from holding in a sneeze permenant? im so dumb
      1. NYCGuy likes this.
      2. Marshall
        Don’t hold a sneeze. You’re essentially giving your sneeze no where to go but up your ears and can cause no damage to deafness depending on the pressure. Always sneeze out your mouth.
        May 9, 2022
        Safari1999 and Rockman like this.
      3. Marshall
        But if you didn’t feel any dizziness/vertigo/muffled hearing after the sneeze I wouldn’t worry about it. The spike should calm down.
        May 9, 2022
        Safari1999 and Rockman like this.
      4. Safari1999
        @Marshall Im fine now I think but thanks, I'll never hold in a sneeze again lol
        May 9, 2022
        Marshall likes this.
    13. Safari1999
      ok i just now realised that it was 3 hours of the new batman in a cinema which messed up my ears and not the TV lol.
      1. Steph1710, ZFire, Wrfortiscue and 2 others like this.
      2. ZFire
        Was it a loud film for most its duration? Like lots of explosions/gunfire etc?
        May 8, 2022
        Safari1999 likes this.
      3. Safari1999
        @ZFire at least half of the movie was explosions, gunfire etc i remember thinking it was loud asf in the theatre lol
        May 8, 2022
        Barry098 and ZFire like this.
    14. Safari1999
      ok no more depression posts i promise
      1. Steph1710, Rockman and Wrfortiscue like this.
    15. Safari1999
      Ugh, my brother just slammed the door and now my right ear feels full.
      1. Marshall and Wrfortiscue like this.
      2. Marshall
        Walking on eggshells
        May 6, 2022
        Safari1999 likes this.
    16. Safari1999
      How common is VSS for tinnitus sufferers?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Marshall
        A lot of people have a mild form of it you just don’t notice it unless you pay attention
        May 7, 2022
        Safari1999 likes this.
      3. Safari1999
        @Snake If you dont mind, could you describe your symptoms? I just want to understand the condition better.
        May 7, 2022
      4. FireFox93
        I discovered I had vss back in February of 2020, really not a good time for me. Although 2 years have passed and I haven’t paid much mind to it as my symptoms are mild.
        May 15, 2022
    17. Safari1999
      I know that wearing ear protection at homr is bad, but what if some noises make me uncomfortable/hurt such as flushing the toilet?
      1. Wrfortiscue and Steph1710 like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Marshall
        I’m not sure if it matters. But those things used to be piercing to me but the more I subjected myself to them the less bothersome they got. I’m not sure why or what happened. But if something is above 80dbs or I know there a possibility of being loud and damaging, I wear muffs. Like vacuuming and the blender. I also switched to paper plates lol
        May 15, 2022
        Wrfortiscue and Safari1999 like this.
      4. Safari1999
        @Marshall yeah im not protecting my ears from those sounds anymore, anything over 79db however i will use protection. but, its hard to do even that.
        May 16, 2022
        Marshall likes this.
      5. Marshall
        It’s really a catch 22 all we can do is do our best and hope for the best
        May 16, 2022
        Wrfortiscue and Safari1999 like this.
    18. Safari1999
      Can anyone link me some good earplugs that allow me to talk to other people?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Safari1999
        @Diesel Where would I get custom earplugs? And how much do they usually cost?
        Apr 25, 2022
        Wrfortiscue likes this.
      3. kingsfan
        Most audiologists can take molds and place an order for you. Most seem to deal with Westone, but there are other companies such as Sensaphonics and ACS Custom. The latter two use a softer material which I find more comfortable, but seems to wear faster.

        They are typically around $200-$300. You are expected to re-mold and replace them every 4 years as the ear canal tends to change shape.
        Apr 25, 2022
        Rockman and Safari1999 like this.
      4. kingsfan
        Keep in mind that every earplug will have some level of occlusion. Using them as intended, in loud environments such as clubs or industrial jobs, you won't notice this. Us with bad tinnitus use them on lower volume situations which tends to accentuate it.
        Apr 25, 2022
        Rockman and Safari1999 like this.
    19. Safari1999
      Counting my blessings: my T is mild, I can do pretty much everything as normal if I wear ear plugs, my pain is reducing and I can sleep!
      1. Leila, ThomasF, Wrfortiscue and 6 others like this.
      2. Wrfortiscue
        That’s the way forward… good luck!
        Apr 25, 2022
        Safari1999 and Rockman like this.
      3. Leila
        That's great to hear!
        Apr 25, 2022
        Safari1999 likes this.
    20. Safari1999
      3 weeks in and no improvements
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Safari1999
        Apr 24, 2022
        Guywithapug and Wrfortiscue like this.
      3. Steph1710
        @Safari1999 did what not come back? Sorry, I must have missed something here. I still have T and H, if that’s what you mean? X
        Apr 25, 2022
        Safari1999 likes this.
      4. Safari1999
        @Steph1710 No, my mistake, I assumed that when you said you had seen improvements after "4/6 months" that you meant that you'd lost T and H. I'm glad you've improved though :)
        Apr 25, 2022
    21. Safari1999
      Ughhh spoke to soon, I think my tinnitus has gotten louder.
      1. Guywithapug, JPGL and Wrfortiscue like this.
      2. Rockman
        There's a good chance it will very over time and settle into constant sound you get use to or goes away hope for the second one
        Apr 22, 2022
        Guywithapug, Steph1710 and Safari1999 like this.
    22. Safari1999
      School with earplugs actually was not that bad AND I had to take the loud bus twice :)
      1. Damocles, AnonymousPie, aura and 4 others like this.
    23. Safari1999
      Just a Q, is hyperacusis always chronic?
      1. Wrfortiscue likes this.
      2. obnoxious
        Apr 18, 2022
    24. Safari1999
      Did anyone experience unexplainable tingling in hands and feet prior to hyperacusis? Like pins and needles but for no reason.
      1. JPGL, ZFire and Wrfortiscue like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Safari1999
        @Wrfortiscue I have those same sensations but a lot less extreme. I feel like I get pins and needles much more easily than I used to. When did this start for you BTW?
        Apr 17, 2022
        Wrfortiscue likes this.
      4. makeyourownluck
        Pins and needles/pain shouldn’t be much of a concern. The nerve may be pinched or inflamed, but it still works, and in all likelihood will resolve by itself.

        When things start going numb, that’s a problem.
        Apr 18, 2022
        Safari1999 and Wrfortiscue like this.
      5. Wrfortiscue
        @Safari1999 all those issues started after having years of anxiety and panic. My nervous system got fried. Please find ways to calm your anxiety right now
        Apr 18, 2022
        Safari1999 and Rockman like this.
    25. Safari1999
      Does anyone have any tips on how to use earplugs safely? Sometimes I press too hard and feel pain :(
      1. Guywithapug
        Foam plugs should be rolled and compressed and then slid into the ear canal. You will feel it decompress in the canal and fill up space until it sits tight. The outer face of it should be flush and not extend out if you're looking into a mirror. When you remove it, dont just yank it out, pinch the face and pull slowly with a twisting motion. This is how most instructions read as well as online tutorials.
        Apr 16, 2022
        Rockman, Damocles and Safari1999 like this.
    26. Safari1999
      I think I developed something called trigeminal neuralgia, the right side of my face/head hurts so much. I'm just getting worse day by day.
      1. MindOverMatter
        What are your symptoms? More specifically?
        Apr 15, 2022
        Damocles and Steph1710 like this.
      2. Safari1999
        @MindOverMatter Pain in my right ear radiating to my right cheek, right side of my head and the right side of my jaw. Its sort of gone now though :).
        Apr 15, 2022
        Exit and Damocles like this.
    27. Safari1999
      Any teenagers on here please reply!
      1. Damocles likes this.
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      3. Damocles
        Exactly Steph. Them young'uns never stick around long, for the precise reason that they tend to heal and we don't.

        Not many 16 year olds end up with permanent moderate/severe tinnitus and/or hyperacusis.

        Take comfort in that @Safari1999.
        Apr 15, 2022
        Exit, Safari1999 and Steph1710 like this.
      4. Safari1999
        @Steph1710 @Damocles PLEASE dont take offence, I just realised my comment was quite blunt.

        Thanks for the reassurance :)
        Apr 15, 2022
        Exit, Steph1710 and Damocles like this.
      5. Steph1710
        @Safari1999 no offence taken. :) We were just making sure you’re alright - that’s all. X
        Apr 15, 2022
        Exit, Safari1999 and Damocles like this.
    28. Safari1999
      Cant go outside but hey, at least I got trophy points from!
      1. Damocles
        That's really all that matters.
        Apr 13, 2022
        makeyourownluck and Safari1999 like this.
      2. Damocles
        Text your friends and let them know. Ask them how many likes THEY got on TT this week. <( ̄~ ̄)>
        Apr 13, 2022
        Safari1999 likes this.
    29. Safari1999
      I was such a different person just a week ago.
      1. Steph1710 likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Steph1710
        @Safari1999 my H developed about three months after T in 2020. It was fairly mild at first, but my boyfriend hit two plates together & it became a lot worse. However, it’s mild again these days. Only certain sounds now hurt, whereas any sound would hurt before. One thing that never improved was the sore/burning ear pain which I seem to have regardless of noise exposure.
        Apr 15, 2022
        Safari1999 likes this.
      4. Steph1710
        The pain is worse in the morning for some reason. Not sure if that’s even H related though.
        I’m sorry you’re suffering with H atm. Do you know what might have triggered it? X
        Apr 15, 2022
        Safari1999 likes this.
      5. Safari1999
        @Steph1710 Noise exposure, I used to play music very loudly through earphones until I noticed (v. minor) sensitivity/pain that would go away after a day. I continued to use earphones at a lower volume which still hurt. Also, I take the train/bus frequently. My current acoustic shock was caused by TV volume that was too loud. I guess my ears just got more and more damaged over the course of a year.
        Apr 15, 2022
    30. Safari1999
      No one understands, I thought I had problems before. Eating disorders are a luxury compared to this.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Foamearplugssuck
        and yeah haha my ED is basically gone because of my H. I have 0 energy to care anymore. wish I could have my old problems back but alas.
        Apr 19, 2022
        Safari1999 likes this.
      3. Safari1999
        @Foamearplugssuck Thanks for your replies <3. I hate that I did this to myself but I've accepted it. I hope you improve soon <333
        Apr 19, 2022
      4. Foamearplugssuck
        @Safari1999 ty you too! and please try not to be so hard on yourself. so many people abuse their ears on a daily basis, and no one knows how sensitive they are until they find themselves in this kind of situation. it's not your fault for not knowing.
        Apr 19, 2022
        Safari1999 likes this.
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  • About

    Tinnitus Since:
    H and T since 04/2022
    Cause of Tinnitus:
    Noise damage