Feb 14, 2020
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Today is my 4th anniversary of acquiring intrusive T and H. To those of you that are new and still struggling to cope... it gets easier. Jan 11, 2023

    1. WillBeNimble
      Hope you're doing well, man.
    2. Diesel
      Today is my 4th anniversary of acquiring intrusive T and H. To those of you that are new and still struggling to cope... it gets easier.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. BrOKeN_1
        @Tara Lyons "does it get easier? " is a bit of a loaded question because I think everyone deal with it differently. Or like covid there are different tinnitus variants. Lol. Either way. At least for myself. Getting easier just meant I have become somewhat emotionally numb. Of course there are plenty of moments of weakness and I personally stay on a mild antidepressant so maybe that helps.
        Jan 20, 2023
        Strawberryblonde likes this.
      3. twa
        @Diesel glad you are doing well. I come back and check in every now and then and look for people who were here when mine started in Oct 2020.
        Jun 10, 2023
        BrOKeN_1 likes this.
      4. BrOKeN_1
        @twa.. we still running neck and neck girl. Good to see your getting on ok. One day at at a time. Keep it up!
        Jun 11, 2023
    3. Diesel
      1. in_LA, Steph1710, AbeS and 1 other person like this.
      2. BrOKeN_1
        Love this dudes music!
        Feb 23, 2022
        Damocles and Steph1710 like this.
      3. in_LA
        But he refuses to use hearing aids.
        Jan 7, 2023
    4. Street Novelist
      Street Novelist
      Can you take a look at my audiogram in the FX-322 thread and tell me what's what? My audiologist is basically useless and just says I have mild hearing loss. Can you tell if I have any conductive hearing loss? Is it just mild?
    5. Diesel
      I got a Covid Pfizer booster AND flu shot in the same appointment.
      1. Kriszti, Charburchar, Ed209 and 2 others like this.
      2. Steph1710
        Heavy man. Heavy.
        Dec 16, 2021
        Diesel likes this.
      3. aura
        Balls of steel ! :))
        Dec 16, 2021
    6. twa
      Hope you're doing ok, we haven't heard from you in a while. :-)
      1. JPGL, Damocles and Tanni like this.
      2. Diesel
        Hey thanks for checking in! I’m good, just been keeping busy.
        Jul 31, 2021
        JPGL, Damocles, athan86 and 1 other person like this.
      3. twa
        @Diesel it seems like the best medicine!
        Jul 31, 2021
        JPGL, Damocles and Diesel like this.
    7. Diesel
      Planned house work this summer. That means knocking the dust off loud power tools that I haven't used in 2+ years. Am I worried? A little.
      1. Steph1710 likes this.
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      3. Steph1710
        @Diesel when I’m using power tools, I double protect - ear plugs and over ear protection, plus breaks. I’ve never had an issue. I have been stupid a fair few times and started the tools/machines without protection, simply because I’ve forgotten. Still been okay though. :)
        Jun 20, 2021
      4. Diesel
        @Steph1710 my plan includes double protection as well and spreading the work across a few days to not “overdo it” accidentally. Good to read that you’ve been issue free; def helps put my mind at ease.
        Jun 20, 2021
      5. twa
        @Diesel how are the home projects going?
        Jul 1, 2021
    8. Diesel
      Busy weekend! Went to a noisy bar and wedding reception Fri/Sat. 85 dB+ for hours. Kept the earplugs in on both occasions. No spikes.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. AfroSnowman
        Living life is awesome
        Jun 15, 2021
        Steph1710, twa and kuromi like this.
      3. Diesel
        @Deamon22, I thought about foam plugs, and brought a set of black ones. I find they’re good when it’s noisy and people are talking over loud music, but really hard to hear when it isn’t.
        Jun 15, 2021
        kuromi likes this.
      4. Deamon22
        @Diesel Yes, sometimes it can get a bit hard to understand, but mostly I get by. However I should try to buy a few black foam earplugs, they should be even harder to spot right?
        Jun 15, 2021
        kuromi likes this.
    9. Diesel
      I was told there would be cicadas everywhere by now ...
      1. Shelbylynn
        I hear them everywhere can't see them tho
        Jun 6, 2021
        IntotheBlue03 and twa like this.
      2. nocticolor
        Yeah, they’re all in my head!
        Jun 6, 2021
        twa likes this.
      3. twa
        They are a normal part of summer where I live. I've read on another website that the brood X cicadas this year are so loud that earplugs don't block much of the sound.
        Jun 7, 2021
    10. Diesel
      The man on the phone on the HLAA meeting right now talking about regen is a serious winner. If you're on here, message me.
      1. ajc
        Michael from Ontario, Canada, noise-induced hearing loss, worsened due to noise exposures, including a loud movie theater / MRI that finished him off, moderate to severe high frequency hearing loss, ski-slope audiogram, severe tinnitus (65-70 dB loud) and hyperacusis. What a GUY!
        May 25, 2021
        Matchbox, serendipity1996 and Diesel like this.
      2. Tezcatlipoca
        What did he say?
        May 25, 2021
        Matchbox and aot like this.
      3. serendipity1996
        Big up Michael from Ontario. He was NOT holding back and I am 100% here for it.
        May 25, 2021
    11. Diesel
      If "Jake S." is on here, your testimonial on the HLAA meeting about your Tinnitus and Hyperacusis was incredibly touching, and very real.
      1. Steph1710, GBB and serendipity1996 like this.
      2. aot
        May 25, 2021
      3. Diesel
    12. Diesel
      The summer slouchy beanie is my new go-to for concealing my ear plugs at social gatherings. Also makes me look like a cave dwelling hermit.
      1. Keith Handy, Steph1710 and Leila like this.
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      3. twa
        We need a pic!
        May 24, 2021
        Steph1710, Zugzug and Diesel like this.
      4. Zugzug
        I just use my earmuffs to conceal my earplugs :)

        I hope all is well(ish).
        May 24, 2021
      5. kingsfan
        What kind of ear plugs and what NRR level of protection do you use?

        I'm finding it too difficult to wear my westone custom ear plugs out anymore. The ringing is just too damn loud with them in. I'm using earaser plugs most of the time now as they let more sound through, and I can hear people talk better. Always worried they aren't enough to protect me though.
        Jun 2, 2021
        twa likes this.
    13. Diesel
      We've come too far to give up who we are.
      1. twa, Jebbis, kuromi and 4 others like this.
    14. Diesel
      Ugh. Have an extended family event this weekend. Really not looking forward to the endless, “how’s your hearing” conversations.
      1. Sayeed
        You should respond with "huh". Lol
        May 18, 2021
        Christiaan, Mary97 and twa like this.
      2. Diesel
        @Sayeed I usually go for something like, "No thanks, I'm not hungry."
        May 19, 2021
        Christiaan, Mary97, twa and 1 other person like this.
      3. twa
        @Sayeed that made me laugh! :-D

        @Diesel I guess on the bright side at least they ask. No one in my family asks, they just try to act like everything is normal.
        May 21, 2021
    15. Diesel
      Forty Six & 2
      1. Tatsopa likes this.
      2. Zugzug
        Tool used to be my jam, particularly for working out. My favorite song is probably Parabola.
        May 14, 2021
        Tatsopa and Diesel like this.
      3. Tatsopa
        Yeah, Tool Army all the way . Fear Inoculum contains some masterpieces (Descending, 7empest). The only problem is that freaking "eeeeeeee" they choose to put on every track .
        Sorry bad day = bad jokes.
        May 15, 2021
      4. Jebbis
        Saw tool live on March 9th the day before the pandy hit with my boyfriend who had seen them 6 times. Absolutely love tool. They have literally been a tool in my healing. This was before T. Also saw author and punisher which was CRAZY.
        May 15, 2021
        Diesel likes this.
    16. Diesel
      7 days post 2nd Pfizer COVID vaccine. No news to report. Didn't really even get sick.
      1. twa, Keith Handy, Tanni and 3 others like this.
      2. joe
        no sore arm or anything? good it went ok!
        May 13, 2021
      3. Diesel
        It was way less sore than the first 1. I guess I forgot about that, it cleared on the first day.
        May 13, 2021
    17. Diesel
      1. twa, Steph1710, Tezcatlipoca and 4 others like this.
      2. Diesel
        Also, submit the comments form re: living with SNHL/Tinnitus/Hyperacusis/whatever else. I couldn't think of a better place to get our conditions in front of the FDA and all of these therapeutic companies.
        May 12, 2021
    18. Diesel
      Ordered mulch. Spring is officially here.
      1. twa, Jebbis and Tezcatlipoca like this.
      2. Jebbis
        Yeahhh!!!! Plant it up!!!!
        May 15, 2021
    19. Diesel
      Day 2 Post Pfizer Covid Shot #2: No changes to report. I don’t even feel sick or anything.
      1. Zugzug, Steph1710 and athan86 like this.
      2. twa
        Glad you are doing well!
        May 9, 2021
    20. Diesel
      12 hours post Pfizer Covid-19 shot #2, and I’ve got so far is a sore arm.
    21. Diesel
      The link between synaptopathy and tinnitus has me thinking...
      1. Tezcatlipoca
        I remember reading that noise induced hearing loss/tinnitus has a higher Synaptopathy factor than hair cell loss, so maybe Synaptopathy drugs can help NIHL people the most?
        May 8, 2021
      2. ASilverLight
        Honestly put me to sleep until these treatments are out lol
        May 8, 2021
        ltwhisper and Kriszti like this.
    22. Diesel
      2-Hours post Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine #2 ... no issues to report.
      1. Keith Handy and Zugzug like this.
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      3. twa
        I woke up with vertigo 5 days after the 1st vaccine, resolved in one day. I woke up with vertigo 13 days after the 2nd vaccine. I'm on day 16 of vertigo/dizziness, feeling much better though.
        May 7, 2021
      4. Diesel
        @twa I am glad to read that you're feeling better. I have been thinking of you lately. Sending you good thoughts right now.
        May 7, 2021
        twa and Keith Handy like this.
      5. twa
        @Diesel, thanks so much for the kind words and good thoughts. I appreciate the support.(in my Southern drawl):-D
        May 7, 2021
        Diesel likes this.
    23. Diesel
      What a week.. and to top it off, getting my second covid shot tomorrow. A quick and event-free recovery would actually make my week.
    24. Diesel
      I totally read everyone's posts here in my head based on what I think they sound like.
      1. Sentinel, kuromi, RingingMike and 3 others like this.
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      3. Steph1710
        Oh! What do you think I sound like?
        May 5, 2021
        Diesel and Keith Handy like this.
      4. Keith Handy
        Keith Handy
        @Steph1710 - you obviously sound like Carol Cleveland, since Monty Python is my entire frame of reference for English voices and personalities. ;)
        May 6, 2021
        twa and Diesel like this.
      5. Diesel
        @Shelbylynn - How they write, and what their little profile thumbnail says.

        @aot - A typical 20-year old midwesterner

        @Steph1710 - Chloe Veitch
        May 6, 2021
    25. Diesel
      2 Weeks from 1st Pfizer COVID-19 Shot. No consistent change in T/H/Hearing since the shot.
      1. arcanesystem, wwtsai, Kriszti and 4 others like this.
    26. Diesel
      10 days from 1st Pfizer COVID-19 Shot. No change in T/H/Hearing.
      1. aot and Keith Handy like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Keith Handy
        Keith Handy
        "Eh, your life already sucks enough. NEXT."
        Apr 26, 2021
      4. Diesel
        @Zugzug, hope all goes well. Mine is 5/7, first thing in the morning. I hope I make it through work. Already got some trash movies queued up on Netflix for the weekend recovery.
        Apr 26, 2021
      5. twa
        Apr 26, 2021
    27. Diesel
      1 Week after first shot of Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine. T/H and Hearing still at baseline.
      1. twa
        Take care, hydrate, eat well and rest. Both my reactions were at 5 and 10 days after the vaccine.
        Apr 23, 2021
      2. Diesel
        @twa so far, doing things normally as possible. Decent diet, normal sleep. I'll check back in at Week 2.
        Apr 23, 2021
        twa likes this.
      3. MrCrybaby
        Just got mine today! I’m nervous about what could happen but I know it will probably be ok. Your case comforts me :)
        Apr 24, 2021
        twa likes this.
    28. Diesel
      The tone stuck in my good ear last night faded by 2AM. I think a lady screaming on a TV show caused the ear to react. Is this reactive T?
      1. Keith Handy
        Keith Handy
        I think of "reactive" as quick both in starting and stopping, so it overlays sounds and fades as soon as the triggering sound ends. But it can have varying ramp-up and ramp-down speeds, from instantaneous to several seconds. That's my take, based on experience.
        Apr 22, 2021
      2. Diesel
        @Keith Handy, Ok, I've experienced this description of reactivity early on with my T/H. This description seems to be much more rare now that I'm 2+ years in. What I experienced last night was like a spike at a certain frequency (a scream) but without spiking the normal T I experience. Really wild, don't know if it has an official name.
        Apr 22, 2021
    29. Diesel
      Out of nowhere while watching TV, my “good” ear starts the fleeting “eeee”. It has stuck that way for the last 30min. Slightly freaked out.
      1. Matchbox and Zugzug like this.
      2. Matchbox
        I've been getting insane fleeting low, medium, high T lately too that sticks for minutes.Been taking more ginko lately....
        Apr 22, 2021
    30. Diesel
      96 Hours after 1st Pfizer Vaccine dose. No issues.
      1. 100Hz, Syb, Matchbox and 4 others like this.
      2. Matchbox
        keep us posted out to 2 weeks!
        Apr 19, 2021
        Diesel likes this.
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    Tinnitus Since:
    Cause of Tinnitus:
    20+ Years of Live Music, Motorcycles, and Power Tools