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Member, Female, from Manchester, UK

anyone have any updates on the Susan shore device? I have literally no hope on anything to improve T but I was wondering how that is going Jan 24, 2024

Nadia231 was last seen:
Jan 25, 2024
    1. Nadia231
      anyone have any updates on the Susan shore device? I have literally no hope on anything to improve T but I was wondering how that is going
      1. RunningMan likes this.
      2. BellaMia
        According to U of M website
        a possible June release. Don't hold your breath.
        Jan 24, 2024
        Nadia231, gameover and RunningMan like this.
      3. RunningMan
        Jan 24, 2024
        Nadia231 and gameover like this.
      4. Tryn2BHopeful
        I am hoping by the time I get my appointment at the T clinic in Philly which is a 6-8month wait from now it will be close enough on the horizon that I can talk to the audiologist about it.
        Jan 25, 2024
        Nadia231 likes this.
    2. Nadia231
      Has anyone been to any T support groups? North of England, like around Manchester? I'd like to meet pplwith T, in person, I feel so isolated
      1. Juliane, Leila, Diego LR and 2 others like this.
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      3. Diego LR
        Diego LR
        Hi Nadia, I am also a Spanish living in the UK, but in London. I also have H & severe T. Also struggling a lot with these conditions.
        Jun 25, 2023
        Nadia231 likes this.
      4. Leila
        Yes, a RL support group would be nice.
        Jun 25, 2023
        Nadia231 likes this.
      5. Zigs
        I’m in the north west too! I believe there’s one at Aintree hospital, or was before Covid anyway
        Aug 25, 2024
    3. Nadia231
      Hi folks.not been here in quite a while, trying to disconnect from more sadness and pain. My T and H are worst than 3 months ago. Unbearable
      1. Barry098, TheCapybara and tpj like this.
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      3. Mo8409
        Hi @Nadia231 Do you have any type of hearing loss? How long have you had it? I'm sorry you're having a hard time. ❣️
        May 29, 2023
        Nadia231 likes this.
      4. Nadia231
        @Mo8409 I only have a mild hearing loss in my r. Ear. But its not causing me any issues, my hearing is good. My T started really really mild in 2015 just in my left ear, and has been getting worse progressively. Now I have H and very loud T in both ears
        May 31, 2023
        Mo8409 likes this.
      5. Mo8409
        @Nadia231 I'm so sorry to hear that! I hear that happening quite often :( I hope it goes back down with time. I'm sure it's frustrating to deal with.
        May 31, 2023
        Nadia231 likes this.
    4. Strawberryblonde
      How have you been doing Nadia? :)
      1. Nadia231 likes this.
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      3. Barry098
        Mine is the same way. I manage ok for a few weeks then suddenly for no apparent reason it amplifies and becomes unbearable. Hang in there @Nadia231 at lest we know there will be manageable times ahead!
        Apr 14, 2023
        Nadia231 and Strawberryblonde like this.
      4. Strawberryblonde
        Sorry to hear you are going through such a shitty time with your T right now @Nadia231 Does this happen often were you get a sort of reprieve then it ramps up?
        Apr 15, 2023
        Nadia231 likes this.
      5. Nadia231
        @Strawberryblonde I don't really get any improvements as such, I just keep habituating to louder and louder tones and when I am mentally more stable and accepting my T it becomes worse again. So I'm at a point now where it's just a huge pile of new tones that keep stacking up. And the H does not let me do anything. Thanks for asking
        Apr 17, 2023
        Strawberryblonde likes this.
    5. Nadia231
      Hi folks. Has anyone tried T retraining therapy on the British NHS? Ive got my appt in 2 weeks and I don't know what to think...
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      2. UKBloke
        Interesting. Are they referring to it as TRT? I have an optional NHS pathway into CBT, which may or may not be the same thing. Would need to compare protocols.
        Dec 2, 2022
        Strawberryblonde likes this.
      3. Nadia231
        @Strawberryblonde I guess so. I have an initial consultation in 2 weeks and have no idea what's going to be about
        Dec 2, 2022
        Strawberryblonde likes this.
      4. Nadia231
        @UKBloke I think that's what the doctor said to me. I'll wait and see, but I expect nothing from it. I said to him I have severe hyperacusis. If they are going to teach me how to meditate while listening to some sounds... I'm f**ed
        Dec 2, 2022
        Strawberryblonde likes this.
    6. Nadia231
      Hyperacusis is so bad that I can even do normal stuff w/o ear defenders. I knew this all along, it was pointless. It's so frustrating
    7. Nadia231
      Went to the ENT and after 3h came home (in tears) knowing that I have to buy an under the pillow device... After explaining that the 1/2
      1. NYCGuy, sakrt and Strawberryblonde like this.
    8. Nadia231
      I can't be the only one who doubles or triples her daily steps just because I take the quieter but longer routes home to avoid loud streets
      1. JPGL, Charburchar, Leila and 4 others like this.
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      3. Lurius
        I don't go at all unless there's an emergency. Loudest place I will go is the grocery store and only in the morning, when there's no people.
        Nov 8, 2022
        JPGL and Nadia231 like this.
      4. Leila
        You should see me on my walks whenever there are people with young children or dogs approaching :)
        Nov 8, 2022
        JPGL, sakrt, Nadia231 and 1 other person like this.
      5. Lurius
        I just want to hug all of you.
        Nov 8, 2022
        JPGL, sakrt, Nadia231 and 1 other person like this.
    9. Nadia231
      Bonfire night! People stay inside, nice and safe. Even from inside my house I can't help but getting anxious about the noise.
      1. JPGL, Charburchar, NYCGuy and 4 others like this.
      2. Damocles
        In my every window double glazed, every vent sealed, apartment right now, @Nadia231, and got my X5As on as I type this.

        Sounds like World War 3 has arrived early here.
        Nov 5, 2022
        JPGL, Nadia231, sakrt and 1 other person like this.
      3. Strawberryblonde
        So glad bonfire night is over for another year :D just new years eve to get past next!! Already dreading that one lol.
        Nov 9, 2022
        JPGL, Nadia231 and Damocles like this.
    10. Nadia231
      2/2 now all sounds around have increased in volume, it's like a cannot hear anything but still hear it loud. I'm so scared, what is this?
      1. Forever hopeful
        Forever hopeful
        Perhaps you should see an doctor. Seems to be a material change.
        Oct 13, 2022
      2. Nadia231
        @Forever hopeful I'm calling my GP tomorrow morning. The British NHS doesn't work well though... It could be weeks or months until I can see an ENT
        Oct 13, 2022
        sakrt likes this.
      3. Forever hopeful
        Forever hopeful
        @Nadia231 So sorry. We don’t have a national health service in the United States so access is a little bit more relaxed
        Oct 14, 2022
        sakrt and Nadia231 like this.
    11. Nadia231
      1/2 I was coping so well lately with T and H. This morning at work sth weird happened inside my ears, like sudden pressure, muffled hearing
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      2. Nadia231
        @CRGC nothing at all, I was at work in a silent room for hours working on my PC. Nothing has happened this week either. I'm devastated. I'm locked up in my bedroom right now. Just opening a drawer is unbearable
        Oct 13, 2022
      3. CRGC
        Sorry to hear…hang in there! Do you feel like you’re experiencing sudden hearing loss? If that’s the case call a doctor! Tell them it’s an emergency. If not, could be a sensitivity spike. Hope you get it under control <3
        Oct 14, 2022
        Nadia231 likes this.
      4. Nadia231
        No hearing loss I think, actually everything sounds louder. It started with ear fullness and pressure, followed by a weird sensation in my head and the hyperacisis spike
        Oct 14, 2022
    12. Nadia231
      These clicking sounds are driving me mad. They're continuous sounds similar to a clicking pen. It stops for 20 mins and then back again
      1. in_LA and NYCGuy like this.
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      3. Nadia231
        @NYCGuy what can the do? What type of surgery? Most ENTs Ive been to are absolutely clueless about every single symptom I describe to them
        Sep 26, 2022
        sakrt and NYCGuy like this.
      4. TheDanishGirl
        @NYCGuy Really? But it probably carries risk of worsening tinnitus further. I could imagine that.
        Sep 26, 2022
        NYCGuy likes this.
      5. NYCGuy
        @Nadia231 @TheDanishGirl Very few know, there are two groups in facebook called tonic tensor tympani / middle ear myoclonus. I will doctor santos in Boston and the best in Europe is Manohar Bance . There are risk of causing Tinnitus or even going deaf, but so far 95% the times there are no problems. Is very important that doctor do it with laser and also not via the eardrum, so very few knows about it.
        Sep 26, 2022
        sakrt, Nadia231 and Kriszti like this.
    13. Nadia231
      2 years after my huge spike that turned my already distressing T into a living nightmare, accompanied by an even more cruel friend (H)
      1. NYCGuy likes this.
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      3. Nadia231
        Unfortunately things have not improved and T + H have just slowly worsened. Mental health has been a rollercoaster, and it still is.
        Sep 13, 2022
        sakrt likes this.
      4. Leila
        Oh yeah, you don't know the meaning of true suffering until you've had a run in with hyperacusis. I hope your tormentors have calmed down a little with time!
        Sep 13, 2022
        sakrt and Nadia231 like this.
      5. CRGC
        Sorry to hear Nadia, I hope things get better for you
        Sep 13, 2022
        sakrt and Nadia231 like this.
    14. MartinPihl
      Hi there.
      Reading your posts, we seem to have very similar T.

      How is it going with your fleeting T? I have mine 1-3 times each day, precisely with the same symptoms that you describe in your posts.

      I am also nervous about catching Covid (working as a teacher, so im basically just waiting to get it) - I hope that it still hasnt affected your T?
      1. Nadia231
        Hi there, my fleeting T has not been very active lately, I'm associating that with my level of stress. I'm more calmed now.

        I'm also a teacher and was basically waiting for it. My T has not changed, but I did notice some strange symptoms while I was ill, mainly related to my ETD (popping, cracking, spasms) like a common cold.
        I hope you are well!
        Jan 3, 2022
        NYCGuy and Damocles like this.
    15. Damocles
      1. Nadia231, Stacken77 and ZFire like this.
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      3. Damocles
        So pleased to hear this @Nadia231!

        I'm not sure how long it will take for the sense of taste and smell to return (I never suffered this symptom), but from people I know, I've been told it can take up to 2 months; so just be patient with that.
        Dec 19, 2021
        JPGL and Nadia231 like this.
      4. Damocles
        The good thing is, you are now going to have developed anti-bodies (aka. natural immunity) 700 times more protective than any COVID "vaccine" you might have gotten!

        So that is also a win!
        Dec 19, 2021
      5. Damocles
        Anyways, I'm doing well, thank you for asking.

        Very busy at the moment (studying, working, exercising), so not finding much time to check TT, but taking a break tonight just to make sure you're all doing okay. ♡
        Dec 19, 2021
        Nadia231 and Exit like this.
    16. Nadia231
      I've tested positive on covid, so scared that it might affect my T
      1. JPGL, Wrfortiscue and andrewsomatict like this.
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      3. Damocles
        That's good @Nadia231, sounds like you're over the worst of it. I expect you should be feeling 100% again soon.

        Just keep doing the healthy things, and maybe try some steam inhalation (with Olbas oil) for the ears. The funny feeling could be fluid trapped in your eustachian tubes.
        Dec 5, 2021
        Nadia231 likes this.
      4. Nadia231
        @Damocles that sounds good, I will definitely give it a go. I got some Quercetin as you suggested (+my usual NAC, b12, D, magnesium), so let's see if all that gives my inmune system a good boost!
        Dec 6, 2021
        Damocles likes this.
      5. Lurius
        I'm so glad to hear you're doing better. I feared the worst but hoped for the best.
        Dec 6, 2021
        Nadia231 likes this.
    17. Nadia231
      First time since big spike a year ago that I did not notice my T until 10 minutes after waking up. I couldn't believe it. Made my day!
      1. CRGC, JPGL, MartinPihl and 11 others like this.
      2. Damocles
        That's what I'M talkin' about @Nadia231!

        Starting to acclimatise.

        Nice work!
        Nov 10, 2021
        Nadia231 likes this.
    18. Nadia231
      Does anyone else get this weird symptom with their fleeting T episodes? Along with the feeling of deafness for a second, I also feel
      1. MartinPihl and Steph1710 like this.
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      3. Nadia231
        @Damocles you're very right about all the paranoia that comes with T, but I've had T since 2015 which progressively got worse with the years... So any new weird symptoms just scare me so much. But I'll take your advice. Worrying won't solve it anyway.
        Oct 28, 2021
        twa and Damocles like this.
      4. Steph1710
        @Nadia231 yes I do. I thought that was normal with fleeting T. :-/
        Oct 28, 2021
        Damocles, MartinPihl and Nadia231 like this.
      5. Robster
        It's very common with fleeting T. My hearing drops out for a split second, followed by louder than normal T for a few seconds. Happens to me most days, kind of use to it now.
        Nov 1, 2021
        MartinPihl and Nadia231 like this.
    19. Nadia231
      Lots of fleeting T episodes with feeling of deafness today... Very scary ones. Some of them lingered for longer than usual.
      1. guenguer, JPGL, MartinPihl and 2 others like this.
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      3. Damocles
        Of course it could just be random. Some days I get it a lot (although, not to the extreme I've related above) and other days not at all.

        Don't worry about it though. Just another symptom we all seem to share in common. By the time you've had tinnitus as long as some of us have, this sort of thing doesn't even seem worth mentioning.
        Oct 22, 2021
        JPGL, Exit, Wrfortiscue and 1 other person like this.
      4. Nadia231
        I don't drink coffee or anything with caffeine and can't really identify the cause... As long as the don't stay, I'm fine.. I just get really scared when I get one...
        Oct 22, 2021
        Damocles, Exit and Wrfortiscue like this.
      5. Wrfortiscue
        What Damocles said… you’re good nadia231 no worries
        Oct 22, 2021
        Damocles, Nadia231 and Exit like this.
    20. Nadia231
      Hi all, any recommendations on ear defenders? They are mainly for flying and to do some noisy house chores.
      1. Steph1710 likes this.
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      3. Nadia231
        Hi guys, I bought the x5a peltors and the noise cancelling is great but they are too tight? I thought I bought the wrong size but apparently that's the standard. They really hurt and I'm desperate to take them off, is that normal?
        Oct 4, 2021
      4. Kriszti
        Used to be tight and uncomfortable for me too, but it gradually got better as I kept wearing them.
        Oct 4, 2021
        Damocles and Nadia231 like this.
      5. Robster
        I use Peltor 3M, they are a little tight but I have a big head!
        Oct 22, 2021
    21. Damocles
      I'm not a great advocate of zoophilia @Nadia231, but I think I have a crush on your cat... /ᐠ.ꞈ.ᐟ\
      1. Stacken77, Exit and Nadia231 like this.
      2. Nadia231
        Hahaha, this comment just made my day. I know, Sira is way too cute!
        Sep 26, 2021
        Exit and Damocles like this.
      3. Stacken77
        The cat is so cute!!
        Oct 28, 2021
        Damocles likes this.
    22. Nadia231
      In panic mode after a sudden spike+new tone... I'm at work and don't know how I'm going to get through the day
      1. star-affinity
        Sorry about that. :(
        Try to think/hope it will get better – that the spike is likely temporary. Easier said than done, I know...
        Sep 22, 2021
      2. star-affinity
        Do you have some sort of speaker where you can have a low volume but distracting sound on?

        Here are many options:
        Sep 22, 2021
      3. Nadia231
        Thanks for your words. I will look into that.. I think is more the fear of it becoming permanent, like it usually happens for me
        Sep 22, 2021
    23. Nadia231
      T sufferer for 5 years now my brother-20yo- has T as well. My anxiety is off the roof, thinking he'll have to go through all this I'm gutted
      1. Christiaan and Damocles like this.
      2. Damocles
        Sorry to hear this @Nadia231.

        At least he'll have you to help guide him through it.

        Just having someone that understands, let alone someone who cares and can offer advice, is a treasure one cannot put a price on.
        Sep 7, 2021
    24. Nadia231
      Just had one of the scariest episodes of fleeting T. So loud I could hear nothing but that for 40s. I'm still panicking.
      1. JPGL, MartinPihl and Gareth Davies like this.
      2. Gareth Davies
        Gareth Davies
        I’m really sorry Nadia; that sounds horrible :( How are you feeling now? Any theories yet on what could be causing it?
        Nov 12, 2020
      3. Nadia231
        No theories... I get fleeting T constantly, and I know what it is and that it goes away after a few secs. This one was so loud and long that it really scared me. Thanks for your comment
        Nov 12, 2020
        JPGL likes this.
    25. Nadia231
      6 weeks in after a spike... no improvement at all... Looks like it´ll be my new baseline. Don´t think I'll habituate to this loudness :( :(
      1. JPGL likes this.
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      3. kingsfan
        I hope you feel better. I'm a 2 weeks into a spike..well a new tone.. and it's been rough as well. Just remember you're not alone. We'll all get through this together.
        Nov 4, 2020
        JPGL and Nadia231 like this.
      4. dan
        how loud is it?
        Nov 19, 2020
        JPGL likes this.
      5. Nadia231
        It is quite loud. I hear it now over the TV, outside as well like at the park when it's quiet... And the hyperacusis is quite bad too...
        Nov 19, 2020
        JPGL likes this.
    26. Nadia231
      Anyone from the UK? Is prednisolone the same as the prednisone you guys talk about in this forum? Can you get it without prescription?
      1. Steph1710 likes this.
      2. Steph1710
        Hi Nadia. Prednisone has to be converted to Prednisolone in the liver before it can work. So actually Prednisolone is better. :) well no difference really. I'm in the UK in case you're wondering.

        Steph <3
        Sep 30, 2020
        Nadia231 likes this.
      3. Steph1710
        Oh I forgot to add that you can't get hold of it without a prescription. It's not a drug to messed about with. I was extremely lucky to have a doctor who prescribed it to me after I told him about its potential help towards the on set of tinnitus. X
        Sep 30, 2020
        Nadia231 likes this.
      4. Nadia231
        Oh Thanks for the info, I just asked because when I google: "prednisone UK" it always directs me to "prednisolone" so I thought it was a different thing in the UK. I will ask my ENT to prescribe some to see if it helps with my spike
        Sep 30, 2020
        JPGL and Steph1710 like this.
    27. Nadia231
      1 month in after loud seems this is going to be a permanent one. Same volumen, same tones... no hopes getting back to my baseline
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      2. Tweedleman
        take NAC and wait like 6 months imo
        Sep 26, 2020
        JPGL, Steph1710 and Nadia231 like this.
      3. Nadia231
        NAC did not do anything when I first got tinnitus. But I'm definitely giving it a go again... I'm quite desperate
        Sep 26, 2020
      4. Bill Bauer
        Bill Bauer
        Give it another month. If it doesn't begin fading after two months, perhaps your fears are justified. After just one month there is still hope.
        Sep 27, 2020
        Nadia231 likes this.
    28. Nadia231
      I habituated to my first tinnitus in 2 years. 3 weeks ago a very loud unmaskable spike woke me up in the middle of the night. I'm devastated
      1. JPGL and aot like this.
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      3. Steph1710
        To be honest Nadia, I just decided to get on with life as normal. Felt like killing myself to begin with, but as I got through the days, it slowly became better again. You just have to push forward even though it seems impossible. x x
        Sep 26, 2020
        tniuf, JPGL and Nadia231 like this.
      4. Nadia231
        Thanks for the comment. I really know that is the way to go.. But I just can't right now... I was so habituated to my normal tinnitus... And now I have this loud one in both ears all day. I will try my best.
        Sep 26, 2020
        JPGL and Steph1710 like this.
      5. Steph1710
        If it makes you feel not so alone, I’ve got a head cold right now, which has ramped up my T. I know it probably feels it Nadia, but you’re not alone. <3 I’m lying in bed now wishing I could go back to before when I didn’t have to sleep with sound on. I certainly miss the silence x
        Sep 26, 2020
        JPGL, LilSass and Nadia231 like this.
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    Manchester, UK
    Tinnitus Since:
    Cause of Tinnitus: